GeneD wrote:I have a question about sigs. My sig shows up on every post I make, even if it's a second post I've made on a given page unless I unselect the "show your signature" option. I thought sigs only show up on the first post on a page and automatically not on the rest. Or does it just show up for the person posting? Thanks.
Lilac#18 wrote:How can I set the Upload Animated GIF for my signature on yes? and I think I set it up on spoiler for my posts because the background for the comment box is black. I want to know how to switch it off?
I'm not sure about the previous post, but I think I’ve figured out the source of the confusion. Right after I post the sig is there if I don't turn it off, but once I refresh it goes away. Just tested it in the goof off. I don't know why i didn't notice that before. Thanks for answering anyway.uc pseudonym (post: 1228467) wrote:Huh, that's unusual. I can say for certain that you shouldn't see your own signature more times than anyone else. Did you unselect your signature option for your previous post?
GeneD (post: 1228476) wrote:Talking about the goof off, why do posts there not count towards one's post counts? I'm just curious.
uc pseudonym (post: 1228467) wrote:I'm not completely sure what you're asking. Are you having trouble uploading an animated gif to your signature for some reason?
Well, I have the Can Upload Animated GIF for Signature,set on No. so, how do I switch it on Yes?
As far as a spoiler, make sure you don't set it equal to anything. To be clearer, this:
creates this:
Whereas this:
creates this:
Naturally I added the asterisks to let you see that code directly. If you're still confused you could hit "Quote" on my post to see it directly.
KeybladeWarrior (post: 1231768) wrote:Would the mods mind, if I threw them a chocolate pudding party?
Tsukuyomi (post: 1231772) wrote:How do we post as anonymous?
KeybladeWarrior (post: 1231774) wrote:I want to ask it. I don't care as long as the mods don't mind that kind of question.
Radical Dreamer (post: 1231819) wrote:You can post anonymously by signing out and posting as a guest. Of course, not all forums are open for posting or viewing if you aren't logged in, but if you needed to make an anonymous prayer request or something, just post as a guest instead.
Ashley (post: 1233657) wrote:I've found it's far easier to say "no that's not good" than to give a list of things to avoid.
Mithrandir (post: 1233671) wrote:Especially since that post would look like this:
Don't say the following things:
Mithrandir wrote:Don't say the following things:
Tsukuyomi wrote:Isn't there a "what not to say" list or something on here? Or, was that something else o.o?
Why is the parents section blank?
Having a section specifically for parents unfamiliar with anime has long been one of Ashley's goals for this site. However, among various real life obligations this hasn't been priority, so it remains a placeholder.
Tsukuyomi (post: 1228483) wrote:I remember seeing there that all threads made in there are subject to be deleted, so that may be the reason why ^^ If the thread were to be deleted then would be our post we made in that thread
KeybladeWarrior (post: 1316999) wrote:All threads and posts in the Goof off section are considered spam posts to put it simply. They are irrelevant and meant to be playful.
Ashley (post: 1335597) wrote:Mith can correct me, but I don't think you can.
Ashley (post: 1335597) wrote:Mith can correct me, but I don't think you can.
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