Do you know what we do with dead chemists?

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Do you know what we do with dead chemists?

Postby junomoule » Fri Jun 17, 2011 3:27 pm

... We barium. We miss 'em when they argon, but it's good they don't have to sulfur.

This catty, slightly over-used science joke has been brought to you by a humanoid organism called Junomoule [alias "Ju" or "Juno" in online enviorments].

This beast is known for it's childish delight at puns, long walks on the beach [seriously dude bring a tent], pretending to be a pillbug, climbing trees, science experiments, run-on sentences, creating walls of text, and boasts capabilities of addressing itself using a third-person point of view. Be warned this species is thrilled by doodling on any piece of paper available.

Curiously, the animal has been found in more than one natural habitat. In regards to academics a strong love for science has been exhibited and showcased by status as a nursing major. Occupational habits have been observed as a daycare worker, sunday school volunteer, regular volunteer/staff for two of the United States' southwestern anime conventions.

Have I mentioned the part where am so excited that there is a Christian animanga community that I could explode? 'Cause I should.

Nice to meet y'all, and lookin' forward to seeing you around! Got questions or comments? Let me at 'em! Also, since you've gotten this far I've got a random question for you- if you could meet any anime/manga/videogame character who would it be?
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Postby TopazRaven » Fri Jun 17, 2011 4:10 pm

Welcome to CAA! Certianly hope you enjoy your time here. What are some of your favorite anime and/or manga? As for what anime/manga/video game character I'd want to meet? Who knows, way to many to choose from!
For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

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Postby Nate » Fri Jun 17, 2011 4:13 pm

I don't know what I just read but I think I liked it.

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Postby shooraijin » Fri Jun 17, 2011 4:21 pm

A hard science intro with loads of puns. Well played.
"you're a doctor.... and 27 years.... + 27 years = HATORI SOHMA" - RoyalWing, when I was 27
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Postby Mithrandir » Fri Jun 17, 2011 6:55 pm

Welcome to the Nuthouse! :lol:

The way to a geek's funny bone is through humor. Obviously. XD
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Postby alma » Fri Jun 17, 2011 7:24 pm

Welcome to CAA!
I really liked your introduction.
Cool and smart!
Do you happend to also write stories?
"Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent."John 17:3 (NASB)
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Postby Atria35 » Sat Jun 18, 2011 6:17 am

Welcome to the boards! If I could meet one, it would be Aika from ARIA. Because she just seems like a sweet person who could cheer me up and give me a boost of confidence!
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Postby Ally-Ann » Sat Jun 18, 2011 7:29 am

XD Nice intro. Welcome to CAA!
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I like mochi. ^^

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Postby bigsleepj » Sat Jun 18, 2011 8:39 am

Darkness came. Said 'hi'. I'm more cheerful and will say 'Welcome to our little establishment.'
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KhakiBlueSocks wrote:"I'm going to make you a prayer request you can't refuse..." Cue the violins. :lol:

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Postby Lynna » Sat Jun 18, 2011 9:49 am

Welcome! We're glad to have you!
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Postby rocklobster » Sat Jun 18, 2011 9:59 am

:hug: Welcome to CAA!
*takes out small paper bag*
would you like a jelly baby?
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Postby junomoule » Sat Jun 18, 2011 10:12 am

Look out, below! Droppin' another wall of text!

@ TopazRaven -
Thank you for the warm welcome! This place looks awfully comfortable, so I'm planning to stay a while- you like Hetalia? Austria's such a fun character, I enjoy watching him work to keep his composure [and so often succeed!] amongst all the madness.

Hmm... Always have had quite a time trying to pick favorites, but we'll see if I can't give it a shot. Love a well-written, compelling storyline with strong characters, but I'm also happy to admit that I like kids' shows. A smattering of everything, y'know?

Alice Academy, Axis Powers Hetalia, Bakuman, Chrno Crusade, Durarara!, Fruits Basket, Immortal Rain, Ouran Host Club, Pandora Hearts, Tegami Bachi, Zoids, and an army of others- seems I'm in shoujo mode this morning with that list, hah! I've always had a thing for Pokemon, and I can't foresee that ending in the near future.

@ Nate -
Ahahaha! Well, glad the wall of text is likable even if it's not always sensible. Thank you for taking the time to swing by my thread and welcome me on board. S'always good to meet up with anyone who is a brony, too. You got a favorite pony?

@ Shooraijin -
Danke, stranger! Curtsy in your general direction, just glad you were able to appreciate and enjoy 'em. Chemistry is a good science to fall back on, since it relates to so many others. What's your favorite type of joke?

