I met this woman several months ago at the gym, she would work out while I babysat her son in the same facility. Eventually we got to talking, and I found out she was saved, she shared her testimony with me.
As of recent months, however, I've been getting bad "vibes" being around her; I'm not sure why but I'm growing more and more uncomfortable around her, I sense a condemning spirit about her, and I prayed to God to show me what to do, whether I should distance myself from her or continue to share the Word with her (she said she was a newer Christian and did not have much knowledge of scripture), and so I continued to talk with her on the phone for a while about God and such. But lately I've been praying about her again and I'm feeling drawn to cutting ties with her, either permanently or for a while, can it be an okay thing to do that? has anyone ever had to do it?
I mean lately she's been kind of...well almost controlling, it seems like. She says things like "God is angry with you because you didn't go to church on Sunday" , with a threatening tone (this was only -one- Sunday, and I usually go to services Wed./Fri nights more so, but still), and this sent me home in tears, because I didn't think I did anything wrong. and my Pastor told me not to get caught up in arguments over the Sabbath (a group of Christian friends advised me not to receive her words also). The other day, I was there at the gym, and I was a bit weary (it was 8 am and I hadn't got much sleep the night before), and I happened to see her; she said hi to me, I did smile and say hi in return but I was in the middle of another conversation with someone else and didn't want to be rude...and she later comes up to me upset because I didn't seem all "excited" to see her, and I told her that I did smile and say hi and that I was still waking up and hadn't had coffee...but then she goes off on this whole long rant about me not acting godly and the whole gym having "bad energy" and everyone having Satan and so forth.....yeah, it was about all I could handle. =( I apologize for this long thread, but any spiritual advice on this matter would be greatly appreciated. Has anyone dealt with situations like this with other Christians?