Halo 2 vs. Half Life 2

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Postby cbwing0 » Wed Nov 24, 2004 10:46 am

blkmage wrote:To me, Halo 2 was just Halo with a few new gimmicks. Halo 2 itself seems like a mod or expansion pack.

I said earlier that I wasn't going to go into detail about all of the ways that Halo 2 is different from the original Halo unless someone made the point that they were basically the same. With that in mind, here is the short list (since there are more that I have omitted) of the additions found in Halo 2:

1.Online play through Xbox Live-The original Halo did not include online play. This in itself is a major new feature, and one that adds a lot of replay value to the game.

2.New skins-Players can choose either the Covenant Elite or the Master Chief, with much more detailed customization than in the first game.

3.All new maps-Halo 2 has all-new maps, with more to come as downloads through Xbox live. The only map that is a remake of one from the original is Coagulation (Blood Gulch), but it is still much different from the map in the first game.

4.New weapons-Not only does Halo 2 have more than twice as many usable weapons as Halo, but all of the old weapons have been modified in order to preserve play balance. For instance, holding down the fire button on weapons like the Shotgun and Battle Rifle no longer produces a continuous stream of fire. Instead, you have to perfect your timing so that you fire the maximum number of shots.

5.New enemies-The story mode contains many new enemies, such as the Brutes and Drones. In addition, all of the enemies are smarter, using new strategies and tactics to defeat you. For example, enemies can now move obstacles that you are hiding behind, making it much more difficult to "camp." Enemies will also stay hidden indefinitely if they know that you aiming at them with a sniper rifle.

6.New Play modes-Halo 2 adds the new modes Assault and Territories to the original Halo lineup, as well as adding additional customization to game rules for each game type.

7.Better Graphics-This one goes without saying, but it is an improvement over the first game.

8.More interactive environments-Many more objects in the levels can now be destroyed, including the vehicles, which show battle damage that actually affects their performance. For example, if the Banshee loses one of its thrusters, it will lean to one side as it flies.

9.Physics tweaks-Players no longer take fall damage, allowing them to develop new strategies (especially in the skyscraper level ]"Halo 2 is the greatest Xbox game ever released." Of course it is.[/quote]
It is interesting that you would only choose to comment on this quote rather than on the other reviews that rate Halo 2 higher than Half-Life 2. The only reason I included it is due to the fact that Gamers.com does not include a numerical rating system for its game reviews. The discussion at hand is not about whether the Xbox is better than the PC for gamers. Each have their respective merits, just as Halo 2 and Half-Life 2 have strengths and weaknesses.

At any rate, there are many good games for the Xbox. Some of the better titles include the Splinter Cell series, Fable, Kingdom Under Fire: The Crusaders, Crimson Skies, Soul Calibur 2, Project Gotham Racing, and Dead or Alive Ultimate.

blkmage wrote: As for Counterstrike in stores? It's still available for download, free and legal. As are all the mods for Half Life.

It is also still available for purchase:

blkmage wrote:First of all. Sales figures. Sales figures are awful for judging a game for its quality.

Finally something that we can agree on. Of course high sales figures alone do not mean that a game is excellent; but when that same game receives phenomenal reviews from nearly every major gaming site/publication, in addition to being preferred by the average gamer (as shown by the poll on this page among others), then it is reasonable to infer that the game is in fact a quality title.
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Postby blkmage » Wed Nov 24, 2004 2:03 pm

I just checked out gamerankings. There are several large sites that say otherwise.

GamePro: both 5/5
UGO: both A+
Jolt.co.uk: HL2 - 98, Halo 2 - 92
Firingsquad: HL2 - 95, Halo 2 -70
HomeLAN Fed: HL2 - 97, Halo 2 - 91
Actiontrip - Both 93

A few more "equals." And a few other sites that say otherwise. Combined with your findings, I'd say that opinions are mixed across the board.

I think that the game reviews are also slightly skewed. A lot of reviews are from Xbox sites or publications and they are comparing to previous Xbox games, namely the first Halo. Meanwhile, HL2 has to compare with the big names in FPS, Unreal, Quake, Doom as well as its predecessor. And of course, there are the PC-console biases. Some sites just like PC games better than console games and vice-versa.

