The (un)official CAA Chat Thread

Spawned by the randomness of the general board, here are the threads where you can do fun, pointless things. You may test the forum's features and make signature or avatar requests. Posts made here do not go towards your post count.

Postby JesusFreak84 » Thu Jun 29, 2006 4:14 pm

Shia just "fused" with me in chat. I feel so violated. V_V (No quotes because I cleared the chat history because the lag was getting to like 2 minutes.)
Papist Pest :angel:
Warning: I'm prone to the following--
"MOES. I can has Sane Sig now?" (Plagiarized from Mithradir.)
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Postby JesusFreak84 » Thu Jun 29, 2006 7:20 pm

chatbot 07:19 - JesusFreak84 asks, Do YOU hear the voices??????????
My answer: Yes
Papist Pest :angel:
Warning: I'm prone to the following--
"MOES. I can has Sane Sig now?" (Plagiarized from Mithradir.)
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Postby JesusFreak84 » Mon Jul 03, 2006 1:44 pm

Papist Pest :angel:
Warning: I'm prone to the following--
"MOES. I can has Sane Sig now?" (Plagiarized from Mithradir.)
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Postby bigsleepj » Wed Jul 05, 2006 9:58 pm

Say, anyone want to join us in the chat?
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Postby bigsleepj » Fri Jul 07, 2006 12:09 pm

Anyone want to join us in the chat?

Déja vu!
Unwise Toasting Sermon

The Sweet Smell of CAA
The Avatar Christian Ronin designed for me
An Avatar KhakiBlue gave to me
The avatar Termyt made for me

KhakiBlueSocks wrote:"I'm going to make you a prayer request you can't refuse..." Cue the violins. :lol:

Current Avatar by SirThinks2much - thank you very much! :thumb::)
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Postby Cap'n Nick » Fri Jul 07, 2006 12:39 pm

I'll do some chat joinage!
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Postby SigmaKnight » Sat Jul 08, 2006 4:26 pm

kaemmerite 04:22 - Oh, THNIKKAMAN.
kaemmerite 04:22 - It's the Thnikkaman.
CrimsonRyu17 04:22 - o.O?
IZampTrigun4life 04:22 - ???
SigmaKnight 04:22 - :O
Orenji 04:23 - !!
SigmaKnight 04:23 - here comes the thnikkaman :O
CrimsonRyu17 is either lost or Kae isjust being weird.
CrimsonRyu17 04:23 - *is just
kaemmerite 04:23 - Hey Thnikkaman! Can we have some?
CrimsonRyu17 is lost.
SigmaKnight totally doestn remember the whole thnikkaman thing XD as sad as that is
Orenji does. XD;;
kaemmerite 04:24 - "Yeah, okay."
kaemmerite 04:24 - Thanks Thnikkaman!
kaemmerite 04:24 - "Yeah. Shut up, kid."
04:24 - Icarus has quit: thnikkaman?
04:24 - CapnNick has left the chat.
SigmaKnight 04:24 - o.o
SigmaKnight 04:24 - \o.o/ there goes the nick-a-man!
kaemmerite 04:24 - D'OH!
SigmaKnight 04:25 - XD
Orenji 04:25 - *laugh*

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Postby SigmaKnight » Mon Jul 10, 2006 6:54 pm

SigmaKnight 06:50 - XD I dont think I saw any of them blink either
sldr4Christ1985 06:51 - old people dont blink o.o
SigmaKnight 06:52 - \o.o/ Is that why santa sees when im naughty?
sldr4Christ1985 06:52 - yep o.o
SigmaKnight 06:52 - o.o
SigmaKnight 06:52 - that perv
sldr4Christ1985 06:52 - satan's a freak :|
SigmaKnight 06:52 - *hear's a rimshot in the distance*
sldr4Christ1985 06:52 - santa's*
sldr4Christ1985 06:52 - xD
SigmaKnight 06:52 - XD
SigmaKnight 06:53 - ROFL
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What a weird day.

Postby CrimsonRyu17 » Sat Jul 15, 2006 6:39 pm

Orenji does something awesome

Orenji 06:16 - Tada!

sldr4Christ1985 06:16 - :O whoa

Orenji 06:16 - :D

CrimsonRyu17 06:17 - Whoa!

CrimsonRyu17 06:17 - That was so awesome!

CrimsonRyu17 06:17 - Do it again.

Orenji 06:17 - Thank you! -__-/

sldr4Christ1985 throws her spare change :O

Orenji does it again

CrimsonRyu17 throws all her change.

Orenji 06:17 - spare change of what? clothes? I have clothes...

CrimsonRyu17 throws 5 cents.

Orenji 06:18 - >.>

sldr4Christ1985 throws 24 cents

Orenji 06:18 - NICKEL!!!

Orenji 06:18 - *jumps on nickel*

sldr4Christ1985 and a button

Orenji 06:18 - MINE! MINE! MINE!

sldr4Christ1985 and a stick of gum

Orenji 06:18 - ......

CrimsonRyu17 jumps on the button!

Orenji 06:18 - QUAARRRRRRTERRRR!!!

sldr4Christ1985 and a lint ball

Orenji 06:18 - *eats quarter*

CrimsonRyu17 06:19 - uh oh...

