"Beloved Disciple," young ladies Bible Study

All spiritual discussion is focused here. You may share your testimony, anything you have learned about the Word, or shout your praises to God here. Also the hub of all CAA bible studies.

Postby Jaltus-bot » Fri Oct 08, 2004 10:12 pm

I don't think I can make it this saturday.
When I feel blue, I start breathing again.

Asdvadz hedut ullah! (W. Armenian, "May God bless you!")

It's cosplay, get used to it.

"A hero need not speak. For when he is gone, the world will speak for him."

"One of the nice things about diseases of the brain is they tend to slip your mind." Colbert
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Postby Jaltus-bot » Fri Oct 08, 2004 10:13 pm

Artist: David Crowder Band
Album: Can You Hear Us?
Song: You're Everything

You're everything
I could want
That I could need
If I could see
You want me
Could I believe?
'Cause You're perfectly
All I want, all I need
If I could just feel You're touch
Could I be free?
Why do You shine so?
Can a blind man see?
Why do You call?
Do You beckon me?
Can the dear hear the voice of love?
Would You have me come?
Can the cripple run?
Are You the one?

To raise me up
From this grave
Touch my tongue
And then I'll sing
Heal my limbs
Then joyfully I'll run to You [2x]

'Cause You're everything [4x]
And I'm alive and I'll sing
And I'm alive and I'm free [6x]
When I feel blue, I start breathing again.

Asdvadz hedut ullah! (W. Armenian, "May God bless you!")

It's cosplay, get used to it.

"A hero need not speak. For when he is gone, the world will speak for him."

"One of the nice things about diseases of the brain is they tend to slip your mind." Colbert
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Postby true_noir_chloe » Sun Oct 10, 2004 9:19 pm

Those are some nice, lyrics Sher, thank you for sharing them. ^____^ We missed you on Saturday night. T_T This next week we'll have the chat on Sunday afternoon, and then go back to Saturday evening for the following week.

Remember, this week we will just work on finishing Week 4, and that's it. And, you all should run by the prayer thread, because our fellow ladies in this study have plenty of updates and prayer requests there (of which I'll add ours here tomorrow) and also for the rest of the CAA'rs.

Have a blessed week, you all.

Valerie *HUGS*

[size=84][color=seagreen]YOU SEE

You see into the deepest part of me ---

beyond the fog I hide behind.

You cast your light upon the shadows

that stretch like cobwebs in my mind.

You ease the pain when I am hurting,

and morbid visions from my past

pierce into the realm of Reason

as though I danced on blades of glass.

You grant me strength when I have fallen

and, once again, I've lost my way.

You take my hand in Yours and lead me

into the promise of a brand new day.

You bring order to all my chaos,

yet set my well-laid plans awry.

You place me on a firm foundation ---

then give me wings so I can fly.

You sand away my roughened edges

and polish all the dullest parts

until I stand before Your presence...

a newly-sculpted work of art.

You see into the heart within me,

right through my motives and selfish will.

And yet, in spite of all You see

You say You love me even still.

~by D.M.~

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Prayer Request Updates

Postby true_noir_chloe » Mon Oct 11, 2004 12:19 pm

New Updates, so please read carefully, since there have been some changes. Also know, I am always praying for you all to grow closer in the grace and knowledge of our Lord, Jesus Christ, please pray the same for me. Thank you. :)

*Kirakira - Via pm Kira wanted to let us know that she would have loved to take part in this study, however it did not work out. She has asked if we could place some urgent prayer requests from her on this thread; which, I know we all will enjoy to pray for our sister in Christ.:)
Her family is in need of prayer right now as her parents are struggling with some difficulties with her brother. Also, Kira wants to communicate better with her mom and hopes her mom will try to understand her better. The family is just struggling a lot right now, so please pray for them.

Shiroi - She is in need of a job badly, so please, please, pray for her to get one. She is also still getting headaches, so please continue to pray that those will go away. Added this week: Shiroi has been struggling with what may be Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) and she would like some prayer to know how she can get over this and help her maybe find someone who can help her as she deals with this.

Madeline - She and her family have weathered one mishap after another. Please pray for their protection from these hurricanes and for them to just feel the overwhelming comfort of the Lord through these times - and that NO MORE disasters strike them. Also, for her grandparents who recently divorced, especially for her granmother as she handles the seperation.

Spirit_Wolf - Her family is in need of prayer. Her mom and dad as they grow in the Lord, like Spirit_Wolf, and for her little sister who is struggling greatly. Please pray they grow closer to the Lord these days and for Spirit_Wolf's wisdom and witness through all this. Also, for her friend who is known as EvilSporkofDoom here on CAA; she recently broke up with her boyfriend. Added this week: She would also like guidance in her decision making for a future career and college. Please also go to the latest updates at her prayer thread here:

Lynx - Pray for encouragement from the Lord for her as she lives in a very non-Christian setting at college, and for her witness there.

KisaTohru - Please pray for her grandparents; especially her grandfather who has cancer and for Kisa who watches him get weaker each passing day. Pray that her family especially feel His loving hand at this time and the granddad as he prepares to be with the Lord. Also, Kisa is having a hard time getting over the death of her cat of 9 years. Please, pray for comfort over this loss as well. :(

Sheherazade - She struggles with headaches, as well. Also, one of her classmates with MS has not been to class for two tests, and she is hoping she is all right. Also, another classmate has an abusive boyfriend. Please pray she has the strength to stay away from him and Sher could be a witness to her during this time. Added this week: Sher will be helping out with the high school group at her church, so please pray for her to be blessed in this experience and possibly meet some great new friends. And, that she would be used by the Lord greatly and His will be done in this endeavor.

EireWolf - She and her husband are looking into buying a home. Please pray for wisdom with finances and the right house will come if it be His will for them to own a home.

Mave - She needs to have the right data for her thesis. Also, she would really like the internship with Kelloggs in Michigan. Please pray, if it be God's will, that she would get that internship. Added this week: Mave will be out of her apartment by the holidays in the freezing north of Michigan, so please pray she finds an affordable and nice place to stay.:( Also, she had a prayer request in testimonials if you all would like to go here and check it out:

Ducky - Please pray for her family. :) I would also guess for Ducky that she would grow closer to the Lord and that she would be guided by the Spirit through these years in college, as she is both a witness to those around her and her family.

Chloe - My husband still needs a job. Please pray for him to be encouraged by our wonderful Lord during this time. Also, just pray that my heart is in the right place as I make decisions these days. And, please pray for my kids, that they will grow closer to the Lord, as well. I think you all know who they are here; chibi_chan and Elric_kun.

