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Postby Bobtheduck » Wed Sep 20, 2006 10:49 pm

I've been looking at the vids from GC 2006, and my new conclusion is this: MGS4 is still gonna own... Oh, well, I guess that's not new, but it looks very nice.

I haven't follwed sonic since Sonic Adventure, but Sonic 15th anniversary edition looks cool because for once they have decent human designs. I hope there is an option to play in Japanese like on SA.

Virtua Fighter looks obsolete... There hasn't really been much new in the world of 3d fighters, and DOA for 360 just looks better than this...

Resistance looks very Half-lifiish... If I'm not mistaken, I think I saw a gun like that magnet one in HL2... Hmm... I'm still cutting my teeth on Halo for FPS games...

Speaking of Half Life 2... Can anyone say "Who flipping cares"? PS3 is so new and HL2 is so old... It's just as stupid as the FF11 on the 360... And it doesn't really look that good, compared to games coming out now, even on the 360...

I'm still all over Eyedentify, also blu-ray movies... as soon as I can afford both a PS3 and an HDTV... I just hope they get some better movies on blu-ray...

Now I'm just waiting for news on SH5... I hope they bring back the sort of feeling that was in SH2 Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby Bobtheduck » Sat Sep 30, 2006 12:00 am

K... since no one brought it up, and since I'm all hyped about the PS3 (because I'll play it at a friend's house, even though I won't be able to get it at the least until next christmas)

HDMI will be included with both PS3 sets... The 500 dollar one and the 600 dollar one... So, for the games that will use 1080p, you'll be able to play them in that resolution even with the cheaper model of PS3...

This was announced at TGS, by phil harrison. Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby Nate » Sat Sep 30, 2006 12:14 am

Yep, but the low end PS3 still doesn't have a memory card reader. So...I dunno, it's still a tossup.

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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Sat Sep 30, 2006 9:54 am

Everyone needs to listen to this

It's from the gamespot podcast
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Postby GrubbTheFragger » Sat Sep 30, 2006 10:10 am

HOLY FREAKING CRAP anyone seen the glorious game play of Assassins creed?
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Postby Bobtheduck » Thu Oct 05, 2006 6:56 pm

Mr. SmartyPants wrote:Everyone needs to listen to this

It's from the gamespot podcast

hahahahahahahaha!!! that's so freaking funny...

Just one thing, not that you could take anyone seriously who talked like that, but... The games are going to be 60 bucks... Exactly what games are now... Show me one 70 dollar game, and I'll say "that's just one.." NO, seriously, Blu-Ray discs are more expensive right now, but the price will drop when moe people start getting them. Other than that, the prices of games are not that bad right now... Considering I bought Earthbound for 80 bucks when it first came out, I have yet to see a PS2 game for 80 bucks, except FF11 (at 100 bucks) because it comes with hardware (the harddrive...)

And, as for the packaging the blu-ray with the system, how about X-box doing the HD-DVD 360 release? Sorta like how Sony Fanboys dissed the wii controller, but Sony did the same thing... Hey, it's a ruthless industry, they all steal from each other, they all want to bring each other down... There has been betrayal, stupidity, and childish(...ness? Immaturity) since the beginning of the industry...

There was good news, too... That HDMI was included on the cheaper PS3 model... Even though the cord itself is, what? 120 bucks? That's not Sony's doing, though... Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby Hittokiri04 » Sat Oct 07, 2006 9:00 am

hmm interesting. I really want to get teh new Devil May Cry on PS3. *eyes become enlarged and glazed*
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Postby Bobtheduck » Sat Oct 07, 2006 11:46 pm

Really? That was one game that looked underwhelming to me... That and yet ANOTHER Grand Tourismo... I have GT4, got it for free when I won my new slimline PS2... I don't play it... I don't think I will...