From what your signature tells me, you're a hero just for surviving residency! S'one thing about medschool that gave me the heebie-jeebies, man. Your warm welcome is very appreciated, thank you.

@ Mithrandir -
Obviously I find what you're telling me quite humerus. :| <--- The most straight-faced emoticon I can think of. Am I right to conclude you dig Final Fantasy? You've got guides to my favorites in the series right there in your sig, seven and ten have always been favorites of mine!

Get to be part of the nut house now, eh? Aww, yeah... Can I be a walnut? They are shaped like little brains and may or may not be related to wallflowers. Right-o, thank you for stopping by; nuts are the best, and trail mix is delicious!

@ Evamom -
Aah- thank you, thank you! Very glad to be here, this is easily one of the warmest and most receptive welcomes from a forum I've had in a long time. Hopefully I'll be seeing lots of you around the forums, too, you seem to be a very sweet person.

Caught me red-handed, did you? You're absolutely correct! Writing is something that I enjoy intensely, but I'm more guilty of original prose than I am of fanfiction. Do you like to write stories, and if so, what kinds of stories do you like to write?

@ Atria35 -
ARIA! Now there's a series I've heard lots of great things about, been meaning to sit down and watch it. The whole atmosphere of it seems so gentle and uplifting, and the art is pretty gorgeous, too. Sounds like Aika is a real sweetheart, too!

Lots of love for characters who dare to build others up instead of tear 'em down. -Grins.- Thank you very much for taking the time to mosey down to my thread and drop me a line, who is the girl in your avatar? Don't recognize her and you've gone and made me curious.

@ Ally-Ann -
Oh, thank you! Glad you could find my puttering around entertaining, and that you will in the future- hoping to stick around here for a while with all these kind welcoming people around. Looks like you like to write, according to your signature! Which piece of yours are you most proud of?

@ bigsleepj -
Darkness sounds like he hasn't had a cup of coffee yet today, poor bloke... Seems like you're perfectly fighting fit, aye? Thank you for the warm welcome- this little establishment seems like quite the big success! Speaking of coffee, got a question for you. Do you prefer coffee, or tea?

@ Lynna -
Another warm welcome, wow! I'm glad that you'd take the time to welcome me aboard this show, thanks for stopping on by. Think I recognize that girl in your avatar, and therefore think you must have some pretty good taste in manga. Aah, but I digress... do you have a favorite genre of anime or manga?

@ Rocklobster -
Aah, danger's flying it from 10 o'clock and it looks like it's... a glomp attack?! Mmmrph! Hey, hey, I love internet hugs as much as the next person. Thank you for your enthusiastic welcome, it's something I can't help but appreciate somethin' fierce.

Jelly babies are delicious, and I'd love one. You a fan of dragons? Keeping those critters alive and healthy via dragoncave can be quite a challenge, or at least I remember it being one. If you could have any mythological critter as a familiar, what would you go for?
[color="#DE979B"]j u n o m o u l e[/color]
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Postby rocklobster » Sat Jun 18, 2011 10:20 am

Yep, love dragons. As for mythological critter, I'd say unicorns. btw, love the Kiki and Howl avvie!
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you. I appointed you to be a prophet of all nations."
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Postby bigsleepj » Sat Jun 18, 2011 11:02 am

junomoule (post: 1485676) wrote:@ bigsleepj -
Darkness sounds like he hasn't had a cup of coffee yet today, poor bloke... Seems like you're perfectly fighting fit, aye? Thank you for the warm welcome- this little establishment seems like quite the big success! Speaking of coffee, got a question for you. Do you prefer coffee, or tea?

He's a lot less happy when he tripped. As for coffee, I love coffee a great deal, but have recently been experimenting (that is, learning to brew it properly) with proper Chinese teas. And when I mean recently, I mean today. Apparently you rinse it.

What authors do you like?
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KhakiBlueSocks wrote:"I'm going to make you a prayer request you can't refuse..." Cue the violins. :lol:

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Postby Atria35 » Sat Jun 18, 2011 11:21 am

junomoule (post: 1485676) wrote:@ Atria35 -
ARIA! Now there's a series I've heard lots of great things about, been meaning to sit down and watch it. The whole atmosphere of it seems so gentle and uplifting, and the art is pretty gorgeous, too. Sounds like Aika is a real sweetheart, too!

Lots of love for characters who dare to build others up instead of tear 'em down. -Grins.- Thank you very much for taking the time to mosey down to my thread and drop me a line, who is the girl in your avatar? Don't recognize her and you've gone and made me curious.