EDIT, Special edition: Let us always remember to also pray for our Administration and the Mods here at CAA. They could always use our prayers.

Thank you everyone, for your prayers.:hug:

[size=84][color=seagreen]YOU SEE

You see into the deepest part of me ---

beyond the fog I hide behind.

You cast your light upon the shadows

that stretch like cobwebs in my mind.

You ease the pain when I am hurting,

and morbid visions from my past

pierce into the realm of Reason

as though I danced on blades of glass.

You grant me strength when I have fallen

and, once again, I've lost my way.

You take my hand in Yours and lead me

into the promise of a brand new day.

You bring order to all my chaos,

yet set my well-laid plans awry.

You place me on a firm foundation ---

then give me wings so I can fly.

You sand away my roughened edges

and polish all the dullest parts

until I stand before Your presence...

a newly-sculpted work of art.

You see into the heart within me,

right through my motives and selfish will.

And yet, in spite of all You see

You say You love me even still.

~by D.M.~

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Postby EireWolf » Mon Oct 11, 2004 1:20 pm

Praying! :)
"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us."
[indent]~~Gandalf, in Fellowship of the Ring[/indent]
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Something to share from Week 3

Postby true_noir_chloe » Mon Oct 11, 2004 5:57 pm

Eire, there you are! It's great to see you again. ^__^:hug:

Well, we had a great chat this last Saturday, quite a few showed up. (Spirit_Wolf will place the AIM chat here a bit later in the week.) We missed those who did not come by and hope you join us on Sunday afternoon at 3:30 CST this next weekend. ;) After the chat a few of us stayed and goofed off and just truly enjoyed the chatting into the wee hours of the night.XDXD

I wanted to place what we all did - a little something different this last chat - and that is at the end of the chat we went to a site and took a test for spiritual gifts. I was impressed at how this test was able to pinpoint the spiritual gifts I have learned I've had through the years, and it did it so accurately, so I trusted this one was fairly well compiled. I've taken quite a few of these tests in my life.

Now, only God can truly show you what your gifts are, so this is merely a stepping stone to maybe push you in the right direction. So, please take this test with a grain of salt. Here is the test:

When you get to this site, just click on the blue writing which says, "Begin the Gifted2Serve inventory."

For those who did not take part in the chat you are more than welcome to share your results with us on this thread. I think we would all love to find out.:) We all shared and talked over our results during the chat. If you feel uncomfortable sharing, then you can either pm me - just because I'm curious - or keep them to yourselves if you desire this also.

Let me share something I thought was interesting from Week 3:

Beth Moore wrote on pg. 68 (read the whole page if you get a chance),

"You can't become the servant God is calling you to be without the threads of your past being knit into the technicolor fabric of your future."

This seemed very appropriate to me when I started thinking of how we use our spiritual gifts and how we obtain our spiritual gifts. And, I also thought over that our gifts are usually something that are built from our life. I had a very abusive childhood with the occult all around me, and I see the Lord has blessed me with a very strong gift of Discerning of Spirits and Faith. Everything in my past has woven itself into my future.

Anyways, let me leave you with a scripture from this page and one I ended up writing out on the side of the page in the margin, because I love this scripture and it is so appropriate:

11"For I know the plans that I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope.
12"Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you.
13"And you will seek Me and find Me, with all your heart."
Jeremiah 29:11-13 (NASB)

Wow, it takes your breath away, doesn't it? He gives you a future and hope, so fret not about today or yesterday, He's got your tomorrow under control. Have a very blessed week you all. :hug:

[size=84][color=seagreen]YOU SEE

You see into the deepest part of me ---

beyond the fog I hide behind.

You cast your light upon the shadows

that stretch like cobwebs in my mind.

You ease the pain when I am hurting,

and morbid visions from my past

pierce into the realm of Reason

as though I danced on blades of glass.

You grant me strength when I have fallen

and, once again, I've lost my way.

You take my hand in Yours and lead me

into the promise of a brand new day.

You bring order to all my chaos,

yet set my well-laid plans awry.

You place me on a firm foundation ---

then give me wings so I can fly.

You sand away my roughened edges

and polish all the dullest parts

until I stand before Your presence...

a newly-sculpted work of art.

You see into the heart within me,

right through my motives and selfish will.

And yet, in spite of all You see

You say You love me even still.

~by D.M.~

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Postby Ducky » Mon Oct 11, 2004 9:17 pm

I was reading in the workbook and it reminded me of a hymn and I figured since other people were posting songs and stuff why not? so yeah something beth moore mentioned in day 2 week 4 reminded me of "The Solid Rock":

"My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus blood and righteousness;

I dare not trust the sweetest frame, but wholly lean on Jesus’ Name.

On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand;

All other ground is sinking sand.

When darkness veils His lovely face, I rest on His unchanging grace.

Through every high and stormy gale, my anchor holds within the veil.

On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand.

All other ground is sinking sand.

His oath, His covenant His blood, support me in the whelming flood;

When all around my soul gives way, He then is all my hope and stay.

On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand.

All other ground is sinking sand.

When He shall come with trumpet sound, O may I then in Him be found;

Dressed in His righteousness alone, faultless to stand before the throne.

On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand.

All other ground is sinking sand."

That and the end of Chloe's last post reminds me of Mathew 6:34 "Therefore do not worry about tommorrow, for tommorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of it's own." I love that verse heheh.
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Postby ShiroiHikari » Mon Oct 11, 2004 9:31 pm

ohhh, I love that song! ^_^ hymns are wonderful.
fightin' in the eighties
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Postby true_noir_chloe » Tue Oct 12, 2004 10:15 pm

Oooo, I agree with Shiroi, I love that song too. ^_____^ *starts singing the song in my office*

[size=84][color=seagreen]YOU SEE

You see into the deepest part of me ---

beyond the fog I hide behind.

You cast your light upon the shadows

that stretch like cobwebs in my mind.

You ease the pain when I am hurting,

and morbid visions from my past

pierce into the realm of Reason

as though I danced on blades of glass.

You grant me strength when I have fallen

and, once again, I've lost my way.

You take my hand in Yours and lead me

into the promise of a brand new day.

You bring order to all my chaos,

yet set my well-laid plans awry.

You place me on a firm foundation ---

then give me wings so I can fly.

You sand away my roughened edges

and polish all the dullest parts

until I stand before Your presence...

a newly-sculpted work of art.