It's interesting to see that Firing Squad gave Halo 2 a 70.
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Postby cbwing0 » Wed Nov 24, 2004 4:45 pm

blkmage wrote:A few more "equals." And a few other sites that say otherwise. Combined with your findings, I'd say that opinions are mixed across the board.

I find it interesting that you would call HomeLAN Fed, Firingquad, and Jolt "large sites" (I would say something along the lines of "the best ones you could find to support your claim"). They are certainly nowhere near as large as GameSpot, Game Informer, IGN, or any of the other reviews sites that I provided. As for the extraordinarily low review from FiringSquad, I would say that there are bound to be some anomalies when a game is reviewed 184 different times (although looking today on GameRankings the overall margin between Half-Life 2 and Halo 2 has decreased to less than 2 percent).

blkmage wrote:It's interesting to see that Firing Squad gave Halo 2 a 70.

I also find that interesting, but probably not for the reason that you do. If the absolute lowest score a game receives is equivalent to "good-above average" don't you think that it is safe to say that the game is question is at least good or above average, especially almost every other site gives if a perfect or near-perfect score? That is one of the primary reasons that I find it so annoying when people like you call a game utter garbage just because it is competing with another game that you happen to like more. I am comfortable with the idea that Half-Life 2 is a good game; in fact I will probably end up buying it when it is released for the Xbox. Can you say the same thing about Halo 2 (the first part of the sentence, not the second :P )?

Even with these sites, it is clear that the original statement (and I know that you did not make it, just to anticipate the fact that you might think that I am attributing it to you) saying that "the majority (if not, all) video game review sites gave half-life 2 a better score than halo 2" is patently false. That was the context of the discussion. It just so happened that many sites rated Halo 2 higher. I pointed this out not to make the claim that Halo 2 is a better game, but to show those like you and Mr.SmartyPants who won't even concede that Halo 2 is a good game that you are mistaken (which you are, for the reasons I already mentioned).

Still, as you mentioned there are biases on both sides of the fence. That is why I didn't include sites like Xbox Nation or PC Gamer in my original analysis. I only included well-known, reputable sites that reviewed both games. The only question is, when will you recognize your own bias?

As for mine, I will admit that I play mostly console games; however, I also have a sizeable collection of PC games (including World of Warcraft, which I just got today :grin: ). Not only that, but I don't even own at Xbox at this moment. Until Halo 2 was released, I was a die-hard Sony gamer, owning only the PS2. Halo 2 forced me to re-evaluate my assesment of the Xbox, and I had to admit that it is quality system. After I do get an Xbox (hopefully on Dec.25 ;) ), I look forward to playing more games than just Halo 2, like Guilty Gear Online, Kingdom Under Fire, and the upcoming Jade Empire (not to mention Half-Life 2, which is eventually coming to the Xbox).

I can understand the fact that waiting six years for a game to be released breeds a certain amount of devotion in a person, but when that devotion causes you to deride quality titles for no good reason it is time to rethink your position. I can also appreciate the fact that no one wants to "lose" an argument; but when your bias prevents you from admitting what is an otherwise obvious fact, it is time to cool off.
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Wed Nov 24, 2004 4:59 pm

i must say, that halo 2's whole plot seems quite repetative, an "army" or "platoon" up against a bunch of other enemies on maps. That is the major turn down for me. Its good to have those, but I feel that the halo series may do that a lot

i just start to get sick of hearing all those "halo 2 is the best" from all these random people who never played any other FPS ever

i can tell you right now some of those xbox half-life 2 screens are actually the pc screenshots
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Postby cbwing0 » Wed Nov 24, 2004 5:11 pm

Mr.SmartyPants wrote:i must say, that halo 2's whole plot seems quite repetative, an "army" or "platoon" up against a bunch of other enemies on maps.

Once again, the game is about two opposing armies so it shouldn't be surprising if most of the missions focus on smaller segments of armies engaging each other in a larger war. The Master Chief is supposed to be leading the humans into combat, not sneaking around on covert ops missions. Even so, it isn't as if the game doesn't let you use a more stealth-based approach if you choose. If you are good, you can always sneak up behind enemies and down them with a quick melee attack. You might also dispatch them from long range with a sniper rifle. You could even choose to defend a static position by manning a gun turret, or go the traditional run-and-gun route. The variety of vehicles to use further increases your options. To summarize, the gameplay is only repetitive if you make it so.

