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Postby rocklee24 » Sun Oct 08, 2006 11:41 pm

Hey, guys! Haya doin?

Here's some info about me from the AIU newsletter. I really hope this has inspired you somehow.

And by the way, thank God for Christian Anime Alliance.


(thank you)
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Postby Tenshi no Ai » Sun Oct 08, 2006 11:49 pm

Hey thar, and welcome!
神 は、 その 独り 子 を お与え に なった ほど に 世 お愛 された。
独り 子 を 信じる 者 が 一人 も滅 ひない で, 永遠 の 命 お得る ため で ある。

ヨハネ 3:16
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Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Sun Oct 08, 2006 11:51 pm

G'day mate! Welcome to CAA! I hope you have an awesome time here, grow in your faith and make some new friends.

God Bless!
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Postby rocklee24 » Sun Oct 08, 2006 11:56 pm

Tenshi no Ai wrote:Hey thar, and welcome!


BTW, (by the way) just take some time to read the article if interested.

Oh, and what does the hiragana you have there mean?

Can you translate?
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Postby rocklobster » Mon Oct 09, 2006 6:08 am

Wow! That's cool!
Welcome to the asylum, where we actually let the inmates run the asylum!
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Postby RidleyofZebes » Mon Oct 09, 2006 8:17 am

Welcome to the CAA Forums! Hope you have fun! :cool:
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Postby dyzzispell » Mon Oct 09, 2006 8:20 am

RockLee21 wrote:Arigatou!

BTW, (by the way) just take some time to read the article if interested.

Oh, and what does the hiragana you have there mean?

Can you translate?

Mmmm... looks like John 3:16 to me.
Anyway, welcome to CAA! And that article is about you? You had/have autism and you're graduating college? That's AWESOME! May God continue to bless you amazingly!! ^_^
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Postby Yahshua » Mon Oct 09, 2006 11:39 am

Welcome to CAA Forums and chat make yourself at home.
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Postby rocklee24 » Mon Oct 09, 2006 12:54 pm

dyzzispell wrote:Mmmm... looks like John 3:16 to me.
Anyway, welcome to CAA! And that article is about you? You had/have autism and you're graduating college? That's AWESOME! May God continue to bless you amazingly!! ^_^


Yup, yup, yup!

I can also attatch the Miami Herald artical about myself also. If anyone is inerested to see my newspaper artical, I would be more than happy in doing so.
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Postby dyzzispell » Mon Oct 09, 2006 1:04 pm

RockLee21 wrote:Yup!

Yup, yup, yup!

I can also attatch the Miami Herald artical about myself also. If anyone is inerested to see my newspaper artical, I would be more than happy in doing so.

That is just so awesome!! I love to see when God works amazing things against all odds!! :dance: I'd love to see the article!

Hehe and you seem to have the personality of Rock Lee too - very lively! XD (He's my fav character in Naruto, by the way.)
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Postby rocklee24 » Mon Oct 09, 2006 2:26 pm

dyzzispell wrote:That is just so awesome!! I love to see when God works amazing things against all odds!! :dance: I'd love to see the article!

Hehe and you seem to have the personality of Rock Lee too - very lively! XD (He's my fav character in Naruto, by the way.)

WOW! Do you really mean it!?


OKAY! Here it is. ENJOY!!!


Autistic graduate prepares to take on life

Posted on Sun, Apr. 23, 2006

As a child, David Pedemonte-Forte couldn't speak. He bit his arms until they bled and hit his head on the floor, table and walls.

His mother, Gloria Pedemonte, tried not to cry as she held him. ''But at times, my tears would mix up with his blood,'' she said.

This week, she sobbed for a different reason: Her son, first diagnosed with autism at age 5, graduated Friday from college with a bachelor's degree and a dean's special honor. He is 21.

Autism, a developmental disorder that impairs communication and social skills, affects one in 500 children -- including more than 1,600 in Miami-Dade public schools. It can cause repetitive, intensely focused behavior, and is nearly four times more common in boys than girls.