Yeah, I'm a huge ARIA fan! I actually ended up writing the review for this site. Couldn't resist! xD And my avatar is Nessa from Fractale. The only really great thing about the show, unfortunately, but I rate it a bit higher for her!
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Postby shooraijin » Sat Jun 18, 2011 1:25 pm

Chemistry is a good science to fall back on, since it relates to so many others.

Although I'm quite sure he didn't have Christianity in mind when he said this, this reminds me of the infamous LSD chemist Augustus Stanley Owsley, who famously observed that "chemistry is applied theology."
"you're a doctor.... and 27 years.... + 27 years = HATORI SOHMA" - RoyalWing, when I was 27
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I could still be champ, but I'd feel bad taking it away from one of the younger guys. - George Foreman
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Postby Nate » Sat Jun 18, 2011 4:13 pm

junomoule wrote:You got a favorite pony?

Fluttershy, now and always...though Pinkie Pie and Scootaloo are tied at a very close second. Despite my Rainbow Dash avatar, she's only my fifth favorite. I only have her as my avatar for...particular reasons I don't care to divulge publicly. :p

And of course, who can't love Lyra? Part of the fun of the fandom is how popular background ponies, who have literally no personalities or even speaking lines most of the time, have become. Although we DO know Lyra likes sitting on benches weird. So I like Lyra a lot. And Seafoam. And Cheerilee (even though she's not a background pony so much).

Oh and Sparkler! I always thought she was interesting because she's the leader of the Animal Team in Winter Wrap Up instead of Fluttershy, and I always wondered why that's the case...maybe because Fluttershy isn't assertive enough to be leader I guess?

But yeah I could go on and on about ponies so I'll stop now. >.>;;

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Postby alma » Sat Jun 18, 2011 6:06 pm

junomoule (post: 1485676) wrote:@ Evamom -
Aah- thank you, thank you! Very glad to be here, this is easily one of the warmest and most receptive welcomes from a forum I've had in a long time. Hopefully I'll be seeing lots of you around the forums, too, you seem to be a very sweet person.

Caught me red-handed, did you? You're absolutely correct! Writing is something that I enjoy intensely, but I'm more guilty of original prose than I am of fanfiction. Do you like to write stories, and if so, what kinds of stories do you like to write?
I love to read good stories, but I am not a writer. The way you wrote your intro made me think that if you are a writer I would enjoy to read your creations. That is why I asked. ;)
"Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent."John 17:3 (NASB)
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Postby Lilac#18 » Sat Jun 18, 2011 6:59 pm

[color="Plum"]Hi, junomoule.:)[/color]
FKA Selenite
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Postby junomoule » Sun Jun 19, 2011 10:26 pm

@ Rocklobster -
Eee, unicorns! Love me some unicorns, and that's a fine choice for a familiar. Thanks for compliments on the avatar, they are a pair of characters I'd love to see meet! Miyazaki can alwas do with a little love, methinks... The things that man has done for the anime community are incredible. Got a favorite Miyazaki film?

@ Bigsleepj -
Darkness tripped, too? Just not his day, is it? Ooh, teas! I've a fondness for teas, simply because of their herbal properties. Proper Chinese teas sound delicious- how did your experiment go, was it tasty? Since you are a fan of coffee, I highly reccomend chai teas to you. They have a similarly earthly taste that you might enjoy.

Gosh, you asked me a tough question- I savor a good book the way many people savor good meals. Tend to notice stories more than I notice authors, but going after the most recent reads I've had...

C.S. Lewis is a remarkable man in terms of logic [essays] as well as story-telling [Narnia]! Jonathan Barnes is a very new author, but his works are quite promising. His writing style is compelling without losing the asset of description. There's a heavy sense of atmosphere in his play between the narrator and the story makes for good fun. Last but not least, got to give some credit to Tamora Pierce. Her works aren't terribly complex, but they are enjoyable and they got me started on the fantasy genre years ago and I can't help but thank her for it.

@ Atria35 -
Well, now I'm just going to have shimmy over and check out that review! The review page is one of the reasons I signed up, but I haven't snooped around those boards yet. Fractale, huh? Can't claim to have heard of the anime, but I like it's title. It reminds me of fractals, which are an incredible concept in and of themselves.

A good character can keep a story running and likable if the character is strong enough! It's always fun to find them in any series. Hmm... There are a lot of character types out there- do you have any favorite anime stereotypes?

@ Shooraijin -
Never heard the quote before, just goes to show how much more I've got to learn about science and the people behind it. Though he may not have had Christianity in mind, there is great force behind his statement; the more one learns about the intricacies of chemistry, the more elegant and beautiful it becomes.

