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Postby FllMtl Novelist » Fri Aug 06, 2010 7:50 pm

Do you write?
Favorite instrument? (Either to listen to or play?)
(Sorry if those have been asked before. This thread is long and daunting to a slow reader like me! XD)

What question do you want to be asked? What is the answer?
Hats wrote:"Frodo! Cast off your [s]sins[/s] into the fire!"

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Postby Seto_Sora » Sat Aug 07, 2010 4:21 pm

FllMtl Novelist (post: 1414802) wrote:Do you write?
Favorite instrument? (Either to listen to or play?)
(Sorry if those have been asked before. This thread is long and daunting to a slow reader like me! XD)

What question do you want to be asked? What is the answer?

I completely understand about not wanting to read from the very start. Being a slow and deliberate reader is a very good thing, and why read a forum thread when ya can use the time to read another great volume of manga!? ]If money were no option, where would you like to travel in the world?[/QUOTE]

(How was the wedding? ^_^)
To the state where my bride lives. No question about it, that is the only place I want to be right now. :)
And where in the world would you travel if you could?

Atria35 (post: 1414497) wrote:As much as I love any dessert (which means a lot! XD ) There's a local specialty cake called an 'atomic cake', and what that is is (from the bottom up) a layer of banana cake topped with banana filling (the fruit, not a pudding or something like that), then a layer of yellow cake topped with strawberry filling, and then a layer of chocolate with a thin layer of chocolate filling on top, all covered with whipped cream frosting!

Do you own a laptop or a desktop?
Favorite flavor of juice?
Best party you've ever been to?
Strangest thing you've ever seen?
Thing you like about yourself the most?
Thing about yourself you don't like the most/are trying to change?
Skill you'd most like to have?

That is cool! er, in so far as cakes go. LOL
I own a laptop.
My fiancé's surprise birthday party! ^_^
uhm... I see strange things everyday! LOL Its hard to pick any one out... there really are so many and so many different ironies in this world! :D
Thing I like about myself the most is that I am a slave to Christ.
Thing I least like about myself is that I am still bound in this flesh.
The skill I'd most like to have would to be an amazing kisser for my bride (really, that is the honest truth!). Since I have never kissed anyone, I really hope I am romantic and all that. Yeah, its true, we are saving our first kiss for our wedding day!!! ^_^

What do you like most about yourself? and least?

rocklobster (post: 1414280) wrote:For PR, it depends on the season. Most of the time, I like the blue one, because that's usually the smart one.
Well, if you like, I can recommend some alternative acts that aren't too offensive. I'd recommend you start with Tears For Fears, U2, or Peter Gabriel. Try them out and get back to me.

Yeah, I hear those names with some of my friends. Really appreciate the recommendation. But I am going to keep to the music my bride approves... "kid tested, mother approved!" LOL Remember those old cereal commercials!? LOL (no, I'm not saying I have a kid). And, yeah, I liked the green one and the red one and the white ones... just because they looked cool. LOL


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Postby K. Ayato » Sat Aug 07, 2010 4:27 pm

Wedding was amazing, thank you :). If money were no option, I'd love to travel to Greece (my personal choice) or Alaska (mine and hubby's choice).
K. Ayato: What happens if you press the small red button?

*Explosion goes off in the movie*

mechana2015: Does that answer your question?

K. Ayato: Perfectly.

Prayer sister of kaji, sticksabuser, Angel37, and Doubleshadow --Love you guys! :)
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Postby Juliannesan » Sat Aug 07, 2010 5:30 pm