Doctors have no cure for the condition, which shows varying degrees of severity, but with guidance some kids not only finish high school and college, but also excelled in their fields.

Pedemonte-Forte, now six-foot-five, studied computer animation hoping to someday work for DreamWorks, founded by Steven Spielberg. He memorizes characters' dialogue, reciting lines as his favorite movies play on mute.

He especially likes anime, Japanese animation, and his room is lined with oil paintings he has done in that style. On his 12-inch iBook, he shows a visitor to the family's Homestead house a 16-minute trailer he created for a film he hopes to make, Pastor Samurai Kappei, about a blue-haired, Native American Christian who travels to Japan to fight evil.

He has learned some Japanese, and said he hopes to marry a Japanese woman because she would be devoted to him like his mom and never leave. ''The thing is, I may or may not be ready to be free from my family just yet,'' he said.

Common perceptions about autistic children's limitations are off target, says a mother involved in a budding national movement to gain respect for autistic kids.
''These descriptions of autistic children being empty shells with no emotions are really just a terrible stereotype,'' said M. Evans, who lives near Dayton, Ohio. ''Parents shouldn't despair when they get the diagnosis. They should know their child can have a bright future.''
Pedemonte-Forte's journey from mute tantrums to a college degree was without formal treatment: no psychiatrists, no therapy, and no pills, his mother said.
She refused to let him be medicated or treated like a child, she said. 'You keep telling them `Poor this, poor baby,' and they become dependent. You have to set goals.''
So she forged her own prescription: tough love and patience.
''Every handicapped child has a potential, you just have to help them learn what it is,'' she said. ''No matter if you have to repeat it over and over a thousand times a day, it will sink in.''

When Pedemonte-Forte was born, the sky seemed the limit. He won baby beauty pageants and loved to draw, his mother recalled. But time passed and still, he did not speak.

In kindergarten, school officials said something serious was wrong: He had autism. In denial, Pedemonte pulled him from class.
''I'd never even heard of the word autism,'' she said. ''I thought they were crazy.''

Facing facts, she enrolled him again, determined to personally ''get him out'' of the disease by forcing him to do it on his own. In the special sign language that mother and son developed, the non-verbal boy would come to her and rub his belly to ask for food.
Of huge help were Pedemonte-Forte's five brothers and sisters and three cousins, who lived with and supported his family as they moved from home to home across South Miami-Dade. The house was filled with constant company and noise.
He learned to mimic his siblings, doing math or making sandwiches. He still cooks his own breakfast and lunch.
In school, he aced special education classes at Biscayne Elementary, Cutler Ridge Middle and Coral Reef High. He danced the moonwalk in assembly, went to Disney World for Grad Night and hit the prom in a rented silver Jaguar. He's never had a girlfriend: his older brothers were his prom dates.

High school can be crucial for autistic children: Social stressors can trigger anxiety or depression and can undermine progress made, said Nany Vivas, an autism support teacher for Miami-Dade schools.

But Pedemonte-Forte sailed through. He never understood he was different, he said, until one day in a special Ed class at Coral Reef.
''There's something wrong with my friends,'' he recalled thinking about the other special students. 'They're acting a little bit weird. It finally clicked and made me realize, 'I'm sorry, but I don't want to end up like them. I want to be meant for more than this.' ''

In 2002, he enrolled at American Intercontinental University in Weston, taking summer sessions and graduating in just over three years.
Three days a week, his mother and siblings drove him 50 miles to school from Homestead, rising sometimes at 4:30 a.m. to beat rush hour. While he studied computers and art, Pedemonte waited in the student lounge so he knew she was near, she said.

On Friday, Pedemonte-Forte headed north again to walk in graduation ceremonies. Pedemonte packed a hand towel to mop her tears.

The milestone march, in black cap and gown, marked more than the end of an education.