And, as for more "duh" moments, HDMI cables aren't 100 bucks anymore... I found one for, like, 20 bucks at sams club... Not the last time I'll pass on false info... Speaking of which, I noticed that the low end HDTVs actually look WORSE than standard def TVs... how is that possible? They were playing HD content, I'm pretty sure... It said "HD" right on the screen... Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby Stephen » Sun Oct 08, 2006 12:49 am

Just thought I would say again...that I would give my right arm to play MG4. *laughs* The new Metal Gear cannot come soon enough.

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Time to See Those Crazy PS3 Ads.

Postby Omega Amen » Mon Nov 06, 2006 6:01 pm

Now let us start compiling those crazy PS3 ads. In general, I tend to look at ads as just entertainment. I get a kick out of them.

Here are the launch ads running in Japan (they are focused on the November 11th launch date). Youtube links:

The Smokestack
The Socket
The Fork (My favorite Japan ad since I find it so silly.)
The Mall?

Here are the North America commercials. (I notice a little homage theme to the black monolith of 2001: A Space Odyssey.) Youtube links:

The Wait is Over. (So, the PS3 will abduct our kids?)
The Baby (Infamous, I know. I still do not understand it. Maybe someone like Ark can give a proper interpretation.)
The Rubik's Cube (I like this. Exploding Rubik's cubes say pwnage to an engineer.)
The Eggs (This is showing the Sixaxis controller. So it can hatch eggs into crows?)

Here are the European commercials. (From what I see, marketing "explaining" technical terms.) Youtube links:

Real-Time (Boxing, eh? Makes me think of first-person view in Fight Night Round 3.)
High Definition (Explosions are good... with feathers... like pillow fights... yeah.)

The Play B3yond commercials. (As an engineer, I find it interesting how marketing tries to "explain" technological ability.) Youtube links:

Smarter (It addresses the Cell processor.)
Capacity (It addresses Blu-Ray media.)

I will add more to this post as new ads come up on the Youtube.
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Postby Tenshi no Ai » Mon Nov 06, 2006 6:22 pm

Some of those commercials... just don't make sense (aka the first 3).

"Playstation TV"?? Huh? What's that?

It won't let me view the North American ones at the moment (you say USA commericals, but don't forget we have all that same stuff here in Canada^^) so I'll check them out later...

As far as I'm concerned, PS3s don't need wild or werid commercials, they just pretty much sell themselves. Stick the last part of "Playstation 3. Play beyond" and there's cheap advertising that does the trick^^
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Postby Omega Amen » Mon Nov 06, 2006 6:32 pm

Tenshi no Ai wrote:It won't let me view the North American ones at the moment (you say USA commericals, but don't forget we have all that same stuff here in Canada^^) so I'll check them out later...
The Youtube titles had "US" so I just assumed they were playing in the US. But, just for you, I edited my previous post to include Canada.

I do not know why you cannot see them now. I had no problems with the links....

Tenshi no Ai wrote:As far as I'm concerned, PS3s don't need wild or werid commercials,
Okay, I am begging you to at least watch the Baby commercial and give me your impressions.

Tenshi no Ai wrote:they just pretty much sell themselves. Stick the last part of "Playstation 3. Play beyond" and there's cheap advertising that does the trick^^
But advertisement people got to work and eat too, you know....
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Postby Tenshi no Ai » Mon Nov 06, 2006 7:15 pm

Omega Amen wrote:The Youtube titles had "US" so I just assumed they were playing in the US. But, just for you, I edited my previous post to include Canada.

Aw c'mon you didn't have to be that dramatic with your editing^^

Omega Amen wrote:I do not know why you cannot see them now. I had no problems with the links....

I have a router and it hates me sometimes. :/

Omega Amen wrote:Okay, I am begging you to at least watch the Baby commercial and give me your impressions.

Personally, it creeped me out :/ I disslike dolls (well, at least one's like that that just look... creepyish :/)

Omega Amen wrote:But advertisement people got to work and eat too, you know....