Lamanin is probably one of my favorite things. The fact that it essentially holds all life together and is observed to be shaped like a cross is enough to give a girl goosebumps. Science is a wonderful illustration of God in motion, and it makes me pout when people think that science has to be divorced from Him... Aah, you got me rambling!

@ Nate -
Now there's the enthusiasm that I like to see! S'always a good time to talk about ponies, I'd say. Agree that there are a lot of fun characters, and Lyra's designs is one of my favorites... that color scheme can make me ooh and aah like it's nobody's business. D'you have a favorite pony design?

Fluttershy is the type of girl you want to smother in hugs and love, easy company and a great choice as a favorite. Might not be able to conduct a room, but she leads by example beautifully- Sparkler does seem more of a placeholder for the role... Hope to see more of her next season, along with little Luna [so cute]!

@ Evamom -
Goodness gracious, you do know how to make a girl blush and twiddle her thumbs! Haha, it's an honor to hear that you enjoy my writing style. With encouragement like that I might just have to churn out a piece of writing for you to enjoy. What's a good book that you've read recently?

@ Selenite -
Howdy right back atcha, stranger! Thanks for taking the time out of your day to greet me, I appreciate it. Like your username too, it rolls off the tongue nicely and it takes after a very gorgeous type of gypsum. Crystal clear beauty. Ahem! Looks like you like Sailor Moon... which Sailor Scout is your favorite?
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Postby TopazRaven » Mon Jun 20, 2011 8:01 pm

junomoule (post: 1485676) wrote:@ TopazRaven -
Thank you for the warm welcome! This place looks awfully comfortable, so I'm planning to stay a while- you like Hetalia? Austria's such a fun character, I enjoy watching him work to keep his composure [and so often succeed!] amongst all the madness.

You're very welcome and I do apologize for taking so long to get back to you. Sadly it seems I've come down with quite the bug and I haven't been on much. Hopefully this cursed illness shall leave me soon so I can return to CAA like normal! Anyway yes, I do enjoy Hetalia, only anime I am following at the moment. Indeed Austria is probably the only sane character among the entire cast. :lol: So you like the show to then? Mind me asking who your favorites are?
For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

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Postby Furen » Mon Jun 20, 2011 9:09 pm

XD love the jokes, I'll have to get to know you, speaking of which

Welcome to the CAA ^^ feel free to bee crazy here, have a great time here, and all that jazz (do you like jazz now that I'm on topic?)

EDIT: OH and I'd totally love to meet a Tales character, any of them would fine, but if I had to choose, Jade. (guy in green with glasses on my MOES sig)

EDIT 2: I also loved the XKCD reference, I though one of my friends said that, but then I re-stumbled on it today, and it jogged my memory
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Postby Nate » Tue Jun 21, 2011 4:56 am

junomoule wrote:D'you have a favorite pony design?

Hmm...for some reason, Trixie's design is really appealing color-wise. I dunno, I just think it works really well. I also like Tutti-Frutti because she's one of the more interestingly colored background ponies. Most ponies seem to have at most two colors in their mane, and Tutti-Frutti is one of the rare ones with more than that.
Fluttershy is the type of girl you want to smother in hugs and love, easy company and a great choice as a favorite. Might not be able to conduct a room, but she leads by example beautifully

Fluttershy is totally moe, though they expanded her personality a bit beyond that, of course as Dragonshy and The Best Night Ever proved. I also find it a bit weird that Fluttershy was willing to get up in front of a large crowd and speak in Applebuck seems out of character for her. But oh well.

Fluttershy also seems to be the second favorite shipping choice of the fandom, and I think it's easy to see why. She definitely has a strong relationship with Pinkie, as evidenced in Griffon the Brush-Off, Over a Barrel, and Bridle Gossip (though that last one is arguable]usually,[/i] Dragonshy has Dash being rude to Fluttershy for no real reason), and a decent one with Twilight. Really the only pony she doesn't seem to have too much interaction with is Applejack, outside of Applebuck Season at least.

Heck there's even the Derpydash pairing because of the secret rose drop Derpy gives to Fluttershy in Fall Weather Friends. As for me? I'm a Pinkieshy kind of guy, because that relationship is just way too adorable. XP
Hope to see more of her next season, along with little Luna [so cute]!

Well, we DO know that there will be more of Luna in season 2. I hope she's a fun character just to mess with the fandom.

And also more scenes like this in the actual show plz:

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Postby bigsleepj » Tue Jun 21, 2011 10:50 am

junomoule (post: 1485976) wrote:Darkness tripped, too? Just not his day, is it?