''Maybe I don't really need school to learn a little bit more,'' the young man said. ``I just want to be treated as I treat everyone else. And at the same time, I want to be loved as I love everyone else.''
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Postby jon_jinn » Mon Oct 09, 2006 3:18 pm

welcome to CAA. hope you find your time here enjoyable.
[SIZE="4"]*FASTING FROM CAA (9/25/08 - ???)*[/SIZE]

"Sometimes we don't present the Gospel well enough for the non-elect to reject it."
- John MacArthur

"In the total expanse of the human life, there is not a single square inch of which Christ, who alone is sovereign, does not declare, 'That is mine'."
- Abraham Kuyper

"God the great Creator of all things doth uphold, direct, dispose, and govern all creatures, actions, and things, from the greatest even to the least, by His most wise and holy providence, according to His infallible foreknowledge and the free and immutable counsel of His own will, to the praise of the glory of His wisdom, power, justice, goodness, and mercy."
- Westminister Confession of Faith (Chapter 5, Section 1)

"The wisdom of God has found a way for the love of God to deliver sinners from the wrath of God all the while upholding the righteousness of God!!"
- John Piper

"Grace is the pleasure of God to magnify the worth of God by giving sinners the right and power to delight in God without obscuring the glory of God!"
-John Piper

"The very One from Whom we need to be saved, is the One Who has saved us."
- R.C. Sproul

"All of Christian life is ceaseless worship of God the Father, through the mediatorship of God the Son, by the indwelling power of God the Spirit, doing what God commands in Scripture, not doing what God forbids in Scripture, in culturally contextualized ways, for the furtherance of the Gospel, when both gathered for adoration, and scattered for action, in joyous response to God's glorious grace."
- Mark Driscoll

"Believers do not pray with the view of informing God about things unknown to Him, or of exciting Him to do His duty, or of urging Him as though He were reluctant. On the contrary, they pray in order that they may arouse themselves to seek Him, that they may exercise their faith in meditating on His promises, that they may relieve themselves from their anxieties by pouring them into His bosom; in a word, that they may declare that from Him alone they hope and expect, both for themselves and for others, all good things."
- Martin Luther

"I have to tell you first that I am ready to die. I have put my affairs in order. Your supreme weapon is killing. My supreme weapon is dying, because when you kill me, people all over Romania will read my books and believe on the God that I preach - even more than they do now."
- Dr. Joseph Ton, the exiled Romanian pastor (quoted by James Montgomery Boice)

"The best prayer I ever prayed had enough sin in it to condemn the whole world."
- John Bunyan

"If the Christian has lost sight of Calvary, that shows that he has lost his way."
- J.I. Packer[/SIZE]
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Postby dyzzispell » Mon Oct 09, 2006 7:00 pm

Wow, that is totally amazing. I'm so glad you were able to overcome that! Graduating college in just over 3 years is a feat all by itself! XD
I'd love to see some of your work. Do you have a site or anything where you post it? I have a DeviantART account (see my signature.)
I always like to see other people's work.
And it's so awesome you went to school for animation and such. I'd have loved to do that, but it wasn't offered so widespread when I was in college. Maybe someday I'll get to go back, and do distance learning or something.
Anyway, again, welcome!
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Postby rocklee24 » Mon Oct 09, 2006 9:42 pm

dyzzispell wrote:Wow, that is totally amazing. I'm so glad you were able to overcome that! Graduating college in just over 3 years is a feat all by itself! XD
I'd love to see some of your work. Do you have a site or anything where you post it? I have a DeviantART account (see my signature.)
I always like to see other people's work.
And it's so awesome you went to school for animation and such. I'd have loved to do that, but it wasn't offered so widespread when I was in college. Maybe someday I'll get to go back, and do distance learning or something.
Anyway, again, welcome!

See, the thing is, I'm not ready to show off my characters just yet. I'd like to keep them confidential for now because it is not copywritten.

