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Postby Althaia » Sat Jun 27, 2009 4:53 pm

hey guys! man its been forever since i actually did one of these....back when i was like 11....man looking at it i was a terrible terrible speller, but yea im Althaia for those who dont know i was originally Raven, figured i needed a change of pace. anyways i've been here for about 4 years come this october and finally got 500 posts. i highly doubt im gonna get a 1000 anytime soon even though im on here a lot.....but yea ive come out of hiding to anwser any questions you may have for me ask me anything but math problems

im terrible at math.... :sweat:
[color=cyan]† [size=84]smile Jesus loves you[/SIZE][/color]

procastinators unite.......................tommorrow

[color=palegreen]So in times when all your hope is gone
And you go through life afraid
In your heart there lies a hopeful song
That is there to guide the way
And all the hurt and all the pain
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Postby Makachop^^128 » Sat Jun 27, 2009 5:16 pm

what ur fav games , anime, and manga
"We're not gonna die. We can't die, Bendis. You know why? Because we are so...very...pretty. We are just too pretty for God to let us die."-Mal


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Postby Althaia » Sat Jun 27, 2009 5:41 pm

@ Maka: 1) hmmmm games id have to say Ar tonelico, and kingdom hearts and the .Hack series

2) anime well way too many to list....

3) well i like shugo chara, naruto,bleach, ummmm Hana to Akuma and a few others
[color=cyan]† [size=84]smile Jesus loves you[/SIZE][/color]

procastinators unite.......................tommorrow

[color=palegreen]So in times when all your hope is gone
And you go through life afraid
In your heart there lies a hopeful song
That is there to guide the way
And all the hurt and all the pain
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For all your prayers, they will be heard
They'll come to pass through faith [/color]

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Postby Gelka » Sat Jun 27, 2009 5:45 pm


Do you like lolly pops?

How many penguins would it take to change a light bulb?

Have you ever fallen out of your bed head first?

Do you think I'm weird?

Have you ever danced in the rain?

Would you wear a fluffy pink dress in public?

Apple juice or Orange juice.

Have you ever bungee jumped?

Would or have you gone sky diving?

Would you swim in a kiddie pool?

When was the last time you cleaned your room?
That Dude (post: 1385194) wrote:When God made Gelka, he decided to mix bubbles, rainbows, sharks, cupcakes, chocolate chips, puppies, kitties, and fun all into one bunch.

[color="Pink"]chatbot 01:50 - Wind asks, how does Gelka look Squished???
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Postby Makachop^^128 » Sat Jun 27, 2009 5:46 pm

Althaia (post: 1324123) wrote:@ Maka: 1) hmmmm games id have to say Ar tonelico, and kingdom hearts and the .Hack series

2) anime well way too many to list....

3) well i like shugo chara, naruto,bleach, ummmm Hana to Akuma and a few others

I've only played the second of the kingdom hearts but now that I got a ps2 again (mine broke) I'm getting the other ones ^^

love naruto ^^
"We're not gonna die. We can't die, Bendis. You know why? Because we are so...very...pretty. We are just too pretty for God to let us die."-Mal


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Postby Althaia » Sat Jun 27, 2009 5:50 pm

Gelka (post: 1324124) wrote:*coughs*

Do you like lolly pops?

How many penguins would it take to change a light bulb?

Have you ever fallen out of your bed head first?

Do you think I'm weird?

Have you ever danced in the rain?

Would you wear a fluffy pink dress in public?

Apple juice or Orange juice.

Have you ever bungee jumped?

Would or have you gone sky diving?

Would you swim in a kiddie pool?

When was the last time you cleaned your room?

1) yes very

2) i didnt know peguins had opposible thumbs lol

3) i dont think so...if i did i dont remeber

4) not really your sanity is not an issue i prefer crazy people their more fun sane people kinda scare me

5)yes actually on more then one occassion

6)no i would not

7)apple juice

8)no but it sounds like fun

9) yes if i wasnt freaked out by heights

10) nope to shallow

11) um.......like maybe in january >_>
[color=cyan]† [size=84]smile Jesus loves you[/SIZE][/color]

procastinators unite.......................tommorrow

[color=palegreen]So in times when all your hope is gone
And you go through life afraid
In your heart there lies a hopeful song
That is there to guide the way
And all the hurt and all the pain
You soon will learn was not in vain
For all your prayers, they will be heard
They'll come to pass through faith [/color]

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Postby Gelka » Sat Jun 27, 2009 6:06 pm

I have more. ^^

Are you afraid of elevators.