Mr.SmartyPants wrote:i just start to get sick of hearing all those "halo 2 is the best" from all these random people who never played any other FPS ever

That is understandable]I [/i]get sick of people reacting to those situations by taking the extreme position that Halo 2 is somehow a bad game, totally undeserving of its popularity.

Mr.SmartyPants wrote:i can tell you right now some of those xbox half-life 2 screens are actually the pc screenshots

Fortunately I don't play games for graphics (the PS2 is my system of choice after all :P ); rather, I look for solid gameplay. If even half of what you have said about Half-Life 2 is true, any minor decrease in graphical quality between the PC (but of course that would refer only to top-of-the-line PCs, which most people don't have in the first place) and Xbox versions would not affect my enjoyment of the game.
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Wed Nov 24, 2004 5:15 pm

there seems to be many games with armies up agaisnt armies...

its not that the graphics of those screenshots are bad, its becasue they are the exact same picture as ive seen before, like way later
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Postby cbwing0 » Wed Nov 24, 2004 5:23 pm

Mr.SmartyPants wrote:its not that the graphics of those screenshots are bad, its becasue they are the exact same picture as ive seen before, like way later
In that case, allow me to clarify: I will not be disappointed with the game if the screenshots do not reflect that graphics that I can expect to see on the Xbox, because I know that the graphics will still be great, even if they are not quite as good as those of a high-end PC.

Mr.SmartyPants wrote:there seems to be many games with armies up agaisnt armies...
Well it is rather fitting for a genre called "First Person Shooters."

In my haste I forgot all about the missions in which you are not part of a large army. In the original Halo, a large part of the game dealt with the Master Chief fighting single-handedly against the parasitic race known as the Flood, which consumed human and Covenant alike. There are also portions of the game where you do have to use your head to get through, such as the mission in which a Banshee (flying vehicle) flies over the level, strafing you the entire time. You have no rocket launcher with which to bring it down, so what do you do? Then there are times when you have to fight the Hunters, which are massive aliens armed with plasma grenade launchers. If you get up close, they will crush you with their melee attacks, but if you are far away, they will pummel you with grenades. All of this (and more) make the game more complex than one might assume.
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Postby blkmage » Wed Nov 24, 2004 5:52 pm

I never said Halo 2 was garbage. I think that the amount of new content to Halo 2, though, is a lot like an expansion pack or mod to the original game. New maps, weapons, skins, and story are x-pac and mod material. The only thing that is worth buying for would be online play. And it's not only Halo 2. Jedi Academy was like that, and so is Metroid Prime 2.

And yes, I consider Jolt, Firing Squad and HomeLAN to be 'big sites.' I realize that our definitions for what a big site is differs. Yes, IGN and Gamespy are among the largest, but the six I listed are well known. To be quite honest, I despise IGN and Gamespy, who seem to believe having interstitials and flash ads with sound every third link is a good thing.
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Wed Nov 24, 2004 6:07 pm

cbwing0 wrote:In that case, allow me to clarify: I will not be disappointed with the game if the screenshots do not reflect that graphics that I can expect to see on the Xbox, because I know that the graphics will still be great, even if they are not quite as good as those of a high-end PC.

let ME clarify, im saying some of those pictures are from the pc version of half-life 2, dunno hwy, i just noticed it :lol:
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Postby cbwing0 » Wed Nov 24, 2004 6:14 pm

blkmage wrote:New maps, weapons, skins, and story are x-pac and mod material.
That is true to an extent, but I would have to say that the amount of new material in Halo 2 is enough to consitute a legitimate sequel rather than a mere expansion pack. The story mode is a new full-length campaign, so it is not quite the same as a mod/expansion pack that might only add 1 or 2 more chapters/acts to a game.

In addition to the developments that I already mentioned, one of the other major changes to Halo 2 that would separate it from a mod are the many substantial changes to the game interface. For example, when playing multiplayer games each of your teammate's emblems (another thing that wasn't in the original Halo) is displayed above their heads, allowing you to see who is where quickly without having to read their names. If one of your teammates is attacked, the emblem flashes red, making it easier to know when and where help is most needed. The text messages (no ammo, reload, etc.) are also replaced with icons.