You see into the heart within me,

right through my motives and selfish will.

And yet, in spite of all You see

You say You love me even still.

~by D.M.~

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Postby Madeline » Wed Oct 13, 2004 4:11 pm

Ooh, fun! ^_____^ I love to sing. But I have to warm up first...
*takes a huge breath*

Chloe: Here we go again...^^

People: *clap their hands over her mouth*

mmf!!! femme frn!!! >"<
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Postby Spirit_Wolf8356 » Sat Oct 16, 2004 7:55 am

Here's the chat from last week. Very sorry it took so long to get out. Homeworks abounds. :sweat:

Anyway, this chat starts in the middly of Chloe's prayer. Before that we were just talking random stuff, so I didn't bother saving, and, right when Chloe starts to pray, my AIM goes stupid and clears the screen on me. :mutter: It ends rather abruptly too. I thought I had saved one more time before I had to leave, but apparently I didn't. I'm sorry. I had to leave earlier than I usually do, so I didn't get the tail end of the chat either. I think they just went on to discuss more abut spiritual gifts.
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The choice has been made. There's no looking back. I won't let up, back up, give up, or shut up. My focus clear. My path is straight. My God, reliable. I'm a disciple of Christ.

Gods plan is like the sun. its too big and bright to look at directly, and sometimes the rain clouds cover it, but sometimes the plan dapples through the clouds and we can see beautiful glimpses of what he has in store for us.
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Postby true_noir_chloe » Sat Oct 16, 2004 2:41 pm

Madeline wrote: Ooh, fun! ^_____^ I love to sing. But I have to warm up first...
*takes a huge breath*

Chloe: Here we go again...^^

People: *clap their hands over her mouth*

mmf!!! femme frn!!! >"<

Ahhh, I'm sure I would enjoy hearing you sing. ^__^

Thanks Spirit_Wolf for placing the AIM chat from last week. I know you had a very busy week and this is very appreciated. *HUGS*

Don't forget everyone, this weekend we are having the chat on Sunday afternoon at 3:30 CST; which means 1:30 PST and 4:30 EST. Please chat if you can. I'm also sending off a reminder pm. Looking forward to the chat.~_^

[size=84][color=seagreen]YOU SEE

You see into the deepest part of me ---

beyond the fog I hide behind.

You cast your light upon the shadows

that stretch like cobwebs in my mind.

You ease the pain when I am hurting,

and morbid visions from my past

pierce into the realm of Reason

as though I danced on blades of glass.

You grant me strength when I have fallen

and, once again, I've lost my way.

You take my hand in Yours and lead me

into the promise of a brand new day.

You bring order to all my chaos,

yet set my well-laid plans awry.

You place me on a firm foundation ---

then give me wings so I can fly.

You sand away my roughened edges

and polish all the dullest parts

until I stand before Your presence...

a newly-sculpted work of art.

You see into the heart within me,

right through my motives and selfish will.

And yet, in spite of all You see

You say You love me even still.

~by D.M.~

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Prayer Requests for Week of 10/18

Postby true_noir_chloe » Mon Oct 18, 2004 7:47 pm

New Updates 10/18, so please read carefully, since there have been some changes. Also know, I am always praying for you all to grow closer in the grace and knowledge of our Lord, Jesus Christ, please pray the same for me. Thank you. :)

First off: Let us always remember to pray for our Administration and the Mods here at CAA. They could always use our prayers.

*Kirakira - Via pm Kira wanted to let us know that she would have loved to take part in this study, however it did not work out. She has asked if we could place some urgent prayer requests from her on this thread; which, I know we all will enjoy to pray for our sister in Christ.:)
Update: Kira has let me know that things are going fantastically better with her family, her brother and mom, so thank you all for your prayers. Please, continue to pray for her.

Shiroi - She is in need of a job badly, so please, please, pray for her to get one. Updates: Shiroi has been struggling with what may be Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) and she would like some prayer to know how she can get over this and help her maybe find someone who can help her as she deals with this.

Madeline - She and her family have weathered one mishap after another. Please pray for comfort during these times in their life. Also, for her grandparents who recently divorced, especially for her granmother as she handles the seperation. Updates: Dad has been in the hospital with heart and liver problems. Please pray for his recovery and for Madelines' heart to be comforted right now. It's been very hard on her. :hug:

Spirit_Wolf - Her family is in need of prayer. Her mom and dad as they grow in the Lord, like Spirit_Wolf, and for her little sister who is struggling greatly. Please pray they grow closer to the Lord these days and for Spirit_Wolf's wisdom and witness through all this. Also, for her friend who is known as EvilSporkofDoom here on CAA; she recently broke up with her boyfriend.
She would also like guidance in her decision making for a future career and college. Please also go to the latest updates at her prayer thread here:
Update: For her witness to a girl in her class.

Lynx - Pray for encouragement from the Lord for her as she lives in a very non-Christian setting at college, and for her witness there.

KisaTohru - Please pray for her grandparents; especially her grandfather who has cancer and for Kisa who watches him get weaker each passing day. Pray that her family especially feel His loving hand at this time and the granddad as he prepares to be with the Lord. Also, Kisa is having a hard time getting over the death of her cat of 9 years. Please, pray for comfort over this loss as well. :(

Sheherazade - She struggles with headaches, as well. Also, one of her classmates with MS has not been to class for two tests, and she is hoping she is all right. Also, another classmate has an abusive boyfriend. Please pray she has the strength to stay away from him and Sher could be a witness to her during this time.
Update: Sher has a friend whose brother died and she wants us to pray for the Spirit to give her the right words to say as she witnesses to this friend, and for his salvation.

EireWolf - She and her husband are looking into buying a home. Please pray for wisdom with finances and the right house will come if it be His will for them to own a home.

Mave - She needs to have the right data for her thesis. Also, she would really like the internship with Kelloggs in Michigan. Please pray, if it be God's will, that she would get that internship. Added this week: Mave will be out of her apartment by the holidays in the freezing north of Michigan, so please pray she finds an affordable and nice place to stay.:( Also, she had a prayer request in testimonials if you all would like to go here and check it out:

Ducky - Please pray for her family. :) I would also guess for Ducky that she would grow closer to the Lord and that she would be guided by the Spirit through these years in college, as she is both a witness to those around her and her family.
Update: Please pray for her Grandpa Bob.

Chloe - My husband still needs a job. Please pray for him to be encouraged by our wonderful Lord during this time. Also, just pray that my heart is in the right place as I make decisions these days. And, please pray for my kids, that they will grow closer to the Lord, as well. I think you all know who they are here; chibi_chan and Elric_kun.

