Icarus wrote:Blast it, and I read that story too.
the_lizardqueen wrote:Sounds quite trippy O_o
I tried Googling some of the keywords but nothing's coming up. I don't suppose mebbe you can remember any of the names of the characters, alien races or planets? Anything that could be used as a keyword.
*is up for the challenge, huzzah!*
the_lizardqueen wrote:Hmm...What did the cover look like? Was the author male or female? When was it written and published? Was it part of a series? Was it Adult or Young Adult?
the_lizardqueen wrote:*sighs* I got nothin'. I've hit Google, Amazon, the local library website and several other book sites.
And dare to call myself a bookworm! *skulks away*
I wish you the best of luck in finding it LQ ^^
Angel37 wrote:I'm actually looking for a story read to me by my 4th grade teacher called "The Peppermint Parlor". However, I've no idea who it's by and no library seems to carry it! X(
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