The controls were also updated and changed. In capture the flag mode, players must now hold X to pick up the flag rather than simply walking over it. This makes CTF more challenging for the attackers. Melee attacks can be linked with certain weapons (particularly the energy sword) to do more damage. Add to this the previously mentioned changes to firing certain weapons, and you have significant modifications.

Another big change is that players no longer have a health meter. Instead, all that protects you is your armor/shields. This speeds up gameplay (especially since shields recharge faster than in the original game) while at the same time being a departure from the original.

Unlike the original Halo, many weapons may be dual wielded in Halo 2. This enhances the strategic possibilities, because you can now mix weapons (i.e. pistol and SMG, plasma rifle and needler, etc.) for different effects. If a weapon has recoil (which was not part of the phyics of the original Halo), then that recoil effect is magnified if you dual wield.

I know that there are more changes that I have forgotten, but the point is clear: Halo 2 is a true sequel to Halo by any reckoning.

blkmage wrote:I never said Halo 2 was garbage.
In that case, I think we can agree to disagree agreeably :lol: . I can understand if you prefer Half-Life 2 to Halo 2 as long as you do not think that someone could not possibly have a good reason for holding the opposite position.

Mr.SmartyPants wrote:im saying some of those pictures are from the pc version of half-life 2, dunno hwy, i just noticed it
And I am saying that I am comfortable with that fact, since the gameplay will remain the same ;) .
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Postby ZiP » Thu Nov 25, 2004 5:55 am

i must say, that halo 2's whole plot seems quite repetative, an "army" or "platoon" up against a bunch of other enemies on maps. That is the major turn down for me. Its good to have those, but I feel that the halo series may do that a lot

I seem to recall there being an army in Half-life, I also remember something about aliens, and maybe one or maps that you do fight on.
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Thu Nov 25, 2004 8:35 am

that is half-life opposing force

i did not mean army as military units, i mean like a LOT of men against a LOT of men, oposing force the most you have is just one platoon
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Postby ZiP » Thu Nov 25, 2004 2:52 pm

Same with Halo, you never have fifty guys on your team all at once.
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Postby Zedian » Fri Nov 26, 2004 6:32 am

Halo 2's shortcomings was the single-player campaign, I love the game and all, but the epic story ultimately fizzed out right at the end. Half Life 2 on the other hand has an incredible story and beautiful graphics, depending on type of machine you run it on.

I guess my first choice right now is Halo 2, only because I am THAT much more familar with the gameplay.
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Postby nightblade » Fri Nov 26, 2004 4:28 pm

I put HL2, but did anyone think of this?

Better graphics for Red Vs. Blue ^_^
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Postby glitch1501 » Tue Nov 30, 2004 6:57 pm

hey, i thought someone would like this picture


yes, that is masterchief holding half-life 2

Glitch's Photostream

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Postby Mr_Anderson » Wed Dec 01, 2004 11:23 pm

halo 2, i just didn't really get into hhalf-life.
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Thu Dec 02, 2004 3:16 am

even mastehr cheif knows its better... :lol:
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Postby glitch1501 » Thu Dec 02, 2004 3:39 am

im gonna attach that picture i linked too earlier, cause i know some people dont click on the links
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Glitch's Photostream

He wants them to learn to walk and must therefore take away His hand; and if only the will to walk is really there, He is pleased even with their stumbles.


Healing hands of God have mercy on our unclean souls
once again. Jesus Christ, Light of the World, burning
bright within our hearts forever. Freedom means love
without condition, without beginning or an end. Here's
my heart, let it be forever Yours, only You can make
every new day seem so new.
Every New Day - On Distant Shores - Five Iron Frenzy

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Postby Fsiphskilm » Thu Dec 02, 2004 3:56 am

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Postby cbwing0 » Thu Dec 02, 2004 5:01 am

Volt wrote: How long it took to make them: HALF LIFE 2 wins
the Programing involved: HALF LIFE 2 wins
the complexity and features inplemented: HALF LIFE 2 wins
The graphics: HALF LIFE 2 wins
The Artificial Intelligence : HALF LIFE 2 wins
the overall superiority and add-ons/plug-ins/expansions : HALF LIFE 2 wins

Hmmm...interesting opinions, but they aren't quite accurate:

1."how long it took to make them"-How is this a good thing? If a game is ready in 2 years instead of 6, wouldn't you rather have it in 2? And it isn't as if the developers were working feverishly the entire time...a lot of the delay was due to legal issues, company switches, etc.