You all are awesome! :thumb: Thank you everyone, for your prayers.:hug:

[size=84][color=seagreen]YOU SEE

You see into the deepest part of me ---

beyond the fog I hide behind.

You cast your light upon the shadows

that stretch like cobwebs in my mind.

You ease the pain when I am hurting,

and morbid visions from my past

pierce into the realm of Reason

as though I danced on blades of glass.

You grant me strength when I have fallen

and, once again, I've lost my way.

You take my hand in Yours and lead me

into the promise of a brand new day.

You bring order to all my chaos,

yet set my well-laid plans awry.

You place me on a firm foundation ---

then give me wings so I can fly.

You sand away my roughened edges

and polish all the dullest parts

until I stand before Your presence...

a newly-sculpted work of art.

You see into the heart within me,

right through my motives and selfish will.

And yet, in spite of all You see

You say You love me even still.

~by D.M.~

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Postby Spirit_Wolf8356 » Mon Oct 18, 2004 8:00 pm

A new song I learned in Youth Group on Sunday...

Who am I that You are mindful of me
That You hear me when I call
Is it true that You are thinking of me
How You love me it's amazing

I am a friend of God
I am a friend of God
I am a friend of God
He calls me friend

God Almighty, Lord of Glory
You have called me friend

(Repeat Chorus)

He calls me friend
He calls me friend...


The choice has been made. There's no looking back. I won't let up, back up, give up, or shut up. My focus clear. My path is straight. My God, reliable. I'm a disciple of Christ.

Gods plan is like the sun. its too big and bright to look at directly, and sometimes the rain clouds cover it, but sometimes the plan dapples through the clouds and we can see beautiful glimpses of what he has in store for us.
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"Beyond the Limits," Discussion Sheet (pg 92)

Postby true_noir_chloe » Tue Oct 19, 2004 9:23 pm

Group Session 4, Week 4
"Beyond the Limits" on pg. 92 of your workbooks

Part 1: Grasping the Concept of Divinely Inspired Scripture
According to 2 Timothy 3:16, "All Scripture is God - breathed." The original Greek word is theopneustos. Theo - God. Pneustos - breath or spirit. Consider each of the following Scriptures.

1. Based on a comparison between 2 Peter 1:20-21 and I Chronicles 28:19, we might say the men God used to write Scripture served as neither the author nor the ink. They served as the quill. The author is God the Holy Spirit and the ink flowing through the pen is the Holy Spirit, the breath of God that He's pouring through.

2. The Word is eternal, but God chose to give inspiration through progressive revelation (see Psalms 119:89).

3. Compare Genesis 2:7. When God breathes, He breathes life. Hebrews 4:12 tells us His Word is alive.

4. See Luke 1:1-3. We are told that many undertook writing accounts of Christ's life and fulfillment of God's plan; yet we don't have "many" of those accounts in the Bible.

Part 2: Grasping God's Primary Intention Through His Inspiration of John's Gospel
Read John 1:1.
1. One of the overriding themes in the Gospel of John is presented from the very first verse: Under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, John wanted his reader to know and recognize the Word.

2. The Greek term for Word is Logos. Basically it refers to the expression of God revealed to man. God revealed Himself through His Son and His words.

3. The only way we will ever really know the Word, both the Person and the print, is to know His words. Both of these verses employ the Greek word rhema.

4. As we learn to receive and apply rhema, we are wise to remember that God's Word is written: by God about God, to others about others, to us about us.

[This next section was a graphic and I didn't know how to replicate it, so this is what I did. I hope you can all understand this. Please let me know if you need it further explained.]

VALID Experiences


Heart Mind
Hyper Experientialism Ways God May Speak Hyper Legalism

(Romans 10:2) (Matthew 23:4,15)
All Heart/No Head<---------------SCRIPTURE--------------->All Head/No Heart

Conceptual Principles Concrete Facts
Experiences Circumstances
Prayer Nature Dreams
Others Visions Discernment (Holy Spirit)

[size=84][color=seagreen]YOU SEE

You see into the deepest part of me ---

beyond the fog I hide behind.

You cast your light upon the shadows

that stretch like cobwebs in my mind.

You ease the pain when I am hurting,

and morbid visions from my past

pierce into the realm of Reason

as though I danced on blades of glass.

You grant me strength when I have fallen

and, once again, I've lost my way.

You take my hand in Yours and lead me

into the promise of a brand new day.

You bring order to all my chaos,

yet set my well-laid plans awry.

You place me on a firm foundation ---

then give me wings so I can fly.

You sand away my roughened edges

and polish all the dullest parts

until I stand before Your presence...

a newly-sculpted work of art.

You see into the heart within me,

right through my motives and selfish will.

And yet, in spite of all You see

You say You love me even still.

~by D.M.~

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Postby true_noir_chloe » Tue Oct 19, 2004 9:24 pm

Thank you for sharing the song, Spirit_Wolf. ^__________^

[size=84][color=seagreen]YOU SEE

You see into the deepest part of me ---

beyond the fog I hide behind.

You cast your light upon the shadows

that stretch like cobwebs in my mind.

You ease the pain when I am hurting,

and morbid visions from my past

pierce into the realm of Reason

as though I danced on blades of glass.

You grant me strength when I have fallen

and, once again, I've lost my way.

You take my hand in Yours and lead me

into the promise of a brand new day.

You bring order to all my chaos,

yet set my well-laid plans awry.

You place me on a firm foundation ---

then give me wings so I can fly.

You sand away my roughened edges

and polish all the dullest parts

until I stand before Your presence...

a newly-sculpted work of art.

You see into the heart within me,

right through my motives and selfish will.

And yet, in spite of all You see

You say You love me even still.

~by D.M.~

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Postby Madeline » Wed Oct 20, 2004 12:58 pm

Hey, this book has some of the Latin and Greek root words I'm studying ^_^
The coolness. :D
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Postby Spirit_Wolf8356 » Fri Oct 22, 2004 1:15 pm

Here's the chat! Again, sorry it took so long.

It ends kind of abruptly, cuz I don't have time to do the rest. After it ends, all we did was say goodbyes to whoever was left.

I won't be at the chat this week. I'm going away with my family. ^_^
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The choice has been made. There's no looking back. I won't let up, back up, give up, or shut up. My focus clear. My path is straight. My God, reliable. I'm a disciple of Christ.

