EDIT: GM and CO-GM will be me (Pascal) and JM (Jaden Mental)
Long ago, the ancient ones spoke of a home of rest for the worthy souls of this world in an age beyond Ragnarok. It was a land held still by the rule of kings and the ambitions of dukes, of undiscovered groves and mysterious mountains, where the earth was claimed under the auspices of many banners, a world medieval. There are many myths about this ancient and magical place, but few as vibrant as the story that we shall play out here. Little did the actors know though, how great the stage was upon which they would soon be called upon to perform. Whether this world would be ruled by blood and iron or by wise council and warm friendship, that fate would be theirs to decide beneath those glorious skies, the skies of Valhalla.
Welcome my dear friends and generous patrons, welcome to the stage of another world of Nations & States! We have a special prize for our play tonight, a world stuck forever in a land of knights and damsels, of evil princes and wise kings performed for your pleasure by the greatest crew of RP players to grace our presence. YOU! So will you break out your cloak and slither through the shadows of the night? Or break out your sword to declare freedom to the world, only to trip on a full chamber pot? Unleash your characters upon this world and we shall soon see.
So then, please drop in a character sheet into this wonderful RP and do read the rules and regulations before you are burned at the stake for being a witch for accidentally wearing a digital wrist watch.
The standard form is this for characters (and you can have more then one)
Physical Description:
Emotional Description:
(Optional Things)
And for kingdoms (Only one of these per player)
Ruling Family:
Cultural Description:
Primary Exports:
Rules... boring rules and regulations
A few points of notation however, so that all may enjoy the sandbox of our dreams.
1) This world as noted, takes place exclusively in the medieval era, so our characters are a bit short of guns, lasers and the age of enlightenment altogether. Keep that in mind while you engage in role-play. If you want to advance your mind into the world of high tech gizmos or advanced research in weaponry, I'd suggest N&S 1.0, which has been rather dead lately and could use some really cool space ships.
2) While taking over the world can be fun, it also ends up leaving very lonely role-players. We don't want anyone to be lonely, so we're including some in game mechanics that will make this rather difficult. First, unlike N&S 2.0 or the original, the GMs will not be keeping track of a “world map”, if you wish to do that yourself, that is up to your nation. However, if you push it too far the rowdy fellows in the cities you occupy (or another kingdom that begs to differ) might put you out on your behinds. On top of all of this, the RP is always filled with “wild lands” regions that any role-player at any time can start a kingdom within (After all, there is so much to be explored in this world). Culture and distance are also limiting factors. If a player you defeated a thousand miles away launches a revolt, it will be months before you can get an army down there to try and quell it (and it will take a long time for you to hear about it, especially if they silence anyone heading your way).
3) Then there are general things of good RP etiquette. Do not role-play the actions of another nation or it's citizens – it's just bad style. Nor should any nation create mega-armies to roam around and beat up other players – they'll run out of food and starve to death.
4) No role-play should include any form of meta-gaming nor should actions in character be taken on account of OOC (out of character) relationships. Every role-player should be considered at least a likely friend of yours on the net. These are people with like interests to you and so even though your style or characters may clash you should still be able to look past that as a player.
5) Try to limit your inner munchkin – that is, limit your powers and momento mori.
6) Role-players who are absent from the game for twenty days will have their kingdoms taken over by unruly dukes and drunken peasants. The fools believe themselves a better ruler of their kingdom then you my sire, you may wipe them out and display them in the stocks or put them to death upon your gracious return from a well deserved holiday I suppose, but if one so powerful as a player takes control or another places your city as a protectorate... it might take a bit more diplomacy to get back on the throne.
7) Also, no one should attack another nation while said player is going to be away. In fact, to limit confusion it is recommended that you put a nation lock notification and the time you will be gone for in this thread. That way others can know you're on vacation and act accordingly.
8) Finally GMs will be taking a hands off approach to this RP. That is, we will try not to interfere and just play along as much as possible. That means that most of the decision making is in the hands of the players. If possible before doing any major role-play, please discuss the matter out with those whom you are playing with, especially a war (try to determine even who will win before hand – and don't be ashamed to lose, role-playing is not a competitive game, both sides of the battle are simply trying to make a good story). Also, it's generally bad etiquette to kill off another players named characters without first discussing it with them (they had so many plans for dear barthelomew!) so try to discuss that as well.
Those are our decrees. All those who fail to follow them will be punished with hail and rabid undead chipmunks from the sky!
Conclusions conclusions...
So then we now pronounce the acceptance of a few brave ladies and fellows to take up their roles within this world! Come one, come all! Join now, for once the magic mystery show begins, you never know where it will end up!