When I was watching anime or reading manga,I cried when... (SPOILERS ABOUND)

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Postby Wyntre Rose » Fri Apr 09, 2010 5:06 pm

I'm watching Fushigi Yugi for the first time, and two events in particular came right on the heels of each other and just killed me.

[spoiler] The slaughter of Tamahome's family, and Yuiren's last few moments in her brother's arms...and Nuriko's sacrificial death. [/spoiler]

I don't know when I've cried that hard watching an anime before. The fact that I'm sick probably doesn't help my emotional stability any, but geez...:waah!:
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Postby Kurama » Sat Apr 10, 2010 2:40 am

Re-watched Escaflowne and I cried when

[spoiler]At the end when everyone watches Hitomi leave Gaea. It was oddly dramatic... I didn't want it to end... ;_; A[/spoiler]

And it takes a lot to make me cry. That showed I loved the show so much. LOL So when I re-watch it, I can''t finish it cause I get all sad. xD
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