Gods plan is like the sun. its too big and bright to look at directly, and sometimes the rain clouds cover it, but sometimes the plan dapples through the clouds and we can see beautiful glimpses of what he has in store for us.
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Postby true_noir_chloe » Fri Oct 22, 2004 3:22 pm

Spirit_Wolf, thank you so much for faithfully putting this up for us. You're the best! :thumb: :hug:

We're going to miss you tomorrow night at the chat.:( However, I'm so glad you can go and have some fun with your family. Enjoy yourself. ;)

Madeline wrote: Hey, this book has some of the Latin and Greek root words I'm studying ^_^
The coolness. :D
Yep, this study has something for everyone. :P

Okay, Chat this week is Saturday evening at 8 p.m. CST, which is 6 p.m. PST, western coast, and 9 p.m. EST, eastern coast. Hope to see you all there. ^___^

[size=84][color=seagreen]YOU SEE

You see into the deepest part of me ---

beyond the fog I hide behind.

You cast your light upon the shadows

that stretch like cobwebs in my mind.

You ease the pain when I am hurting,

and morbid visions from my past

pierce into the realm of Reason

as though I danced on blades of glass.

You grant me strength when I have fallen

and, once again, I've lost my way.

You take my hand in Yours and lead me

into the promise of a brand new day.

You bring order to all my chaos,

yet set my well-laid plans awry.

You place me on a firm foundation ---

then give me wings so I can fly.

You sand away my roughened edges

and polish all the dullest parts

until I stand before Your presence...

a newly-sculpted work of art.

You see into the heart within me,

right through my motives and selfish will.

And yet, in spite of all You see

You say You love me even still.

~by D.M.~

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AIM Chat and a song ^^

Postby true_noir_chloe » Mon Oct 25, 2004 11:55 am

Okay, it's Monday and Spirit_Wolf, our wonderful secretary was not able to make the chat, so... I get to place the AIM chat from Saturday evening here today. :) As always, those in attendance were wonderful to chat with and as always I am so blessed by your guys.:hug:

Now, I had told you all maybe a week or two ago in the chat that I would place the lyrics to "Everything" by Avalon here. Well, I know this is late in coming, but very appropriate for this week, Week 6 and the previous week, Week 5.

Isn't He just everything to You? ^________^

written by Chad Cates and Sue Smith

I grew up in Sunday School
I memorized the Golden Rule
And how Jesus came to set the sinner free
I know the story inside out
I can tell you all about
The path that led Him up to Calvary
But ask me why He loves me
And I don't know what to say
But I'll never be the same
Because He changed my life when He became...

Everything to me
He's more than a story
More than words on a page of history
He's the air that I breathe
The water I thirst for
And the ground beneath my feet
He's everything, everything to me

We're living in uncertain times
And more and more I find that I'm aware
Of just how fragile life can be
I want to tell the world I found
A love that turned my life around
They need to know that they can taste and see
Now every day I'm praying
Just to give my heart away
I want to live for Jesus
So that someone else might see that He is....

Everything to me
He's more than a story
More than words on a page of history
He's the air that I breathe
The water I thirst for
And the ground beneath my feet
He's everything, everything to me

And looking back over my life at the end
I'll go to meet You saying You've been

You're everything to me
You're more than a story
More than words on a page of history
You're the air that I breathe
The water I thirst for
And the ground beneath my feet
You're everything
Lord, You're everything to me

I hope you all have a blessed week. May He begin and end your day. ^_________^
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[size=84][color=seagreen]YOU SEE

You see into the deepest part of me ---

beyond the fog I hide behind.

You cast your light upon the shadows

that stretch like cobwebs in my mind.

You ease the pain when I am hurting,

and morbid visions from my past

pierce into the realm of Reason

as though I danced on blades of glass.

You grant me strength when I have fallen

and, once again, I've lost my way.

You take my hand in Yours and lead me

into the promise of a brand new day.

You bring order to all my chaos,

yet set my well-laid plans awry.

You place me on a firm foundation ---

then give me wings so I can fly.

You sand away my roughened edges

and polish all the dullest parts

until I stand before Your presence...

a newly-sculpted work of art.

You see into the heart within me,

right through my motives and selfish will.

And yet, in spite of all You see

You say You love me even still.

~by D.M.~

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A few additions to the prayer request list

Postby true_noir_chloe » Thu Oct 28, 2004 1:04 pm

Some additions to the prayer requests. Please, go up a few posts to Prayer Requests for week 10/18, and refer to the prayer request list there also, however, these are just some additions this week:

KisaTohru - She has been going through mid-terms and will have more tests on Friday and next week. Please pray for her during these tests. ^__^

Mave - This is an emergency for all of us who love her mangaka efforts - her left wrist is hurting and bandaged. :( She also has this mentioned in the prayer requests section of CAA. So please add this to your prayers that her wrist heals and that she can continue to develop her drawing and writing skills with her right hand to compensate.

Spirit_Wolf - Please, please, please do not forget Spirit_Wolf's little sister in your prayers - she is struggling so much, as is Spirit_Wolf in dealing with this.

Chloe - My mom is in desperate need for a new job and has applied at a job she would love to have, as a clerk for a judge. Please, pray for her to get this job if it be His will.

Also, I have been asked by Vyse to pray for Arbre - she is in need of a job, as well. Also, I think it would be appropriate to pray she continues to grow in the Lord, being a new Christian. ^___^

***Don't forget to go to the original prayer request list during your week in prayer and study.

We will be discussing Week 6 of the Beloved Disciple study, so please join the chat on Saturday evening at 8 p.m CST. :hug: As always, thanks for praying. ^____^

[size=84][color=seagreen]YOU SEE

You see into the deepest part of me ---

beyond the fog I hide behind.

You cast your light upon the shadows

that stretch like cobwebs in my mind.

You ease the pain when I am hurting,

and morbid visions from my past

pierce into the realm of Reason

as though I danced on blades of glass.

You grant me strength when I have fallen

and, once again, I've lost my way.

You take my hand in Yours and lead me

into the promise of a brand new day.

You bring order to all my chaos,

yet set my well-laid plans awry.

You place me on a firm foundation ---

then give me wings so I can fly.

You sand away my roughened edges

and polish all the dullest parts

until I stand before Your presence...

a newly-sculpted work of art.

You see into the heart within me,

right through my motives and selfish will.

And yet, in spite of all You see

You say You love me even still.

~by D.M.~

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Group Discussion, pg. 113

Postby true_noir_chloe » Mon Nov 01, 2004 2:33 pm

Group Discussion sheet Week 5
"Receiving His Fullness" pg. 113

[Falling behind, sorry. ^__^;;; I'll try and place Week 6 on here later this week. This is from last week, Week 5.]