He's like that. Also, don't mention any movie or book with the word 'darkness' in the title. He gets rather upset regarding imagined misuse of his name.
junomoule (post: 1485976) wrote:Ooh, teas! I've a fondness for teas, simply because of their herbal properties. Proper Chinese teas sound delicious- how did your experiment go, was it tasty? Since you are a fan of coffee, I highly reccomend chai teas to you. They have a similarly earthly taste that you might enjoy.

I enjoyed it, but I still have to get the brewing right. I am intrigued, however, by the fact that you can re-use it several times. I have also tried chai teas and liked them, though those I buy in a local coffee-shop is more authentic than those I make myself.

If you want to try a herbal infusion tea that's very good for you then you should try rooibos, which is cultivated locally and is good (if you can get used to its weird taste, that is). You might also want to try its cousin, red honeybush, which has a similar yet distinct taste, but isn't half as good for you.

junomoule (post: 1485976) wrote:C.S. Lewis is a remarkable man in terms of logic [essays] as well as story-telling [Narnia]!

I'm going to have to agree with you there.
CS Lewis is a great theologian, but as an author his books can be a bit hit and miss for me. His best fictional works for me, however, are: The Screwtape Letters, Perelandra and

junomoule (post: 1485976) wrote:Jonathan Barnes is a very new author, but his works are quite promising.

Interesting. I haven't heard of him, but I'll keep an eye out.

Have you ever read Fyodr Dostoevsky?
Unwise Toasting Sermon

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KhakiBlueSocks wrote:"I'm going to make you a prayer request you can't refuse..." Cue the violins. :lol:

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Postby Lynna » Tue Jun 21, 2011 4:08 pm

junomoule (post: 1485676) wrote:@ Lynna -
Another warm welcome, wow! I'm glad that you'd take the time to welcome me aboard this show, thanks for stopping on by. Think I recognize that girl in your avatar, and therefore think you must have some pretty good taste in manga. Aah, but I digress... do you have a favorite genre of anime or manga?

No Problem ^_^
The Girl in My avatar is Sana Kurata from Kodocha! (Kodomo no Omocha)
I used to like shojou a lot, and to some extent, I still do. I also enjoy some Slice of Life and shonen. My favorite anime is FullMetal alchemist: brotherhood
I Believe in the Sun/Even when It's not shining/I belive in Love/Even When I Don't Feel it/And I Believe in God/Even when He is silent/And I, I Believe ---BarlowGirl
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Postby Ally-Ann » Wed Jun 22, 2011 6:42 am

junomoule (post: 1485676) wrote:Look out, below! Droppin' another wall of text!

@ TopazRaven -
Thank you for the warm welcome! This place looks awfully comfortable, so I'm planning to stay a while- you like Hetalia? Austria's such a fun character, I enjoy watching him work to keep his composure [and so often succeed!] amongst all the madness.

Hmm... Always have had quite a time trying to pick favorites, but we'll see if I can't give it a shot. Love a well-written, compelling storyline with strong characters, but I'm also happy to admit that I like kids' shows. A smattering of everything, y'know?

Alice Academy, Axis Powers Hetalia, Bakuman, Chrno Crusade, Durarara!, Fruits Basket, Immortal Rain, Ouran Host Club, Pandora Hearts, Tegami Bachi, Zoids, and an army of others- seems I'm in shoujo mode this morning with that list, hah! I've always had a thing for Pokemon, and I can't foresee that ending in the near future.

@ Nate -
Ahahaha! Well, glad the wall of text is likable even if it's not always sensible. Thank you for taking the time to swing by my thread and welcome me on board. S'always good to meet up with anyone who is a brony, too. You got a favorite pony?

@ Shooraijin -
Danke, stranger! Curtsy in your general direction, just glad you were able to appreciate and enjoy 'em. Chemistry is a good science to fall back on, since it relates to so many others. What's your favorite type of joke?

From what your signature tells me, you're a hero just for surviving residency! S'one thing about medschool that gave me the heebie-jeebies, man. Your warm welcome is very appreciated, thank you.

@ Mithrandir -
Obviously I find what you're telling me quite humerus. :| <--- The most straight-faced emoticon I can think of. Am I right to conclude you dig Final Fantasy? You've got guides to my favorites in the series right there in your sig, seven and ten have always been favorites of mine!

Get to be part of the nut house now, eh? Aww, yeah... Can I be a walnut? They are shaped like little brains and may or may not be related to wallflowers. Right-o, thank you for stopping by]@ Evamom -[/b]
Aah- thank you, thank you! Very glad to be here, this is easily one of the warmest and most receptive welcomes from a forum I've had in a long time. Hopefully I'll be seeing lots of you around the forums, too, you seem to be a very sweet person.

