Myoti wrote:Three games and they're 'milking' it? O_o
Myoti wrote:Three games and they're 'milking' it? O_o
uc pseudonym wrote:Well, the Final Mix games are somewhat exploitative...
Tom Dincht wrote:In my personal opinion, I think that character in the secret ending IS Sora.
kaemmerite wrote:Too bad, Nomura, the guy who created it, says you're wrong. Hmm...who to believe, a random teenager on the internet, or THE GUY MAKING THE GAME? Tough choice.
kaemmerite wrote:Hmm...who to believe, a random teenager on the internet, or THE GUY MAKING THE GAME?
Nate wrote:I thought Nomura said that the secret video was the past, not the future.
Nate wrote:If so, I'm thinking they're members of the Organization.
uc pseudonym wrote:
Also, the ending reminded me yet again that while some think mixing Disney and serious plots together works... I don't.
Tenshi no Ai wrote:It is an odd concept^^ Really, I think in KH 2, that the Disney characters were almost... not needed in the plot :/ Like yeah, the story went along and all, but when the princess thing in the first game, they were actually needed. *shrugs* I dunno...
uc pseudonym wrote:Post #18 of this thread may be of interest to you...
For me, it is always Mickey that throws me off. In the first game I was interested in the ending until he abruptly pops up and I can't take it seriously. At least in KH2 they tried to make him look cool (a dubious venture). Really, as much as I enjoy the series I think it would be far stronger without the Disney elements. Or, to put it more accurately, nothing I like about it has anything to do with the Disney parts.
KBMaster wrote:Wow, that video is awesome! I think the whole Mickey being there thing blows the whole prequel-set-way-before-Sora's-time theory.
Bobtheduck wrote:Without the Disney Elements, it wouldn't have sold as well as it did... Disney is a hook, really...
Bobtheduck wrote:That trailer looked pretty bad-a, though, until Mickey, like you said... Wow...
Fish and Chips wrote:Disney elements aside, what I think the series really needs is a compelling antagonist, which both the first game and its sequel lacked.
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