See John 3:5. One of the most often repeated phrases from the mouth of Christ is "I tell you the truth." In the NIV the phrase appears 77 times in the Gospels.

Jesus used the phrase...

1. For the sake of emphasis.

2. For clarity on issues of profound importance like life and death.

3. For clarity on issues of controversy.

Christ tells us the truth. TRUTH BREEDS TRUST. --> even more than love.

Take a good look at Psalm 31:1-5, 13-16, 21. Camp on the words in verse 14. "I trust in You, O Lord." What makes a person able to trust God when the circumstances around him are screaming to disbelieve? He has come to trust in the God of truth (v. 5).

*Do you trust God?! Do you?! ;)

1. Christ will tell us the truth even when we think we'd prefer a lie. Why?

* Because He is Truth (John 14:6).

* Because only the truth sets us free (John 8:32).

2. Thankfully, Christ's truth always comes coupled with His Grace. (John 1:17)

3. Christ holds His church and His children responsible for telling not only His truth but His whole truth.

*Pursuit and grasp of the whole counsel of God's Word - not just pick and choose a scripture.

Two extremes in unbalanced teaching or portraying:


1. God has nothing to do with anything we could ever interpret as negative or painful (2 Tim. 4:3-5).

2. God is always angry, never pleased, and usually out to get us (Luke 4:18).

*If it's not good it's not God - this is not true, because sometimes life hurts.
*And also He is Good news, not dour and angry and mean news. He has a joyful, releasing message.

See John 16:33 "These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world." Jn. 16:33 (NASB)

Christ Jesus came to us as the exact representation of the Father. He taught neither of the above extremes.

See Matthew 18:4-7 "Whoever then humbles himself as this child, he is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever receives one such child in My name receives Me; but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it is better for him that a heavy millstone be hung around his neck, and that he be drowned in the depth of the sea. Woe to the world because of its stumbling blocks! For it is inevitable that stumbling blocks come; but woe to that man through whom the stumbling block comes!" Matt. 18:4-7 (NASB)

[size=84][color=seagreen]YOU SEE

You see into the deepest part of me ---

beyond the fog I hide behind.

You cast your light upon the shadows

that stretch like cobwebs in my mind.

You ease the pain when I am hurting,

and morbid visions from my past

pierce into the realm of Reason

as though I danced on blades of glass.

You grant me strength when I have fallen

and, once again, I've lost my way.

You take my hand in Yours and lead me

into the promise of a brand new day.

You bring order to all my chaos,

yet set my well-laid plans awry.

You place me on a firm foundation ---

then give me wings so I can fly.

You sand away my roughened edges

and polish all the dullest parts

until I stand before Your presence...

a newly-sculpted work of art.

You see into the heart within me,

right through my motives and selfish will.

And yet, in spite of all You see

You say You love me even still.

~by D.M.~

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Postby Kisa » Wed Nov 03, 2004 5:26 pm

Thanks Chloe!
BTW, sorry for my poor attendance and tardiness.... I really have been busier than last year.... ><
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Prayer Requests Updates 11/3

Postby true_noir_chloe » Wed Nov 03, 2004 8:01 pm

*Kisa, whenever you can make it we are blessed, so don't worry. :) I know you have had a hard time this year with studies.

Oh my goodness time to update the prayer requests. O_O

New Updates 11/3, so please read carefully, since there have been some changes. Also know, I am always praying for you all to grow closer in the grace and knowledge of our Lord, Jesus Christ, please pray the same for me. Thank you. :) I always say this. :sweat:

First off: Let us always remember to pray for our Administration and the Mods here at CAA. They could always use our prayers.

Kirakira Update: Kira has let me know that things are going fantastically better with her family, her brother and mom, so thank you all for your prayers. Please, continue to pray for her.

:) We had some guests this last Saturday, :rock: Oct 30th at our chat, Morwen Laicoriel and Golden_Griff. Thanks for visiting at our chat ladies, and they even had prayer requests: Golden_Griff - Her cousin needs healing on his arm and pray the Lord's hand will be upon him. Morwen Laicoriel - an unspoken request, so please pray for her.

Shiroi - Shiroi is sick this week, so please pray she gets over this cold or sinus infection - its really got her down in the dumps and not feeling well. Also, she is in need of a job badly, so please, please, pray for her to get one. Shiroi has also been struggling with what may be Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) and she would like some prayer to know how she can get over this and help her maybe find someone who can help her as she deals with this.

Madeline - Please pray for her grandparents who recently divorced, especially for her granmother as she handles the seperation. And, for her dad who is changing his diet and the whole family are doing the same. Please pray for his recovery and for Madelines' heart to be comforted right now. It's been very hard on her. :hug:

Spirit_Wolf - Again, her sister needs our prayers as she struggles in her life and is very rebellious. Also, please pray they grow closer to the Lord these days and for Spirit_Wolf's wisdom and witness through all this. Also, for her friend who is known as EvilSporkofDoom here on CAA; she recently broke up with her boyfriend.
She would also like guidance in her decision making for a future career and college. Also, there is a girl she is witnessing to in her class and she needs the Spirit to give her the right words to say. Also, there is a great possibility in leading for Spirit_Wolf, and I won't share it now, but please pray for guidance for Spirit_Wolf in this possible calling. And last, her dad has a tooth which is hurting him greatly and his mouth is swollen and painful.

Lynx - Pray for encouragement from the Lord for her as she lives in a very non-Christian setting at college, and for her witness there. Also an unspoken request for her.

KisaTohru - Please pray for her grandfather who has cancer and there is an urgent matter here; it seems that her grandfather has been losing blood and they don't seem to know where or how, so please pray for guidance for the doctors to help him out. Also, pray that her family especially feel His loving hand at this time and the granddad as he prepares to be with the Lord. Also, Kisa is having a hard time getting over the death of her cat of 9 years. Please, pray for comfort over this loss as well. :( Also, poor Kisa hurt her ankle in practice, please pray it continues to heal well.

Sheherazade - She struggles with headaches and her mom could use prayer for her health, as well. Also, one of her classmates with MS has not been to class for two tests, and she is hoping she is all right. Also, another classmate has an abusive boyfriend. Please pray she has the strength to stay away from him and Sher could be a witness to her during this time. Sher also has a friend whose brother died and she wants us to pray for the Spirit to give her the right words to say as she witnesses to this friend, and for his salvation.

