RPG Design Help

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RPG Design Help

Postby Myoti » Thu Jun 02, 2005 6:55 pm

I suppose I could put this here. See, basically, I'm planning to be a game designer in a couple of years, and many of the games I will be creating will be RPGs (as well as a Trigun game, specifically for a certain AngelSakura :eyeroll: ).
One series of games I'm working on is known as "Elendell". Following the RPG Cliches site, I've been able to make what I believe to be a fairly good plot line, but my true worries are about the battle system. I need something that will interest people who play the game.

What I have so far is a turn-based system similar to FF. Of course, I don't want to straight copy them, so I need something to make it diferent. One thing I've tried (though it's not really new) is setting the "Menu" system to each button on the control. For now, I'll use GC controls as an example:
A- Attack
B- Defesive
X- Item
Y- Magic/Skills
Z- Crisis; like Limit Break, but you gain points to perform them (up to 99)
L- Switch characters
R- Run

I also have something planned like ATB, but much faster and will allow you to perform actions as soon as it's done, instead of waiting for enemies to finish their turn (good or bad idea?).

Still, it doesn't feel much different from most RPGs. Many of my other ideas have unique systems, but this is one of my main plans, and I need something that will set it apart.

Any suggestions on what would make a good battle system? :eyebrow:
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Postby Godly Paladin » Sat Jun 04, 2005 10:21 am

I would suggest using a real-time combat system similar to those found in "Action RPGs". You have direct control over all of the fighting moves by using button and d-pad combinations, and the AI fights you in realtime. A player can earn moves, there can be secret moves, different moves for different weapons, etc.

I believe this system is much more flexible and gratifying than the turn based style so common in Japanese-class RPGs.
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Postby Tommy » Sat Jun 04, 2005 11:20 am

Oh, Myoti, those are my plans too.

I have a game called Rebel Quest in mind, but i don`t wanna go any further due to plagurism. All, i have to tell you is that my storyline for Rebel Quest is better than some FFs.
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Postby Myoti » Sat Jun 04, 2005 12:16 pm

I would suggest using a real-time combat system similar to those found in "Action RPGs". You have direct control over all of the fighting moves by using button and d-pad combinations, and the AI fights you in realtime. A player can earn moves, there can be secret moves, different moves for different weapons, etc.

Yeah, I have some others planned that use that style. I've actually gone through about four different styles, trying to find one that would fit. I want to try doing some sort of turn-based one, but maybe there's a way to mix them. Hmm...
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Postby Tommy » Sun Jun 05, 2005 2:21 pm

Mine is like Star Ocean only, you can switch between characters that aren`t active and when you`re about to do a "Magic Skill" You see a charge bar at the top and hwn it`s full you do that move. Same with Items and Overdrives.
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