Have you ever choked on a cherry?

Would you sing in front of a large group of people.

Do monkeys make you laugh?

Do you threaten to kill when taken to the doctor?

Have you ever bit a dentist?
That Dude (post: 1385194) wrote:When God made Gelka, he decided to mix bubbles, rainbows, sharks, cupcakes, chocolate chips, puppies, kitties, and fun all into one bunch.

[color="Pink"]chatbot 01:50 - Wind asks, how does Gelka look Squished???
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Postby Althaia » Sat Jun 27, 2009 8:55 pm

1) no i like them less work *hates stairs*

2) no i not really a cherry person

3) yes actually and have on several occassions

4) yes

5) only when i was like reallllllyyy little

6) no
[color=cyan]† [size=84]smile Jesus loves you[/SIZE][/color]

procastinators unite.......................tommorrow

[color=palegreen]So in times when all your hope is gone
And you go through life afraid
In your heart there lies a hopeful song
That is there to guide the way
And all the hurt and all the pain
You soon will learn was not in vain
For all your prayers, they will be heard
They'll come to pass through faith [/color]

[color=palegreen]~When you Believe from Prince of Egypt

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Postby Ante Bellum » Sat Jun 27, 2009 8:57 pm

Have you eaten anything normally considered inedible?

Have you fallen asleep while chewing gum?

Did you ever run into anyone while going backwards?

Would you ever try to gain control over the nearest lightbulb factory?

Have you ever used baling twine as a belt?

What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?

Do you prefer sweatshirts or pidgeons?

Does the number 5395254 mean anything to you?

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Postby Althaia » Sat Jun 27, 2009 9:00 pm

1) i actually once swallowed a dime on accident

2) no

3) yes a lot



6)i has no idea


8) not really
[color=cyan]† [size=84]smile Jesus loves you[/SIZE][/color]

procastinators unite.......................tommorrow

[color=palegreen]So in times when all your hope is gone
And you go through life afraid
In your heart there lies a hopeful song
That is there to guide the way
And all the hurt and all the pain
You soon will learn was not in vain
For all your prayers, they will be heard
They'll come to pass through faith [/color]

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Postby Ante Bellum » Sat Jun 27, 2009 9:03 pm

*gives Althaia a sweatshirt*
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Postby Debitt » Sat Jun 27, 2009 11:35 pm

Hey, 1,000 can happen pretty quick, you know. ;D

And I'm enjoying your Ciel icon immensely. <3

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Postby Althaia » Sun Jun 28, 2009 10:54 am

thanks you will have to thank Hana ryuuzaki she got me into Kuroshitsuji
[color=cyan]† [size=84]smile Jesus loves you[/SIZE][/color]

procastinators unite.......................tommorrow

[color=palegreen]So in times when all your hope is gone
And you go through life afraid
In your heart there lies a hopeful song
That is there to guide the way
And all the hurt and all the pain
You soon will learn was not in vain
For all your prayers, they will be heard
They'll come to pass through faith [/color]

[color=palegreen]~When you Believe from Prince of Egypt

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Postby Gelka » Sun Jun 28, 2009 11:11 am

Ante Bellum (post: 1324155) wrote:Have you eaten anything normally considered inedible?

Have you fallen asleep while chewing gum?

Did you ever run into anyone while going backwards?

Would you ever try to gain control over the nearest lightbulb factory?

Have you ever used baling twine as a belt?

What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?

Do you prefer sweatshirts or pidgeons?

Does the number 5395254 mean anything to you?

(Gelka's a true inspiration!)

I'm a true inspiration? I feel so loved! <3333
That Dude (post: 1385194) wrote:When God made Gelka, he decided to mix bubbles, rainbows, sharks, cupcakes, chocolate chips, puppies, kitties, and fun all into one bunch.