EireWolf - She and her husband are looking into buying a home. Please pray for wisdom with finances and the right house will come if it be His will for them to own a home.

Mave - She needs to have the right data for her thesis. Also, she would really like the internship with Kelloggs in Michigan. Please pray, if it be God's will, that she would get that internship.
And again,Mave will be out of her apartment by the holidays in the freezing north of Michigan, so please pray she finds an affordable and nice place to stay.:(

Ducky - She has added an unspoken request this week, and please pray for her family. :) Also, please pray for her Grandpa Bob.

Chloe - My husband will be getting his real estate license soon - he has aced all his tests with A's at the college and went through the program to be a realtor within two months, which is rather impressive (very proud of her husband ^______^). He's already got a broker whose office is beautiful and is only a few minutes from our house. So, please pray if this is the Lord's will it will all work out in this new job transition, which is a major change in our lives.
Also, just pray that my heart is in the right place as I make decisions these days. And, please pray for my kids, that they will grow closer to the Lord, as well. I think you all know who they are here; chibi_chan and Elric_kun.

Arbre - she is in need of a job, as well. Also, I think it would be appropriate to pray she continues to grow in the Lord, being a new Christian. ^___^

As always, thank you all for your continued prayers. You are all so special and greatly loved by Our Savior. ^____^ Have a great week.

[size=84][color=seagreen]YOU SEE

You see into the deepest part of me ---

beyond the fog I hide behind.

You cast your light upon the shadows

that stretch like cobwebs in my mind.

You ease the pain when I am hurting,

and morbid visions from my past

pierce into the realm of Reason

as though I danced on blades of glass.

You grant me strength when I have fallen

and, once again, I've lost my way.

You take my hand in Yours and lead me

into the promise of a brand new day.

You bring order to all my chaos,

yet set my well-laid plans awry.

You place me on a firm foundation ---

then give me wings so I can fly.

You sand away my roughened edges

and polish all the dullest parts

until I stand before Your presence...

a newly-sculpted work of art.

You see into the heart within me,

right through my motives and selfish will.

And yet, in spite of all You see

You say You love me even still.

~by D.M.~

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Postby Madeline » Sat Nov 06, 2004 11:03 am

My husband will be getting his real estate license soon - he has aced all his tests with A's at the college and went through the program to be a realtor within two months, which is rather impressive (very proud of her husband ^______^). He's already got a broker whose office is beautiful and is only a few minutes from our house

That's great! :) I'll be praying for you. ^^
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Just a Few Things

Postby true_noir_chloe » Thu Nov 11, 2004 1:41 pm

Thank you Madeline for praying for my family. ^_____^ :hug:

Hmm, this last week there were a few additions to the prayer list - but, I cannot find the copy of the chat from AIM. So, when I do find it I will post those. (-__-)\ sorry

However, I wanted to let everyone know that I think it would be great if this week we all try to catch up and finish Week 6. I won't discuss Week 7 and let you all just work on catching up.

I understand that many did not get the workbooks until later and that you all have very busy lives. I thank those who have put an extra effort to try and keep up with the weeks and pray that you all are truly growing in the Lord with these studies and are enjoying your time with God.

I must admit, as you can see, that I have no room to complain if you all fall behind. We all have busy lives. :sweat: And, I am being very forgetful, as well. *hehe* So, next time I should be posting the group discussion questions from Week 6 and then I hope to see you all at the chat on Saturday evening at 8 p.m. CST.

Thanks everyone. :hug:

[size=84][color=seagreen]YOU SEE

You see into the deepest part of me ---

beyond the fog I hide behind.

You cast your light upon the shadows

that stretch like cobwebs in my mind.

You ease the pain when I am hurting,

and morbid visions from my past

pierce into the realm of Reason

as though I danced on blades of glass.

You grant me strength when I have fallen

and, once again, I've lost my way.

You take my hand in Yours and lead me

into the promise of a brand new day.

You bring order to all my chaos,

yet set my well-laid plans awry.

You place me on a firm foundation ---

then give me wings so I can fly.

You sand away my roughened edges

and polish all the dullest parts

until I stand before Your presence...

a newly-sculpted work of art.

You see into the heart within me,

right through my motives and selfish will.

And yet, in spite of all You see

You say You love me even still.

~by D.M.~

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Postby Kisa » Sun Nov 14, 2004 11:19 am

Darn AIM! Actually my school server but oh well.... I got booted last night and couldnt return to the chat *cries* SOOO SORRY!!!!!!!
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Group Discussion answers (pg. 135) & AIM chat

Postby true_noir_chloe » Mon Nov 15, 2004 12:54 pm

(Kisa, it's all right. I sent you a pm. ^___^ ;) )

Below is what we discussed in the chat on Saturday. I am also placing the AIM chat at the bottom of this. We are now on Week 7. We will discuss Week 7 on Saturday, Nov. 20th. I need to know if you all will be gone the following Saturday after Thanksgiving. We may need to cancel the chat that evening. I may be having a guest, so I may not be able to make it anyway. We can discuss this on Saturday, as well. :)

It was a great chat this last Saturday, we had tons of problems and I almost didn't make it because AIM shut down on me :comp: - but, thank the Lord, we somehow managed and had our chat. :angel: And, we had two new visitors, Arbre and Griffin - we hope to see more of you guys. ^_____^

Group Session 6, pg. 135
"Life More Abundantly"

Our previous lesson concluded the written focus on the concepts of "more" and "abundance" in the Gospel of John. Today we will pick up and expand on an important principle for the believers life that was established in Week 6, day 5: Identification by Association.

No other chapter in all four Gospels has "more" to say about this wonderful principle than the incomparable John 17.

In contrast, man's natural life principle is: Identification by Exultation.

"Identification by association" is beautifully illustrated in John 17.

1. Between Father and Son. Read John 17:1-5.

A. Traces of Intimacy

* In timing (the time has come...)

* In the essence of eternal life

* In reference to relationship before the world began

B. Terms of Intercession

* "Glorify your Son, that your Son may glorify You."

* Identification by association for glorification.

2. Between Father, Son, and those God gave Him. Read John 17:6,20.

A. Traces of Intimacy

*The revelation of the Father received through...

1) Obedience to His Word (logos)

2) Acceptance of His words (rhema)

* Christ's insistence that glory had come to Him through them

* Christ's passion for the love God has for Him

B. Terms of Intercession

* "protect them by the power of Your Name."