Caught me red-handed, did you? You're absolutely correct! Writing is something that I enjoy intensely, but I'm more guilty of original prose than I am of fanfiction. Do you like to write stories, and if so, what kinds of stories do you like to write?

@ Atria35 -
ARIA! Now there's a series I've heard lots of great things about, been meaning to sit down and watch it. The whole atmosphere of it seems so gentle and uplifting, and the art is pretty gorgeous, too. Sounds like Aika is a real sweetheart, too!

Lots of love for characters who dare to build others up instead of tear 'em down. -Grins.- Thank you very much for taking the time to mosey down to my thread and drop me a line, who is the girl in your avatar? Don't recognize her and you've gone and made me curious.

@ Ally-Ann -
Oh, thank you! Glad you could find my puttering around entertaining, and that you will in the future- hoping to stick around here for a while with all these kind welcoming people around. Looks like you like to write, according to your signature! Which piece of yours are you most proud of?

@ bigsleepj -
Darkness sounds like he hasn't had a cup of coffee yet today, poor bloke... Seems like you're perfectly fighting fit, aye? Thank you for the warm welcome- this little establishment seems like quite the big success! Speaking of coffee, got a question for you. Do you prefer coffee, or tea?

@ Lynna -
Another warm welcome, wow! I'm glad that you'd take the time to welcome me aboard this show, thanks for stopping on by. Think I recognize that girl in your avatar, and therefore think you must have some pretty good taste in manga. Aah, but I digress... do you have a favorite genre of anime or manga?

@ Rocklobster -
Aah, danger's flying it from 10 o'clock and it looks like it's... a glomp attack?! Mmmrph! Hey, hey, I love internet hugs as much as the next person. Thank you for your enthusiastic welcome, it's something I can't help but appreciate somethin' fierce.

Jelly babies are delicious, and I'd love one. You a fan of dragons? Keeping those critters alive and healthy via dragoncave can be quite a challenge, or at least I remember it being one. If you could have any mythological critter as a familiar, what would you go for?

Sorry I took so long to respond. Things came up and... ah, what the heck. I'll confess. I don't check the Who's Who forum that much. (- -) Anyway, um, favorite pieces? My poem Dawn and... Um... Hm... I know I have another favorite, but I can't think of it right now. :P Anywho~ Now I'mma ask you a question. Lesse... Question, question... Well, any question I think of is redundant and/or cliche. So.... What question do YOU want me to ask you? Heh... Yeah that's, um, all I could think of. *Slithers out of room*
[color="Lime"]My Fictionpress account[/color]!

[color="Yellow"]My Fanfiction account[/color]!

My nicknames! [color="Pink"]~*[/color][color="palegreen"]Ally[/color][color="pink"]*~[/color] [color="white"](>[/color][color="Cyan"]Mochi-chan[/color][color="White"]<)[/color]

I like mochi. ^^

I question my [color="DarkOrchid"]sanity[/color]. (._.)

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Postby junomoule » Wed Jun 22, 2011 11:43 pm

Look out below! Some commas were probably abused in the making of this textslide... but boy, what a warm and receptive welcome! Thank you, everyone!

@ TopazRaven -
Don't you worry about getting back to me, getting sick is what the real pain in the rear is. Sorry to hear that you haven't been at your best, the bug this season seems to be an ornery one for sure- here in the desert there's been some kind of respiratory nastynick floating around. M'not a professional at all, but if you're ever in need of some simple home remedies feel free to swing a PM my way! You've got prayers for a speedy recovery headed your way.

Do like Hetalia, yep! Not jut because of the show or the manga, either. The fandom helped lull me into it. Most fandoms cause you to inch slowly away from a series, but the Hetalia fandom has a way of going deeper into things... I mean Hetalia is basically founded on lulz, and it shows, but the fact that it is based on history and culture makes for compelling stories and lots of ground for creativity.

Aagh, the dreaded favorite question strikes again! Hah, it can be hard to pick in a cast that's as varied as it is in Hetalia. There's so many characters to like for so many different reasons, but I'll agree that Austria is a beacon of sanity in an otherwise cracked bunch. Always enjoy the Nordic Five for shenanigans, Switzerland and Liechtenstein are adorable to watch, and the list seems just endless- everyone is endearing in their own way!

@ Furen -
Aaw, yeah! Got your Kool-Aid-man level bro-fist right here for you. You know you've found a good community when someone knows what XKCD is, that's for sure... can tell that you're a connoisseur of a good nerd joke and I'm sure it'll be a real pleasure seeing you around the forums. Looking forward to seeing you around and about, and nice to meetcha Furen!