2."programming involved"-This is only a strong point if it translates into better gameplay. I suppose you might appreciate the design as a programmer; but as a gamer, the thing I look for above all else is gameplay.

3."the complexity and features implemented"-Could you be a little more specific on this? Halo 2 is a pretty complex game, with lots of new and intelligent features implemented.

4."the graphics"-The graphics are better, assuming that you have the computer to produce them. If not, then Halo 2 could easily look better. A nice bonus, but I doubt that many people will be able to fully enjoy it.

5."Artificial Intelligence"-This is definitely debatable. The enemies in Halo 2 are quite intelligent, especially on the higher difficulty settings.

6." the overall superiority and add-ons/plug-ins/expansions"-Since both games have just been released, I think it is a bit premature to talk about the superiority of add-ons that haven't even been released yet. Halo 2 will also received expansions in the form of downloads over Xbox Live, and given the quality of the original game it is safe to say that they will be excellent. If you are talking about the overall superiority of the game, then I would have to disagree with you there (not just for the reasons mentioned here, but for those that I have presented throughout this thread). You enjoy Half-life 2, I prefer Halo 2; and as I said before, gameplay is the most important thing about a game. Who's to say which is objectively better?
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Postby Fireproof » Thu Dec 02, 2004 5:40 am

I'm sure there's another thing Halo 2 has that Half Life 2 doesn't: Stress relief. Have you ever unloaded two SMGs into an elite then conked him on the head without taking a single hit? That's like four hours in anger management therapy right there. (*Grumbles* Though trying to take out Covenant bugs with a Battle Rifle puts about six hours back...) But you have to have a comfortable controller. I like the wireless Logitech one. ^^
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Postby ZiP » Thu Dec 02, 2004 2:04 pm

1. "How long it took to make them: HALF LIFE 2 wins"
Hmm... Perhaphs you could explain how the longer time spent in the making of Half-life 2 is better than Halo 2? I prefer games to come out sooner not later.

2. "the Programing involved: HALF LIFE 2 wins"
No evidence for that.

3. "the complexity and features inplemented: HALF LIFE 2 wins"
Features such as?

4. "The graphics: HALF LIFE 2 wins"
If you have a good comp: DUH, you can change graphics for computer to make them hot, easy.

5. "The Artificial Intelligence : HALF LIFE 2 wins"
I haven't played Half-life 2 so I can't comment on this yet.

6. "the overall superiority and add-ons/plug-ins/expansions : HALF LIFE 2 wins"
I'd be interested to know how the heck you come to that conclusion when Halo 2 hasn't yet released maps for multiplayer yet, plus the fact that XBox games don't get expansion packs/plug-ins. It's a totally bogus ruling.
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Postby Moonmonk » Thu Dec 02, 2004 2:19 pm

I think he really hasn't seen Halo like he should.

Halo 2 just has to be the best FPS in all of human history!

I vote Halo 2 Hands down for the Xbox.

Besides Half life 2 isn't even playable on a "decent" computer.

Halo 2 graphics are Awesome! ESPECIALLY if you have a good connector cable and TV. The shear capability of the game is astonishing + the buttkicking storyline.

Anyways Halo 2 has a history you have to have known Bungie for a while to get some of the things in it. The humor is also awesome in Halo games in general, the more you play the more there is to find hilarious.

Halo 2 vehicles are hands down awesome, other games don't even compare to the bloodthirsty killings that go down in Halo games. I have played lots of games with vehicles and have never found such balance and detailed development of the vehicle design. Besides how much more fun can there be than killing your friends with a well placed tank round, while you sit back and enjoy watching the body flail through the air before thudding on the ground a little ways away? Or the joy of rocketing someone from behind, or a well placed pistol whip kill. These things are priceless. Besides the endless hours of fun co-oping while just messing around killing each other in hilarious ways?

I have never heard of anyone who seriously thought Half Life was even comparable to Halo but maybe its better than the last one... hahaha that was a sad game anyways!

What can be more funny and entertaining than a heavily armored man frolicking through ruined streets blasting away at nearly helpless grunts? Or the joy of taking down a hunter? Not to mention the inhuman rage of killing a group of those pesky fliers? Or what about those joyous elites? Nothing is better than sticking your rifle up one's rear and pulling the trigger?