But what I CAN do is to draw my favorite anime of all time:


I am not only an otaku, but i'm also a full-blown Inu-maniac.

I don't have any fan-art yet, but if time serves me well, I will be more than happy to post it in good ol' CAA!


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Postby Roy Mustang » Mon Oct 09, 2006 10:21 pm

Hello new member of our food supply....uh, I mean! Welcome to the board.

*Hands out Chocolate Pocky and Ramnue Soda to our new member*

If you ever need to talk to someone, just send a pm.

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Postby Tenshi no Ai » Mon Oct 09, 2006 10:27 pm

dyzzispell wrote:Mmmm... looks like John 3:16 to me.

Oops sorry I didn't answer your question yet^^ And she is right on about that.
神 は、 その 独り 子 を お与え に なった ほど に 世 お愛 された。
独り 子 を 信じる 者 が 一人 も滅 ひない で, 永遠 の 命 お得る ため で ある。

ヨハネ 3:16
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Postby rocklee24 » Mon Oct 09, 2006 11:01 pm

Wingzero22 wrote:Hello new member of our food supply....uh, I mean! Welcome to the board.

*Hands out Chocolate Pocky and Ramnue Soda to our new member*

If you ever need to talk to someone, just send a pm.



Aww, man, I don't think I can eat another bite...

Well... one more. (munch, munch)
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Postby dyzzispell » Tue Oct 10, 2006 8:30 am

RockLee21 wrote:See, the thing is, I'm not ready to show off my characters just yet. I'd like to keep them confidential for now because it is not copywritten.

But what I CAN do is to draw my favorite anime of all time:


I am not only an otaku, but i'm also a full-blown Inu-maniac.

I don't have any fan-art yet, but if time serves me well, I will be more than happy to post it in good ol' CAA!



I totally know what you mean. None of mine are copywritten either. There are some things I haven't posted online either, that I am VERY protective of. But the stuff I did put up, it's not that big a deal for me. I mean, I want to be able to say they are mine, if someone ever stole them, but I figure I'll let God handle that. He's more than capable. XD
I like Inuyasha too, although there are several series that I like better. But hey, whatever you can show, I'd love to see it! ^_^
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Postby Yumie » Tue Oct 10, 2006 2:17 pm

Welcome to the site! Hope you have fun hanging out around here.
Be Thou my Vision, O Lord of my heart;
Naught be all else to me, save that Thou art
Thou my best Thought, by day or by night,
Waking or sleeping, Thy presence my light.

Be Thou my Wisdom, and Thou my true Word;
I ever with Thee and Thou with me, Lord;
Thou my great Father, I Thy true son;
Thou in me dwelling, and I with Thee one.

Be Thou my battle Shield, Sword for the fight;
Be Thou my Dignity, Thou my Delight;
Thou my soul’s Shelter, Thou my high Tower:
Raise Thou me heavenward, O Power of my power.

Riches I heed not, nor man’s empty praise,
Thou mine Inheritance, now and always:
Thou and Thou only, first in my heart,
High King of Heaven, my Treasure Thou art.

High King of Heaven, my victory won,
May I reach Heaven’s joys, O bright Heaven’s Sun!
Heart of my own heart, whatever befall,
Still be my Vision, O Ruler of all.
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Postby Felix » Tue Oct 10, 2006 4:02 pm

Bienvendidos! ^^ Welcome, it's great to have you. I hope you enjoy yourself!
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Postby QtheQreater » Wed Oct 11, 2006 2:04 pm

*stops being lazy and gets out the bananas*

Man...I'm usually one of the first to welcome new people...

Anywho, welcome to the CAA! Have a banana!