Heh sometimes I don't know... I can see a couple of guys sitting around discussing "Ok, there's a person that looks out the window of their car and sees some smokestack and keeps on looking... then the image of a PS3 comes on!" "You're a genius! That's a brilliant idea for an ad!" I dunno, I'm just not the abstract-commercial kinda person^^

Didn't feel like watching the European ones and stuff, from from the above, I'd say that the best commercial that really... expresses a PS3 is the child "abductor" one. With the whoel "the wait is over" and all the kids waiting outside. Out of hose 7, I'd say that one expresses it best.
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Postby Omega Amen » Mon Nov 06, 2006 7:26 pm

Tenshi no Ai wrote:Aw c'mon you didn't have to be that dramatic with your editing^^
I know. I was just playing with you. I will replace it with North America.
Tenshi no Ai wrote:Personally, it creeped me out :/ I disslike dolls (well, at least one's like that that just look... creepyish :/)
Ah. I asked because I am still waiting for a lady who will not be creeped out by that ad.
Tenshi no Ai wrote:Heh sometimes I don't know... I can see a couple of guys sitting around discussing "Ok, there's a person that looks out the window of their car and sees some smokestack and keeps on looking... then the image of a PS3 comes on!" "You're a genius! That's a brilliant idea for an ad!" I dunno, I'm just not the abstract-commercial kinda person^^
Well what about... ah, forget it. I am just going to tease Link Antilles with this quote since he is the Marketing major.
Tenshi no Ai wrote:I'd say that the best commercial that really... expresses a PS3 is the child "abductor" one.
Hmmm, I like the Play B3yond ones (Smarter and Capacity). I guess it is because I want to have that narrator's voice, and I like the use of image-based analogies in the presentation.
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Postby Bobtheduck » Mon Nov 06, 2006 11:06 pm

I'm all about Sony's idea which they stole from microsoft. That is, get a wii... And a PS3, of course. With Wii and PS3, you'll have nearly the entire console market history at your fingertips, except for atari stuff... NES, Genesis, Turbographx, SNES, N64, PS1, PS2, PS3, Gamecube, wii... All (except PS2, gamecube, wii, and PS3) available for download... That means we get every final fantasy game, we get a load of classics, we get a massive amount of RPGs... Microsoft really can't offer that... Sony and Nintendo combined make the perfect setup for a classic gamer...

PS3 and 360 are similar in power, though 360 hasn't gotten a perfect 1080p game yet... So, you get the 20 gig 360 machine for 400 bucks. Ok... The 20 gig PS3 is 500 bucks... You're getting a 300 dollar system, a 100 dollar harddrive, and a 100 dollar blu-ray player, which is the cheapest blu-ray player you can expect to buy for a few years... I don't see the big flipping problem with price... At that, it's only 50 dollars more expensive than the Wii... What does 360 really offer? It's the in the middle one, with no real innovation (such as the nunchuck... *sigh* or the blu-ray games... I'm still thinking the wand and nunchuck will have limited usage) and still absurdly expensive (and when you break it down, the PS3 isn't that bad afterall, especially compared to buying a new gaming PC to perform similarly...)

MS has Halo... And Dead or Alive... And Xbox live... Which isn't new, by far... just... established... Yeah, once sticker shock wears off, Sony will recover... But Nintendo will definately win this round with Gamers...

Do I sound like a certain former member right now (not one who was banned, but simply left) I think I do... Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby Hittokiri04 » Tue Nov 07, 2006 8:41 am

So why does FFXIII have only 9.09%? Yeah MGS: Guns od Patriots is a phonominal game but its FFXIII!
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Postby GrubbTheFragger » Tue Nov 07, 2006 8:53 am

Because Metal Gear has been more impressive as of yet. FFXIII was steller looking graphicaly just the trailer wasn't as developed as MGS
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Postby Stephen » Tue Nov 07, 2006 7:23 pm

Because Snake would own Cloud, Squall, Zidane, Tidus, Yuna, and Vaan all at once. All while smoking a cig. (don't hate me, I love both series)
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Postby Hittokiri04 » Tue Nov 07, 2006 7:38 pm

Ok I give :lol: I guess it counts on what people like.
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Another PS3 ad... Eggs... Crows??

