Specific debate forum?

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Specific debate forum?

Postby MillyFan » Fri Jun 13, 2003 3:20 am

After seeing a nice war get started in the anime section, I'm thinking we need to specify a debating zone. There are issues that can and should be debated, but without a specified and restricted place for debate, such issues can boil over into the life of the board and members' opinions of each other as people.:sniffle: :waah!:

So I suggest a specified debating forum, and the addition of specific rules about flaming and other debate behaviors that are really not glorifying to any of us. I've seen people say that *fill in the blank* is *bad,* but in my book, it's much more of a stumbling block for anyone than any fictional material is, if we beging tearing each other apart.

BTW congrats to Shatterheart for closing that debate that was getting a bit on the mean side.:thumb:

:comp: :comp: :comp:

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Postby Straylight » Fri Jun 13, 2003 6:11 am

Personally, I'm not sure whether this is a good idea. the CAA website is designed primarily for people to talk about anime. When you set up debate forums they often become very busy, and even with rules people will hurt each other. From what I've seen on another website (http://www.tastyfresh.com) debate forums don't really do much for the general community.

Also, with our G rated website and young members, we have strict rules on what people are allowed to say. This makes debates unfair because some people will not be able to fully express their views.

If people want to debate there's nothing to stop them going to a theology website.

just my 2cents :)
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Postby Ashley » Fri Jun 13, 2003 8:18 am

I am strongly against a debate forum for a number of reasons.
A similiar anime site had one, and it became a brutal place to be. That is not what I want us to become: a bunch of un-unified supposed Christians continually fighting with other factions within ourself on "hot" issues. I assure you, no amount of rules would change that; one person would state one thing, two or three more would disagree, that person would feel attacked and lash back...it just becomes one big mess. I've seen it happen many, many times. Besides, did not Paul write to the Corinthians:
"But instead, one brother goes [to law] against another--and this in front of unbelievers!"-- 1 Cor. 6:6

Quick commentary on that scipture: yes Paul was talking about lawsuits in the legal sense, but I think it still applies. The idea of brothers fighting in front of unbelievers is what I was trying to point out.
Think of the message it would send to unbelievers who come and visit here. What would they see? A group of small factions warring against one another, that's what. And I promise, Satan would twist that and make at least one person think being a Christian is no different than not being one. No matter what rules we put in or what topics we avoided, a debate forum would only bring out the worst in us, I fear, and not by our choice. It's only human nature to want to defend your beliefs, and it's tempting the one organ we all struggle to control: our tongue.
Sure things pop up, and like I said, I don't mind discussing different view points as long as it stays Christian and objective. But I will not allow a specific arena to tear each other apart in.
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Postby uc pseudonym » Fri Jun 13, 2003 8:55 am

In my opinion, there would be nothing wrong with a debate forum in principle. In principle. But in practice, I don't think it could be monitored to a healthy level. Plus, while debating a friend is okay in a context of mutual understanding, you can't gaurentee any of that.

I'd stand by our administrators on this one.
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Postby Ashley » Fri Jun 13, 2003 9:05 am

Precisely! The mutal agreement we could not guarantee. Excellent job UC; that's exactly what I was trying to get at (well, on top of all those other things I rambled about)
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Postby Stephen » Fri Jun 13, 2003 12:02 pm

Hmm...while I love to debate as much as the next guy...I am against it on CAA. Nothing is ever gained from debate...people act like it is...but nothing really is. People are going to feel how there going to feel...no matter how "open-minded" they claim to be. A debate forum would create enemys on the site...fights, hurt feelings...and a spirit that CAA does not need. If you have a question...or feel someone is out of line...PM them. There is nothing wrong with PM'ing someone...and if you really think they need to be corrected...why not PM them? The only person that would debate on a forum but not PM would be the person that debates for a show...:rolls_eye

Millyfan, thanks for the suggestion....but we will have to pass on the debate site....Noz has a debate site he showed me once...maybe he will post a link. On a sidenote...keep these new ideas coming...CAA will only stay fresh and fun if the members think of new ideas....so while this one won't fly....don't let that stop anyone from asking other questions about other ideas...thanks a lot guys...now....join me....(bet ya all thought i was gonna do that lick emotcion huh?) :dance:
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