I used to draw comics with some guys and we put out a few titles on CD-ROMs, at around 7 Australian dollars per CD.
Included in each CD were also some sketches, wallpapers, etc.
We had roughly 16 - 20 pages of coloured art per CD.
But I think your art quality may be better than ours (I am just guessing), so perhaps you could sell it for more.
I read a review somewhere once of our work, and a few of the readers thought that for 7 AUD they thought they deserved more (i.e. in addition to the art, wallpapers, they wanted some other extra features).
I disagree with that simply because I know the amount of time and effort involved in pencilling the art, inking, colouring, packaging, etc. but I am just letting you know because when putting a price on your CD comic this knowledge may help you.
From a personal perspective, I like my comics in the traditional comic book medium - simply because I can read it whenever and wherever (not technology dependent), putting the comics out in CD-ROM format before was not my idea.
But you know never know - there are most likely people out there who prefer to read their comics in electronic format, it's a matter of personal preference, so don't be discouraged.
Anyway, my two cents. All the best with your stuff.