Postby Omega Amen » Wed Nov 08, 2006 6:56 pm

Well, we might as well keep up the excitement with a new crazy ad.

This time it is a new North America ad introducing the Sixaxis controller. So it can hatch eggs into crows?

Youtube link: The Eggs
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Postby Hittokiri04 » Wed Nov 08, 2006 7:19 pm

That was awesome! :lol:
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Postby Bobtheduck » Wed Nov 08, 2006 9:06 pm

I hate that stupid controller... I thought it was dumb when Nintendo did it, I think it's dumb now that sony took a less implementable version of it... I'm just glad they didn't change the shape... Boomerang was a much worse idea than the six axis...

It's sorta like how MS stole the worst controller design ever, the Dreamcast controller... When they COULD have stolen a much better design, like the n64 controller or the dual shock or something... Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby Cognitive Gear » Wed Nov 08, 2006 11:51 pm

Bobtheduck wrote:It's sorta like how MS stole the worst controller design ever, the Dreamcast controller... When they COULD have stolen a much better design, like the n64 controller or the dual shock or something...

That is entirely your opinion. It seems our preference in controllers are completely reversed, as I think that the xbox 360's controller is amoung the best controllers ever made. Just as I thought that the Dreamcast's controller was when it came out.

Also, I hate the n64 controller; due to the thumbstick feeling rough and how close together your hands are when holding it in order to use said thumbstick. I also think that the dualshock controller is horrible. Completely unergonomic, and the D-pad is seperated, causing blisters on the thumbs of many street fighter fans. Both of these controllers have caused people hand-cramps.

I also feel the need to reply to your signature, as it's the first time I've seen it, and it applies to this very thread.

First of all, you can't see any difference between 1080p and 720p on televeision sets smaller than 50", and it gets worse if you try to sit more than 10' away from your screen. Also, the ONLY PS3 game that runs in 1080p naturally is Gran Turismo HD. Which honestly, as you know, is just a PS2 port with ramped up resolution and textures. Not exactly "Next Gen".

As for your price breakdown- Some people don't want/can't use a blu-ray player. No poiint in HD movies if you don't have an HDTV. Also, do you remember how bad the PS2 DVD player is? It's bad enough that most people own a PS2 and a DVD player. If that is the quality of BD player they are going to give me, count me out.

Xbox 360 innovations: Try Xbox live arcade. Or what about XNA Studio Express? A 100$ dev kit for up and coming creative game developers? How about achievment points? Or the marketplace? And xbox live is an innovation..... it took console online gaming to a new level, where all players can communicate, regardless of what game they are playing. This was not thought possible until after MS made it so.

I'm tired of the Sony Defense Force trying to make the PS3 seem inexpensive. The fact of the matter is that Sony has made the most expensive console yet. No "percieved value" could ever make me want to tell Sony that it's ok to charge me that much for a console. Money talks. I intend to let it speak for me. Which sucks, considering that I REALLY want FFXIII. Alot. I hope that the price drops quickly.
[font="Tahoma"][SIZE="2"]"It was so much easier to blame it on Them. It was bleakly depressing to think that They were Us. If it was Them, then nothing was anyone's fault. If it was us, what did that make Me? After all, I'm one of Us. I must be. I've certainly never thought of myself as one of Them. No one ever thinks of themselves as one of Them. We're always one of Us. It's Them that do the bad things."

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Postby Nate » Thu Nov 09, 2006 12:05 am

ikimasu wrote:Xbox 360 innovations: Try Xbox live arcade. Or what about XNA Studio Express? A 100$ dev kit for up and coming creative game developers? How about achievment points? Or the marketplace? And xbox live is an innovation..... it took console online gaming to a new level, where all players can communicate, regardless of what game they are playing.

