That Dude (post: 1385194) wrote:When God made Gelka, he decided to mix bubbles, rainbows, sharks, cupcakes, chocolate chips, puppies, kitties, and fun all into one bunch.
Althaia (post: 1324123) wrote:@ Maka: 1) hmmmm games id have to say Ar tonelico, and kingdom hearts and the .Hack series
2) anime well way too many to list....
3) well i like shugo chara, naruto,bleach, ummmm Hana to Akuma and a few others
Gelka (post: 1324124) wrote:*coughs*
Do you like lolly pops?
How many penguins would it take to change a light bulb?
Have you ever fallen out of your bed head first?
Do you think I'm weird?
Have you ever danced in the rain?
Would you wear a fluffy pink dress in public?
Apple juice or Orange juice.
Have you ever bungee jumped?
Would or have you gone sky diving?
Would you swim in a kiddie pool?
When was the last time you cleaned your room?
That Dude (post: 1385194) wrote:When God made Gelka, he decided to mix bubbles, rainbows, sharks, cupcakes, chocolate chips, puppies, kitties, and fun all into one bunch.
Ante Bellum (post: 1324155) wrote:Have you eaten anything normally considered inedible?
Have you fallen asleep while chewing gum?
Did you ever run into anyone while going backwards?
Would you ever try to gain control over the nearest lightbulb factory?
Have you ever used baling twine as a belt?
What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
Do you prefer sweatshirts or pidgeons?
Does the number 5395254 mean anything to you?
(Gelka's a true inspiration!)
That Dude (post: 1385194) wrote:When God made Gelka, he decided to mix bubbles, rainbows, sharks, cupcakes, chocolate chips, puppies, kitties, and fun all into one bunch.
That Dude (post: 1385194) wrote:When God made Gelka, he decided to mix bubbles, rainbows, sharks, cupcakes, chocolate chips, puppies, kitties, and fun all into one bunch.
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