Actually, I do like jazz! There are a lot of strong, distinctive instruments that make it easy to listen to and appreciate. It's a type of music that's also covered in culture and history, which makes it that much better- got to admit that bluegrass can also be pretty appealing, too. What genre of music do you find easiest to relax to?

Tales! Hey, there's got to be some reason it's been such a big success, and I'd say a big chunk of it is some pretty enjoyable characters. Unfortunately, never had a chance to play. The day I get my hands on the Tales and the Persona series will undoubtedly be a very happy and very gaming-intensive day. Thank you for taking the time to welcome me aboard, really appreciate it!

@ Nate -
Agreed on Trixie's design! Might be one of the reasons I'm so fond of Lyra's, seeing that they are similar. Zecora looks pretty bamf too, methinks. Out of character? To a point, aye. Motivation can do a lot to a character, though. Maybe Fluttershy was willing to speak because of how AJ helped out her animal friends from that stampede, or she was grateful with how the cows were put to ease? I'unno, but it's certainly fun to speculate about. Kind of like PinkieShy, which is admittedly cute even if it does sound a bit like some kind of rash [a rash of love?].

Hey, now! You saying there's something wrong with going full moe on folks? It's a power up, man! I kid, I kid- seriously, though, moe characters with a dash of development outside of the cliche make for some of the best and most lovable characters to appear on screen. That Fluttershy has additions to her personality outside the stereotype is exactly what makes her so appealing, kind of like Hotaru from the Sailor Moon series.

Eeee, so much excitement for seeing more of Luna! M'hoping to watch her develop as a character, with all that shame, guilt, and hint of flaws she's got a lot of possibility to grow into a wonderful character- but if she wound up being a bit of a troll in design, I could roll with that. Be careful showing me comics that give me cavities. The sheer level of cute there is just plain ol' overwhelming there, not that I hijacked those and saved 'em on my computer. 'Course not. That'd just be fangirlish.

@ bigsleepj -
Guess that means that Darkness Falls could set him off, even if it doubles a narrative of recent events... We could try to pretend that it's really just a landmark, but that doesn't seem quite right either.

The fact that you're willing to make your own tea and get involved with the process is quite cool! Being able to reuse tea is certainly helpful, especially when you're learning what strength you like your tea to be at- letting it steep too long can result in a tannin-y taste, which isn't awful so much as a bit metallic. Rooiboos tea is delicious, I've found that it compliments licorice root nicely for a somewhat sweet punch. Just wish it was as fresh over here in the States!

Agree that his fiction [in particular the Naria series] has elements that are a bit hit and miss as well, but as an allegory and a premise I find it pleasant. Yet to read The Screwtape Letters, but it's sitting happily on my dresser, and if I didn't know better I'd say that the book was smiling at me. Your recommendation means it probably won't be sitting there very much longer.

Have not Fyodr Dostoevsky, and will shamefully admit that googling him was important to learning his identity. After brushing up on the man, got to conclude that he sounds terribly interesting and his writings do too. Thank you for telling me about him! Hmm, what do you think is most important to making a fictional story interesting?

@ Lynna -
If you don't check this forum all that often, then I am extra thankful that you stopped by! Now, to lure you over here with more questions or to let you go free? Aaw, what the hay- you're free, girl! Ahaha, I thought that it was Sana- Kodocha is a really fun series.

Shoujo is good for watching character interaction, and slice of life usually show cases character development best... but where they often lack in the action department, likable shonen series make up for it! Great choice of genres, and very well-rounded. FMA is a pretty brilliant piece of work, too.
[color="#DE979B"]j u n o m o u l e[/color]
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Postby Lilac#18 » Thu Jun 23, 2011 4:59 pm

junomoule wrote:@ Selenite -
Howdy right back atcha, stranger! Thanks for taking the time out of your day to greet me, I appreciate it. Like your username too, it rolls off the tongue nicely and it takes after a very gorgeous type of gypsum. Crystal clear beauty. Ahem! Looks like you like Sailor Moon... which Sailor Scout is your favorite?

[color="Plum"]Sorry for the late response.:(

Thanks for the complement. I found this word in my old dictionary looking for the name Selene out of curiousity because there are few mythological names in there. I liked it, so I decided to get it changed to that.

As for favorite sailor scout, it's the title character herself.
FKA Selenite
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Postby TopazRaven » Thu Jun 23, 2011 8:41 pm

junomoule wrote:@ TopazRaven -
Don't you worry about getting back to me, getting sick is what the real pain in the rear is. Sorry to hear that you haven't been at your best, the bug this season seems to be an ornery one for sure- here in the desert there's been some kind of respiratory nastynick floating around. M'not a professional at all, but if you're ever in need of some simple home remedies feel free to swing a PM my way! You've got prayers for a speedy recovery headed your way.