I'm tired of the Sony Defense Force trying to make the PS3 seem inexpensive.

Again, though I'm sure you've heard it a hundred times, it IS inexpensive considering what it has under the hood. It costs Sony what, a thousand bucks apiece to make these things? Even at launch price they're losing four hundred bucks a unit. The price will drop, make no mistake, but they're losing money either way, so they might as well take a smaller loss at launch and take the bigger loss when the game library grows.

It's good business sense.
The fact of the matter is that Sony has made the most expensive console yet.

Wrong, the Neo Geo was also 600 dollars...and that was 1980 dollars. Plus, Neo Geo games were 200 bucks each. At least the PS3's are only 60.

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Postby Hittokiri04 » Thu Nov 09, 2006 5:26 am

ikimasu wrote:That is entirely your opinion. It seems our preference in controllers are completely reversed, as I think that the xbox 360's controller is amoung the best controllers ever made. Just as I thought that the Dreamcast's controller was when it came out.

I cant stand 360s controller...maybe because I had a bad experience with it. I mean it took like 10 minutes or so to log in the darn thing because it kept logging into the wrong system (the one across the room).
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Postby Bobtheduck » Thu Nov 09, 2006 9:12 am

ikimasu wrote:First of all, you can't see any difference between 1080p and 720p on televeision sets smaller than 50", and it gets worse if you try to sit more than 10' away from your screen. Also, the ONLY PS3 game that runs in 1080p naturally is Gran Turismo HD. Which honestly, as you know, is just a PS2 port with ramped up resolution and textures. Not exactly "Next Gen".

No, there are several games that run on 1080p... I don't remember them all, but one of them was a basketball game. Also, can you tell the difference between 4?0p and 720p on a 17" screen? Well, I sure can... It's beautiful... I've heard that before about the screen size, and... Well, I don't think I believe it yet.

ikimasu wrote:As for your price breakdown- Some people don't want/can't use a blu-ray player. No poiint in HD movies if you don't have an HDTV. Also, do you remember how bad the PS2 DVD player is? It's bad enough that most people own a PS2 and a DVD player. If that is the quality of BD player they are going to give me, count me out.

What the brooding heck are you talking about? What was wrong with the PS2 DVD playing? It plays just fine for me, always has. Of course, you'll want a DVD remote for it, not just a six-axis. As for people not having HDTVs... The majority will have HDTVs soon enough. Sony looks forward to what people will have. Besides that, the blu-ray isn't just for movies... I read in PC Magazine in an article about how this gen may begin to destroy the PC market (no joke), that many games on PS3 are allready 15 gigs. More than 3 DVDs worth of content. They will get bigger, too. So the blu-ray means something for games, too.

Xbox 360 innovations: Try Xbox live arcade. Or what about XNA Studio Express? A 100$ dev kit for up and coming creative game developers? How about achievment points? Or the marketplace? And xbox live is an innovation..... it took console online gaming to a new level, where all players can communicate, regardless of what game they are playing. This was not thought possible until after MS made it so.

X-box live, the true innovation of this generation... that wasn't from this generation. Yawn... As soon as Sony works the kinks out of their network, X-box will have NOTHING on Sony... Nothing. As for X-box live arcade, well... Haha, Sony has that covered, even if they didnt' cover it first.

I'm tired of the Sony Defense Force trying to make the PS3 seem inexpensive. The fact of the matter is that Sony has made the most expensive console yet. No "percieved value" could ever make me want to tell Sony that it's ok to charge me that much for a console. Money talks. I intend to let it speak for me. Which sucks, considering that I REALLY want FFXIII. Alot. I hope that the price drops quickly.

Actually, the Neo-Geo was 700 dollars, gaming PC's run in the thousands if they're brand new(though you did say CONSOLE, so) I broke down the price... 300 for the system, 100 for the harddrive (20 gig harddrive)100 for the blu-ray. 500 bucks. When you look at it that way, the price isn't much worse than the 360. Now, if you're an N fan, well... 250 is a lot cheaper than 500, but you're a 360 defender. And that price difference is negligible considering blu-ray even if you only use it for games.