PatrickEklektos (post: 1413707) wrote:Thank you very much. I am honoured by your compliment. But its nothing really great on my part. Really, when it comes down to it, my perfect model for the perfect man for my bride is not Edward Cullen or Fitzwilliam Darcy, but Christ Jesus. So then, I must be very selfish if I am not willing to give up for my bride as He gave up for His Bride]and[/i] homeschooled! Sweet awesome!!! and all the way! Awesomer still!!! Totally the way to go... ok, so lemme ask, are you and your fiancé going to homeschool your kids? My betrothed and I were homeschooled all the way too! XD and she and I are passionate about home-educating our children... seeing as we both see the family as a high calling, a ministry!!! :D :D :D
And that is totally cool about you and your fiancé! (my bride is in New England too and she'll be moving out here when we wed... er, so is the plan so far. LOL Lest the Lord changes things accordingly). So you two met at a conference, eh? How did you two meet, if you don't mind my asking? Sounds like it is a neat story! ^_^ My bride and I had an incredible story too! Oh wow! It was so much the work of the Lord and so romantic too!!! :D :D :D I think, anyway... of course. LOL
That is an awesome list of anime! Some of those I am still looking into and a few had somewhat peaked my interest! Really cool!
Oh and thanks for the comment on the picture! I really appreciate it! Its one of my favorites!!! :D :D :D Ah such bliss in just being with her!!! :D :D :D

Yes, of course. And I can definitely see that you are following after Christ's image to the best of your ability. And that is wonderful, because you don't see too many young men following that out with such passion. So that is awesome. :)
Yeah, me too. About the Reformed Rappers, I support them as well, though it isn't my particular favorite type of music. Same with hardcore rock and such.

Soft rock dancing, really? That's really cool! Haha, I would like to see that someday, there's actually a Christian dance studio not far from here which people dance to all sorts of contemporary Christian music. It's pretty cool.
I actually saw a girl from a Christian college who took dance there as a form of worship and danced for my church's Art camp a couple weeks back. It was really cool!

Yes, homeschooling was great! Definitely worked best for me. Though it was difficult at times to stay motivated. God really worked through me and helped me accomplish what I needed to. I'm not entirely against public school, however, because I do believe there is a need for Christians to be in the school to be a witness to those in the school. But I don't think everyone has that same calling though. Because my sister is going to public school this year, and she is very excited to be a witness there.

Me and my fiance have decided to homeschool our children until they are at an age to know the difference and make choices for themselves, after we have raised them beyond the "brain forming and growing" stage. We want to make sure our children our raised knowing the scripture and the difference between the truth and falsehood in the world. So that when they come of age. (About high school age, depending on how they are and such) we would like to eventually give them a choice to go to public school to be a witness to the world. If they feel lead and would like to do that.

Because my parents also gave me the option of going to a public school starting in 9th or 10th grade. But I decided it would not be best for me, since I was still figuring out who I was in Christ and really felt the need to mature more in my knowledge of the Scriptures and so forth. [A choice I am grateful that I made] But I know it isn't like that for everyone, so yeah. That's my take on that. :)

I do think it is wonderful though, to teach your children from your home, especially from a young age. That way their minds cannot me as polluted from the world and it's teachings.

Yeah, great! I know not all the anime I like is for everyone.
But for the most part those shows are clean and have good messages in them.

I'm pretty particular on the anime I watch, same with other movies and music and other forms of entertainment. So yeah. :) I hope you enjoy the ones you decide to see.

Also, no problem, it definitely appears you two are quite blissful with being with one another. :)

[The story is in the next post, it was too long to post in this one, lol]
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My story

Postby Juliannesan » Sat Aug 07, 2010 5:31 pm

Me and my fiance's meeting. The story
So I've been going to a Christian Teen camp since I was 16. [back in 2005]
And they have several camps, Winter camp, Summer camps. But I've only ever gone to the winter camps.

And in 2006. it was my second year going.
and I'm not gonna lie, most places other than that place I had always gone to random places [like Six Flags, where I met my first boyfriend] and thought. "What if I was to randomly bump into a GREAT man of God and fall in love and get married?" I'd never thought of going to school or to a college to "find" the one God had for me. And I [over time] became obsessed with "finding that one" that I felt God had for me in spontaneous areas... Because this is what I preferred. But as it turned out.

When I went to this particular conference. I never thought of meeting the guy of my dreams, I just thought of it as a place of rest and contemplation getting to know my friends and get closer to God. NEVER to find the one there, because I only wanted God to consume my mind as I went there.