Try me.
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Postby desperado » Thu Dec 02, 2004 2:38 pm

here here halo 2 is much better. you know why? the multiplayer support in halo 2 is very very hard to beat. i dont care about much else, i could spend hours playing halo 2's multiplayer. oh wait i did a 250 kill sword match on acension
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Postby blkmage » Thu Dec 02, 2004 3:36 pm

The deciding factor for me was that while both are fun, Halo 2 is not original. On the other hand, Half Life 2 introduces something completely new in the role that the improved physics plays. While Halo 2 is a really polished game, Half Life 2 is that and it innovates.
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Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Thu Dec 02, 2004 4:43 pm

Halo was way overhyped and unoriginal. To me it was snore worthy. I haven't played Halo 2 but I don't think it would be much different. Halflife was pretty good as far as FPS go but I'm not really into the heavy violence. I think Halflife 2 is more promising as far as originality and fun is concerned. I'm not big on FPS's so much and I think most games lack good original gameplay these days. I prefer games like the Thief series, but its often the better games that aren't anywhere near as popular as the mainstream games and don't get noticed much. Then the companies don't make much money and they close. Then big companies that lack ideas but have packets of money overtake the gaming world with their mass market completely unoriginal (fast buck) games as Halo and many other games prove.
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Postby cbwing0 » Thu Dec 02, 2004 5:30 pm

Warrior 4 Jesus wrote:Then big companies that lack ideas but have packets of money overtake the gaming world with their mass market completely unoriginal (fast buck) games as Halo and many other games prove.

I wouldn't have believed anyone would make such an outrageous claim if I had not read it for myself. To place Halo in the category of "overhyped and unoriginal" games that succeeded only by virtue of the fact that they had a lot of financial backing is simply incorrect. The fact of the matter is that Halo is a good--even great--game. It did not receive a great deal of hype when it was first released, because no one really knew what to expect of it at the time. Then when it came along, everyone was amazed at its quality. Of course there was a lot of excitement (notice I didn't say hype ]The deciding factor for me was that while both are fun, Halo 2 is not original. On the other hand, Half Life 2 introduces something completely new in the role that the improved physics plays. While Halo 2 is a really polished game, Half Life 2 is that and it innovates.[/quote]
Having not played Half-life 2 I can't comment directly on this. However I will say what I have said many times in reference to Nintendo: innovation in itself is not a positive thing. It is only if that innovation makes the game more enjoyable that it should be offered as a strong point of the game in question.
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Thu Dec 02, 2004 5:59 pm

Moonmonk wrote:Besides Half life 2 isn't even playable on a "decent" computer.


From steampowered

"1.2 GHz Processor
DirectX 7 capable graphics card
Windows 2000/XP/ME/98
Internet Connection "

directx 7.... SEVEN

decent computers! This right here, is a BAD computer! 1.2ghx processor, 256 MB ram, and directx 7???? thats a bad computer right there

My computer specks

2.8 ghz
512MB Ram
Direct x 9

and thats just a "decent" computer

What can be more funny and entertaining than a heavily armored man frolicking through ruined streets blasting away at nearly helpless grunts? Or the joy of taking down a hunter? Not to mention the inhuman rage of killing a group of those pesky fliers? Or what about those joyous elites? Nothing is better than sticking your rifle up one's rear and pulling the trigger?

what could be more funny and entertaining than shooting a flaming barrel back at 4 other opponents on half-life 2 deathmatch, killing them with an explosion? Or running through the streets shooting a sign that says "hotel" and using the gravity gun and shooting at back at your opponents Not to mention chucking gernades like crazy and watching sparks... er.... bodies flying? It's always fun to chuck random objects (sink, toilet, radiator, heater, mattress, car, chair, desk, cabinet, even a gun, even ammonition) back to other people
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Postby ZiP » Thu Dec 02, 2004 6:09 pm

"1.2 GHz Processor
DirectX 7 capable graphics card
Windows 2000/XP/ME/98
Internet Connection "

Have you noticed that those are the MINIMUM system requirments?
Since when do games play great on those?

At least post what you need to have the good graphics

2.4 GHz Processor
DirectX 9 capable graphics card 256mb
Windows 2000/XP/ME/98
Internet Connection
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