Okay, this is a topic that is very sensitive, but very wrong: Yaoi. Has anyone herd of Yaoi mountain? Well, it all started with all my anime girlfriends. They made up a place in Japan called Yaoi Mountain, where all the gay men live. Now, at first, i was cool with it, then i became stronger in my faith, and it began to disturb me... Alot. They began to hand out rolls to people rolls on Yaoi Mountain. My friend Amanda would be baker, Shannon would be the nightclub/sexshop owner, etc etc. Then they got to me, and said somthing that really desturbed me. They said I would run the church for Yaoiism, since I'm so "churchy." I replied with, "Um, no. I'm going to be the protestor outside the gates of Yaoi Mountain."
Well, that was about a year ago, and now its gotten worse. Alot worse. I just went into an anime chatroom, and they began to talk about 'Yaoi Mountain.'
This' spreading and we need to stand up against the evils! Who's with me?
P.S: My friends just added Heero and Duo as the owners of the Anime shop. >.<