[color="Pink"]chatbot 01:50 - Wind asks, how does Gelka look Squished???
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Postby Althaia » Sun Jun 28, 2009 4:26 pm

i'm liking the questions keep them comin'
[color=cyan]† [size=84]smile Jesus loves you[/SIZE][/color]

procastinators unite.......................tommorrow

[color=palegreen]So in times when all your hope is gone
And you go through life afraid
In your heart there lies a hopeful song
That is there to guide the way
And all the hurt and all the pain
You soon will learn was not in vain
For all your prayers, they will be heard
They'll come to pass through faith [/color]

[color=palegreen]~When you Believe from Prince of Egypt

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Postby Gelka » Sun Jun 28, 2009 4:44 pm

KK then. ^^

Have you ever worn a cat on your head?

Would you rather kiss a monkey or a dog with rabies.

Do little brothers scare you?

Would you scare the heck out of little kids on Halloween?

Have you ever kicked a gumball machine to see if any would fall out?

Do you like pie?

Have you ever thrown jello at someone?

Would you bring the hose inside to see if you could make icicles on the ceiling fan?

Do you like confetti?
That Dude (post: 1385194) wrote:When God made Gelka, he decided to mix bubbles, rainbows, sharks, cupcakes, chocolate chips, puppies, kitties, and fun all into one bunch.

[color="Pink"]chatbot 01:50 - Wind asks, how does Gelka look Squished???
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Postby Althaia » Sun Jun 28, 2009 4:49 pm

1) tried.....my cat doesnt like being picked up
2) neither both are germ filled
3) some of them the others are actually pretty cool lil dudes
4)oh yes thats so much fun
5)no because gumball machines are metal and tend to hurt if you attempt to kick them
8)nope the fan is too high up
[color=cyan]† [size=84]smile Jesus loves you[/SIZE][/color]

procastinators unite.......................tommorrow

[color=palegreen]So in times when all your hope is gone
And you go through life afraid
In your heart there lies a hopeful song
That is there to guide the way
And all the hurt and all the pain
You soon will learn was not in vain
For all your prayers, they will be heard
They'll come to pass through faith [/color]

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Postby Phantom_Sorano » Sun Jun 28, 2009 6:33 pm

1. What is your favorite movie score?
2. What are your aspirations?
3. What are three bad qualities about yourself?
Jeremiah 29:11-"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord,"plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
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Postby Althaia » Sun Jun 28, 2009 6:45 pm

1) hmmmmm thats hard >_< i geuss Phantom and Mamma Mia and Cats

2) im planning on doing some form of degrees in Pyschology and Theology

3) -im a huge worrywart >_<
-im disorganized
-i can sorta dance not well though
[color=cyan]† [size=84]smile Jesus loves you[/SIZE][/color]

procastinators unite.......................tommorrow

[color=palegreen]So in times when all your hope is gone
And you go through life afraid
In your heart there lies a hopeful song
That is there to guide the way
And all the hurt and all the pain
You soon will learn was not in vain
For all your prayers, they will be heard
They'll come to pass through faith [/color]

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Postby rocklobster » Mon Jun 29, 2009 6:07 am

How'd you come up with that username? It sounds so mystical.
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Postby Althaia » Mon Jun 29, 2009 6:31 am

well i was at point of my life were i needed healing and i look up healing on a name site and i came across Althaia which has the greek root words Althos which means healing
[color=cyan]† [size=84]smile Jesus loves you[/SIZE][/color]

procastinators unite.......................tommorrow

[color=palegreen]So in times when all your hope is gone
And you go through life afraid
In your heart there lies a hopeful song
That is there to guide the way
And all the hurt and all the pain
You soon will learn was not in vain
For all your prayers, they will be heard
They'll come to pass through faith [/color]

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Postby Lilac#18 » Mon Jun 29, 2009 5:41 pm

Do you have any siblings?
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Postby Althaia » Mon Jun 29, 2009 5:42 pm

yes one little sister who apparently enjoys tormenting me night and day
[color=cyan]† [size=84]smile Jesus loves you[/SIZE][/color]

procastinators unite.......................tommorrow

[color=palegreen]So in times when all your hope is gone
And you go through life afraid
In your heart there lies a hopeful song
That is there to guide the way
And all the hurt and all the pain
You soon will learn was not in vain
For all your prayers, they will be heard
They'll come to pass through faith [/color]

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