Do like Hetalia, yep! Not jut because of the show or the manga, either. The fandom helped lull me into it. Most fandoms cause you to inch slowly away from a series, but the Hetalia fandom has a way of going deeper into things... I mean Hetalia is basically founded on lulz, and it shows, but the fact that it is based on history and culture makes for compelling stories and lots of ground for creativity.

Aagh, the dreaded favorite question strikes again! Hah, it can be hard to pick in a cast that's as varied as it is in Hetalia. There's so many characters to like for so many different reasons, but I'll agree that Austria is a beacon of sanity in an otherwise cracked bunch. Always enjoy the Nordic Five for shenanigans, Switzerland and Liechtenstein are adorable to watch, and the list seems just endless- everyone is endearing in their own way!

Thank you kindly! I'm actually feeling much better today so I think this rather nasty bug has finally left me. No need for it to come back anytime soon either. I can only hope I didn't infect one of my family members in my 5 days of illness. xD

The fandom is actually what got me into Hetalia as well. I asked a friend on YouTube what the series was about since she kept making videos for it and she basically described it as a comedy about the world's countries as pretty boys/girls. I kind of wrinkled my nose and decided to pass on it, thinking it sounded stupid. Then I kept seeing all this wonderful, deep fan-art over on DA, decided to give it a try and got hooked. The anime/manga itself is good for a laugh, but the fandom is where I think I have the most fun. I love when I can find a good piece of fan-art or fan-fiction that depicts a point in history or has a more dark and serious feel to it. I love seeing how people make the characters interact considering most of them haven't been on screen together yet. I'll also admit I like seeing the pairings people come up with and how a character representing a country would behave in a relationship and deal with being in love. I'm a romantic at heart it seems. :lol:

As for favorite characters, I must agree with you again. I love them all! Which is amazing because almost every show has that one character I don't like. Not Hetalia. I've always been interested in world history and other nations, so Hetalia has only helped intensify this love. However, I suppose I do have those few characters that I never get tired of seeing stuff for or hearing about. Austria is one of them of course, but I'm also very fond of England, Russia, the Netherlands, America, Canada, South Korea, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Ukraine and Estonia.
For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

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Postby junomoule » Sun Jun 26, 2011 9:18 pm

@ Ally Ann -
Hey, no worries! Things happen, and besides that I'm awfully skilled at falling off the end of the planet myself. Besides, just makes it even more special that you swung by my thread aye? Since y'said Dawn was your favorite I took a look at it, and it's simple with a sense of rhythm. Not bad.

Hey, there's nothing wrong with a cliche as long as it's done well! However, there might be something wrong with trying to think of an answer to your question. Lots of umm-ing going on over here, umm, umm... Blank mind is blank, and asking the audience isn't an option so I'm going to use my lifeline and turn this one into an IOU.

@ Selenite -
No need to apologize, not exactly being super prompt over here either. Besides, m'sure we'll see each other plenty around the forums once I settle in. So that's the story behind your screen name? Neat!

Selene is a very pretty name, and it almost sounds like Sailor Moon's American name to my ear. It's nice to see Usagi getting some of love, she's got strength of character that I think folks tend to overlook.

@ TopazRaven -
Glad to hear that you're on the mend and feeling more like yourself! Hopefully your family is holding up alright, too. If you can get your hands on any locally produced honey, immune systems around the household should be boosted a bit- honey tastes great in warm water with just a hint of lemon, but be careful not to microwave the honey [it destroys some of the good stuff]!

Blathering aside, oh goodness- it's grand, isn't it?! S'weird and kinda magical, the way the fan base animates the series when it's usually the other way around- it makes for an interesting dichotomy of depth. Some things even feel so canon that it's tough to recognize that it's technically not, dark side and all. The good news is that we can be senseless romantics together- also like the more platonic relationships between characters, 'cause history has seen to it that no relationship is without meaning.

The interplay between characters also has a lot of variety, which is very nice. Speaking of characters, you've got a strong list of good characters going on over there! Makes me happy to see Ukraine and Estonia getting some of the love, especially if you stick them in a room together. There's a slightly awkward level of cute there that's tough not to coo over.
[color="#DE979B"]j u n o m o u l e[/color]
[size="1"]manifesto - the city harmonic
[color="#D3A2A6"]"life is like a moustache it can be wonderful or terrible but it always tickles"
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