For complaining about prices, I'm amazed that you don't think it funny MS is releasing a 200 dollar HD-DVD add-on... That brings their 20 gig system to 600 bucks... Whereas the PS3 20 gig system with blu-ray is 500 dollars... Making 360 more expensive all around, and less worth it.

I think it's hillarious that MS has something like the eyetoy now, but more power to them. That's the way the market functions. Of course, with a larger collection of games that USE the eyetoy for PS, MS has to play catchup if they honestly wanted to catch that niche market... And then there's Eyedentify... **drool** That is going to be so cool... Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby Cognitive Gear » Thu Nov 09, 2006 10:52 am

No 1080p games at launch/Gran Turismo HD only game running at 1080p

As far as problems with the DVD player- Early PS2 models are incompatible with certain DVD's due to lack of decoders in the console. Also, a problem with all PS2's is the quite annoying skip experienced whenever it changes layers on the DVD, something not seen on most dedicated DVD players. Also, the volume of the PS2 DVD player is extremely low and of poor quality. Also, there was a class-action lawsuit against Sony because the PS2 simply stopped playing DVDs after a few months of use.

Also: I will be quite amazed if Sony can replicate the fluidity, ease of use, and high quality online experience that xbox live has offered, especially since MS is charging for "Gold" level access. Time will tell. If Sony pulls this off, I'll be buying a PS3 sooner than I originally expected, so long as there is a good online game to go with it.

When I said most expensive console yet, I was thining of the modern console; not the old bring the arcade home style ones. I know you can't read minds, so I'll give this one to you. I should have taken more time to make that thought clear in my post.

Also: The difference between Blu-ray and the HD-DVD add on is: Choice. If I don't want an HD-DVD player, I'm not forced to buy it in order to play games.

Blu-ray's disk capacity really doesn't mean much. It's worth is overblown. I've worked in the gaming industry, I know devs. I speak with them on a semi-regular basis. The verdict? "Blu-ray is for lazy devs." With the available compression technology out there, there is no need for blu-ray's capacity. The amount of space encourages lazy coding. Although I must admit, the idea of having an MMO entirely on the disk, with patches stored on the HD could be a good use. Something like that could actually pull some of the hardcore MMoers away from thier PCs and into consoles...

I also want to take a moment and say that I don't hate the PS3. Two or three years from now; it'll have some great games that everyone will want to play. But as it stands at launch, I could never justify the cost. Ironically, the very things that increased the cost just don't appeal to me. I just hate seeing people that only see positives in any given company. All of the big three have made good and bad decisions in this "war".

Side note: Anyone else tired of waiting for sony to unveil the RSX specs? I'd really like to see the rest of the PS3's architecture so I can know what this thing is really capable of.
[font="Tahoma"][SIZE="2"]"It was so much easier to blame it on Them. It was bleakly depressing to think that They were Us. If it was Them, then nothing was anyone's fault. If it was us, what did that make Me? After all, I'm one of Us. I must be. I've certainly never thought of myself as one of Them. No one ever thinks of themselves as one of Them. We're always one of Us. It's Them that do the bad things."

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Postby Nate » Thu Nov 09, 2006 11:09 am

ikimasu wrote:Also, the volume of the PS2 DVD player is extremely low and of poor quality.

OH! I remember that! That SUCKED. I had to turn the volume WAY up on the TV whenever I tried to watch a DVD on my PS2, and then I'd forget the volume was way up on the TV when I put a game back in...that was never fun.
Also: I will be quite amazed if Sony can replicate the fluidity, ease of use, and high quality online experience that xbox live has offered, especially since MS is charging for "Gold" level access.

I agree with this, especially since Sony hasn't really said much about their online service. Sony CAN do it, of that I have no doubt, the question is, WILL they do it?