* "protect them from the evil one"

* "that all of them may be one... brought to complete unity"
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[size=84][color=seagreen]YOU SEE

You see into the deepest part of me ---

beyond the fog I hide behind.

You cast your light upon the shadows

that stretch like cobwebs in my mind.

You ease the pain when I am hurting,

and morbid visions from my past

pierce into the realm of Reason

as though I danced on blades of glass.

You grant me strength when I have fallen

and, once again, I've lost my way.

You take my hand in Yours and lead me

into the promise of a brand new day.

You bring order to all my chaos,

yet set my well-laid plans awry.

You place me on a firm foundation ---

then give me wings so I can fly.

You sand away my roughened edges

and polish all the dullest parts

until I stand before Your presence...

a newly-sculpted work of art.

You see into the heart within me,

right through my motives and selfish will.

And yet, in spite of all You see

You say You love me even still.

~by D.M.~

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Prayer Updates for 11/15

Postby true_noir_chloe » Wed Nov 17, 2004 7:57 pm

New Updates 11/15, so please read carefully,since there have been some changes. Also know, I am always praying for you all to grow closer in the grace and knowledge of our Lord, Jesus Christ, please pray the same for me. Thank you. I always say this.

First off: Let us always remember to pray for our Administration and the Mods here at CAA. They could always use our prayers.

We had some "new" guests this last Saturday, November 13th, at our chat, Arbre andGriffin, f.k.a. Lioness, plus Golden_Griff joined us again. Thanks for visiting at our chat ladies, and they even had prayer requests, of which I will list:

Golden_Griff- Her cousin needs healing on his arm and pray the Lord's hand will be upon him.

Arbre– She has been doing much better and she has a job, which is something to be very thankful for. ^_______^ Please keep praying for her in her Christian growth.

Griffin- Please continue to pray her heart continues to heal and that she continues to grow closer and closer to the Lord.

Kirakira: Kira has let me know that things are going fantastically better with her family, her brother and mom, so thank you all for your prayers. Please, continue to pray for her.

Shiroi - She is still in need of a job badly, so please, please, pray for her to get one. Shiroi has also been struggling with what may be Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) and she would like some prayer to know how she can get over this and help her maybe find someone who can help her as she deals with this.

Madeline - Please pray for her grandparents who recently divorced, especially for her grandmother as she handles the separation. And, for her dad who is changing his diet and the whole family are doing the same. Please pray for his recovery and for Madelines' heart to be comforted right now. It's been very hard on her. New: Please pray for her friend who is in the hospital and her family is having some “issuesâ€

[size=84][color=seagreen]YOU SEE

You see into the deepest part of me ---

beyond the fog I hide behind.

You cast your light upon the shadows

that stretch like cobwebs in my mind.

You ease the pain when I am hurting,

and morbid visions from my past

pierce into the realm of Reason

as though I danced on blades of glass.

You grant me strength when I have fallen

and, once again, I've lost my way.

You take my hand in Yours and lead me

into the promise of a brand new day.

You bring order to all my chaos,

yet set my well-laid plans awry.

You place me on a firm foundation ---

then give me wings so I can fly.

You sand away my roughened edges

and polish all the dullest parts

until I stand before Your presence...

a newly-sculpted work of art.

You see into the heart within me,

right through my motives and selfish will.

And yet, in spite of all You see

You say You love me even still.

~by D.M.~

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Group Session 7 (pg.157) and other things ^^

Postby true_noir_chloe » Fri Dec 03, 2004 9:55 am

Wow, this has been a long hiatus for us! ^______^ I feel I've been out of this study for two weeks, with Thanksgiving and vacation. Plus, I've been very sick :( ; in fact, our whole family was down with sore throats and head colds for most of this week. I'm still not feeling very whippy.

Prayer Updates will be done on Monday, December 6th, Lord willing. I'm waiting for quite a few to respond to my pm. *shaking finger* you know who you are. XD ;) However, a big thank you to Mave, Golden_Griff and Ducky for updating your prayer requests for me. :)

I enjoyed listening to Beth Moore speak on this study from Week 7, "Letters From the Heart" I hope you all can grasp somewhat with these red fill-in answers to what she spoke of. And, this actually brings us into Week 8, and the book of Revelation. We should all be caught up to Week 8 by the AIM chat tomorrow evening.

"Letters From the Heart" pg. 157
Group Session 7

Our journey with the apostle John will take us now over the waters of the Aegean Sea to a small island called Patmos. In week 8, day 1 we will look more closely at John's arrival and the introduction to the Book of Revelation. Today, however, we're going to consider to the best of our understanding the vision of Christ that John recorded in Revelation 1:9-18.

While we understand that John received a one-time-only vision of Christ (this is the Revelation!). I believe we can draw some important parallels about becoming the kind of people to whom Christ can reveal Himself.

1. Though a prisoner in exile, John remained spiritually keen and fervent.
Revelation 1:10, "On the Lord's Day I was in the Spirit."

2. John was faithful with what he "heard," and God invited him to "see" (Revelation 1:10,12). (Other references: John 5, Acts 28, John 14:21)

The original word for hear often used in Scripture is akouo, meaning "not only to hear but to respond and obey."

3. John came to the startling realization that the immortal Christ exceeded anything he could have stretched his mind to imagine (vs. 17).

4. John encountered the tender familiarity wrapped in the complete unfamiliarity of unveiled "God-ness" (vs. 17).

5. Conspicuously absent in the record of John's staggering encounter with the Immortal Christ is a single word from the disciples mouth (Eccl. 5:1-2).

I'm adding from what Beth Moore spoke of in her tapes:

To be in the Spirit: You will never be in the Spirit by accident. We can be filled with the spirit of carnality and we will default naturally to our sin, so you have to wake up and decide what you will walk in today.

To be in the Spirit is a deliberate thing that you choose to be in every morning when you awake. Just as John decided on the island of Patmos.

What John saw was a one-time deal, but for us to have His Spirit revealed to us through our lives; although, we will not have any new Book of Revelation type revealing, we can have His truth be revealed to us as we walk in the Spirit every day. And, this is a conscious effort that you decide when you start out your day.

The Holy Spirit indwells every believer and either our carnality dulls it's existence or our prayerful seeking at each moment brings it to the forefront of our thoughts and minds. God remains true to us and He never changes our standing or position in Christ - that is a given. However, how you walk through your day is a decision you make. Will you default to the natural man/woman, or will you seek Him each moment? That is our decision and how we grow.

I hope to see you all at the chat on Saturday evening (8pm CST). Have a blessed weekend.:hug:
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