*gives RockLee21 a banana* :dance:
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Postby TallHobbit86 » Fri Nov 17, 2006 9:33 am

Welcome to CAA!
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Postby jon_jinn » Fri Nov 17, 2006 3:23 pm

hello and welcome to CAA. hope you find your time here enjoyable.
[SIZE="4"]*FASTING FROM CAA (9/25/08 - ???)*[/SIZE]

"Sometimes we don't present the Gospel well enough for the non-elect to reject it."
- John MacArthur

"In the total expanse of the human life, there is not a single square inch of which Christ, who alone is sovereign, does not declare, 'That is mine'."
- Abraham Kuyper

"God the great Creator of all things doth uphold, direct, dispose, and govern all creatures, actions, and things, from the greatest even to the least, by His most wise and holy providence, according to His infallible foreknowledge and the free and immutable counsel of His own will, to the praise of the glory of His wisdom, power, justice, goodness, and mercy."
- Westminister Confession of Faith (Chapter 5, Section 1)

"The wisdom of God has found a way for the love of God to deliver sinners from the wrath of God all the while upholding the righteousness of God!!"
- John Piper

"Grace is the pleasure of God to magnify the worth of God by giving sinners the right and power to delight in God without obscuring the glory of God!"
-John Piper

"The very One from Whom we need to be saved, is the One Who has saved us."
- R.C. Sproul

"All of Christian life is ceaseless worship of God the Father, through the mediatorship of God the Son, by the indwelling power of God the Spirit, doing what God commands in Scripture, not doing what God forbids in Scripture, in culturally contextualized ways, for the furtherance of the Gospel, when both gathered for adoration, and scattered for action, in joyous response to God's glorious grace."
- Mark Driscoll

"Believers do not pray with the view of informing God about things unknown to Him, or of exciting Him to do His duty, or of urging Him as though He were reluctant. On the contrary, they pray in order that they may arouse themselves to seek Him, that they may exercise their faith in meditating on His promises, that they may relieve themselves from their anxieties by pouring them into His bosom; in a word, that they may declare that from Him alone they hope and expect, both for themselves and for others, all good things."
- Martin Luther

"I have to tell you first that I am ready to die. I have put my affairs in order. Your supreme weapon is killing. My supreme weapon is dying, because when you kill me, people all over Romania will read my books and believe on the God that I preach - even more than they do now."
- Dr. Joseph Ton, the exiled Romanian pastor (quoted by James Montgomery Boice)

"The best prayer I ever prayed had enough sin in it to condemn the whole world."
- John Bunyan

"If the Christian has lost sight of Calvary, that shows that he has lost his way."
- J.I. Packer[/SIZE]
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Postby rocklee24 » Sun Feb 01, 2009 12:04 am

Hey, guys! Sorry for the long wait! I'm back, baby!!

I hope anyone still remembers me...!
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Postby inuyashainugami » Sun Feb 01, 2009 12:29 am


im new here in these forums first post lol

im japanesse and the only japanesse word i know is konnichiwa witch is why i decided to post my first post here lol ..... konnichiwa rules lol
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Postby rocklee24 » Sun Feb 01, 2009 12:32 am

inuyashainugami (post: 1285840) wrote:konnichiwa

im new here in these forums first post lol

im japanesse and the only japanesse word i know is konnichiwa witch is why i decided to post my first post here lol ..... konnichiwa rules lol

No prob! This is also my first time......... in a LONG time since I came here!

I hope everyone will be good to us!
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Postby inuyashainugami » Sun Feb 01, 2009 12:45 am

hey rocklee like my pc ^.^?
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Postby FnlFntsyYuna » Tue Feb 17, 2009 9:06 pm

Hola! Walcome to the CAA^.^ what games do you like? and do you like any Kpop and Jpop music?
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Postby Fantasy Dreamer » Wed Feb 18, 2009 10:02 am

Welcome! And yes, it is a nice site to have in existance!
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Postby RandomBurrito » Wed Feb 18, 2009 5:42 pm

Hello from RandomBurrito! :grin: You're story is amazing, I'm so happy for you :thumb: God bless you!!!
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