But yeah, it doesn't matter much to me, I won't be getting a PS3 for a couple of years yet. Sony products are notorious for bugs...the sheer fact they've cut their launch numbers back to 80,000 worldwide is hard proof of that. I feel sorry for anyone who buys a launch PS3, really.

I mean, Microsoft had a few bugs when they launched the 360, but their customer service was top-notch and they handled it well. Sony had better hope they have service that good.

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Postby Hittokiri04 » Thu Nov 09, 2006 12:16 pm

About the volume on the PS2 DVD player....for some dvds my PS2 has this wierd buzzing sound (-_-). But its only for old DVDs and ones that are scratched which ticks me off cuz I cant watch Mr.Nice Guy without hearing this annoying Screeeeetch!
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Yeah I just dusted off the old xanga site.

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Postby Bobtheduck » Thu Nov 09, 2006 4:01 pm

I may be wrong, but I'm pretty sure the announcement of the 1080p basketball game is more recent than that (which was in September)

As far as problems with the DVD player- Early PS2 models are incompatible with certain DVD's due to lack of decoders in the console. Also, a problem with all PS2's is the quite annoying skip experienced whenever it changes layers on the DVD, something not seen on most dedicated DVD players. Also, the volume of the PS2 DVD player is extremely low and of poor quality. Also, there was a class-action lawsuit against Sony because the PS2 simply stopped playing DVDs after a few months of use.

If you're going to go for Blu-ray right now, which a few people are, though, the PS3 is still cheaper than any standalone player. Even when the price of Blu-ray is cut in half, which I'm sure will happen soon enough, PS3 will still be a better value for a player.

Also: I will be quite amazed if Sony can replicate the fluidity, ease of use, and high quality online experience that xbox live has offered, especially since MS is charging for "Gold" level access. Time will tell. If Sony pulls this off, I'll be buying a PS3 sooner than I originally expected, so long as there is a good online game to go with it.

Well, I believe Sony's will be free, so no... It won't likely have all the bells and whistles of X-box live. The marketing of Sony's online function is in the "Microtransactions" meaning you buy tiny things for a dollar a piece. A cheap game, a new feature, etc.

When I said most expensive console yet, I was thining of the modern console]


Also: The difference between Blu-ray and the HD-DVD add on is: Choice. If I don't want an HD-DVD player, I'm not forced to buy it in order to play games.


Blu-ray's disk capacity really doesn't mean much. It's worth is overblown. I've worked in the gaming industry, I know devs. I speak with them on a semi-regular basis. The verdict? "Blu-ray is for lazy devs." With the available compression technology out there, there is no need for blu-ray's capacity. The amount of space encourages lazy coding. Although I must admit, the idea of having an MMO entirely on the disk, with patches stored on the HD could be a good use. Something like that could actually pull some of the hardcore MMoers away from thier PCs and into consoles...

Given I despise MMOs... You defend Sony and I don't care, hahaha, turnaround is fun.

I also want to take a moment and say that I don't hate the PS3. Two or three years from now; it'll have some great games that everyone will want to play. But as it stands at launch, I could never justify the cost. Ironically, the very things that increased the cost just don't appeal to me. I just hate seeing people that only see positives in any given company. All of the big three have made good and bad decisions in this "war"

Let's see: No vibration, stealing an idea that I didn't think was great to begin with (the wii's wand), being the most powerfull, and therefore potentially taking the spot held by x-box last gen as allowing for lazy animators who don't put effort into their work because they'll let the PS3 do it "for them" Yeah, I see lots of negatives...

Side note: Anyone else tired of waiting for sony to unveil the RSX specs? I'd really like to see the rest of the PS3's architecture so I can know what this thing is really capable of.

I'm sick of waiting for Nintendo to unveil the pricing plan for the download service on the wii... SO much that I stopped waiting... It may be out now, and I just don't know about it... The system (PS3) is released initially in a few days. Let's see what it offers when it finally gets here...
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