And anyway, this one year, I went there and I noticed him, because I found him quite attractive at first, and also his quirky attitude and involvement with the other youth there. [he was a volunteer at the camp] And I found him quite intriguing. But I later found out my friends were developing crushes on him, so I decided to only admire him from a distance while my friends attempted to get to know him.

I was also getting over the loss of my former boyfriend leaving me for Oregon with little explanation as to why we could no longer be together and marry as we had planned. I was still heart-broken. SO I felt it necessary to again leave the thought of marriage behind me as far as possible.

So that year, after he'd taken our pictures as a youth group, I spoke to him subtly and found out later that his name was Tim [the SAME name as my former boyfriend] which also turned me further away from knowing him [sad, I know, huh?]

Anyways, I forgot about him for the most part, until about a year later when I was at a Christian concert of a band I really liked and saw him there, but didn't say hi. But was reminded of his existence. :P

And then a year after that. 2008. I saw him again at the conference in the winter, and was a volunteer for the laser tag. I felt the notion to say hi to him, but didn't want to come off as "forward" and I didn't think I would even want to talk to me either.

So I waited all weekend, and kept on deciding to not talk to him.

But finally, at the end of the weekend, I asked this other volunteer if she knew him and she said she did, but that she thought he'd already left the camp. SO I decided to leave. I remember. "Well, God, I guess there's my answer." And then as I was getting in my Jeep getting ready to leave, I noticed my brother wasn't in the car yet and neither was his friend. SO I got out of my Jeep and as I was walking out. Guess who walks by my car.

Tim. So then I thought. "What? Okay, I guess I'll go say hi now."

So I quietly nonchalantly walked nearby to his car as his was getting in, as acted as though I was just passing by. [Which I sort of was, because I was trying to find my brother and his friend.] And I said. "Hey there, I'm Julianne. I just wanted to say hi, I saw you over the weekend and remembered seeing you a few years ago and decided to say hello and good to see you again, I'm not sure you remember me, though." [Something along those lines] And I remember him having the most quizzical look on his face, it was priceless! And then after that we just started talking and he asked me a ton of questions I was not expecting at ALL and after a few months of chatting online and both of us praying about whether or not this was right. [little to my knowledge, he had been praying about me since the day we re-met] and I had no idea of what he thought of me. And so I just gave it to God.

And eventually 2 1/2 months later I volunteered with him at the same camp, where we talked a lot and got to know one another more and at the end of the weekend, he took me aside and told me what he felt about me and that he wanted to know if I felt the same if I did. If we could start a relationship off slowly, by getting to know one another more.

So the following weekend he met my parents and approved of him, from what they could tell. lol. And the following weekend he picked me up and took me to his parents and I met them also. It was a great experience and that year turned out to be the greatest of many years in my lifetime.

I'm so glad to have had that opportunity to meet up with him again and learn to love him as I do now... Though I know I still have yet a lot to learn. I believe we are off to a beautiful story. :)

And there you have it!

= D Praise God for His goodness and mercy.

Incidentally, I was his first girlfriend and he is only my second. [Of which I am both very grateful for] And we have promised to remain pure until our marriage... including kissing. Which might seem strange for some, but I believe it is God's best for us.
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Postby FllMtl Novelist » Tue Aug 17, 2010 7:26 pm

I'm late again! :o Surprise. XD

PatrickEklektos (post: 1415001) wrote:And I know you write, so let me ask, what do you write especially or what especially do you like to write?


I am currently working on a children's fantasy novel which is the first in a series of three. I've got a couple other story ideas rattling around in my head that I'm dying to work on and figure out, but this trilogy is what I'm currently [s]obsessing about[/s] working on. :lol:

Writing questions! :D

Do you outline or plunge?
How do you name characters?
Read any books about writing? If so, which ones?
What originally inspired you to write? What continues to inspire you?
How do you define a work as being 'done'? Have you gone over and edited your stories, or do you mean you've simply finished the first draft?
Favorite place to write?
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