CrimsonRyu17 06:19 - X-Ray time!

sldr4Christ1985 06:19 - that was 24 cents, not 25 :O...

sldr4Christ1985 06:19 - you ate 2 dimes and 4 pennies :O

Orenji 06:19 - Close enough...>.>

sldr4Christ1985 06:19 - or 5 nickels and 4 pennies :O

Orenji 06:19 - An Uarter?

CrimsonRyu17 puts an X-ray near Orenji's stomach.

sldr4Christ1985 06:19 - or a dime, 2 nickels and 4 pennies

CrimsonRyu17 sees little silver circle objects!

sldr4Christ1985 06:20 - well have to go in Dr. Brittany u_u/

Orenji 06:20 - >.>;;

Orenji is gonna die

IZampTrigun4life 06:21 - .....aww

Orenji 06:21 - .__.

IZampTrigun4life 06:21 - thats horrible.....*calls male a wish foundation*

IZampTrigun4life 06:21 - make*

Orenji 06:21 - MALE A WISH?! XD

Orenji 06:21 - *wonders how that would work*

Orenji is slapped. Hard. x__x

IZampTrigun4life 06:22 - oh didn't you know it the foundation where terminally ill women are paired with the men of their dreams for an entire day!

sldr4Christ1985 06:22 - :O

sldr4Christ1985 06:23 - XD

Orenji 06:23 - >.> Can I have.....Sano?

CrimsonRyu17 06:23 - NO!

CrimsonRyu17 06:23 - My Sano!

CrimsonRyu17 06:23 - j/k. XD;

sldr4Christ1985 gives you a middle aged computer programmar with candy bar junk all over his beard

sldr4Christ1985 06:23 - :O

Orenji 06:23 - WOOHOO!

CrimsonRyu17 dies.

Orenji 06:24 - :D

Orenji 06:24 - *happy*

CrimsonRyu17 06:24 - You just gave her Nate?

Orenji 06:24 - XDDDD

sldr4Christ1985 06:24 - xD


sldr4Christ1985 06:24 - nate doesnt program computers though :O

Orenji 06:24 - He should be...>.>

sldr4Christ1985 06:24 - he knows physics i guess

CrimsonRyu17 06:24 - What's the difference? >.>

sldr4Christ1985 06:25 - a lot o.o

CrimsonRyu17 06:25 - Oh, poo.

CrimsonRyu17 06:26 - You still gave her Nate. >.>

Orenji 06:26 - XD I'll take 'em!

CrimsonRyu17 06:26 - So YOU were the one who was keeping him away from us! >:O

sldr4Christ1985 06:26 - yes >:O

CrimsonRyu17 06:26 - >:O

06:26 - IZampTrigun4life has left the chat.

Orenji 06:26 - o__o?

CrimsonRyu17 06:26 - Time to burn!!!

Orenji 06:27 - You scared her off....XD;;

sldr4Christ1985 06:27 - ill burn you >:O

CrimsonRyu17 ties Sldr to a wooden stake!

sldr4Christ1985 says a witty insulting remark

sldr4Christ1985 06:27 - ohhh, burnnnn :O

CrimsonRyu17 throws a flaming match at sldr.

Orenji gets popcorn and watches from a distance

sldr4Christ1985 06:27 - o.o

Orenji 06:27 - *crunch*

sldr4Christ1985 gets hit in the face with the match

sldr4Christ1985 06:27 - o__<

CrimsonRyu17 06:28 - >.>

CrimsonRyu17 throws a match at the wooded stake then.

sldr4Christ1985 match bounces off stake and lands in the dirt

sldr4Christ1985 06:28 - you have to have kindling and firewood :O

CrimsonRyu17 06:28 - ....

CrimsonRyu17 06:28 - OH!

CrimsonRyu17 throws fire wood at the bottom of the stake.

Orenji gives Crimson Pinocchio

CrimsonRyu17 then throws some straw.

sldr4Christ1985 06:29 - :O noooo!

CrimsonRyu17 throws Pinocchio in there, too.

sldr4Christ1985 writhes around

CrimsonRyu17 THEN throws a match at the wooden stake. >:D

sldr4Christ1985 06:29 - ~(((>O<)))~

CrimsonRyu17 spontaneously combusts during the throws and accidently drops the match to the ground.

sldr4Christ1985 06:30 - o.o

CrimsonRyu17 is reduced to a pile of ashes with a severed limb in there or two.

Orenji 06:30 - Aw. T_T My popcorn wasted.

sldr4Christ1985 06:30 - you can burn me instead :O

Orenji 06:31 - YAY!

Orenji 06:31 - *carefully places match on the flammable objects* :D

sldr4Christ1985 does a little jig whilst burning

CrimsonRyu17 watches.... as a pile of ashes..

Orenji does a jig whilst living

Orenji 06:32 - ./o_o/

Orenji 06:32 - \o_o\

sldr4Christ1985 06:32 - ~(o.o)~

sldr4Christ1985 crumbles into dust x.x

Orenji puts his ashes in a nice vase

CrimsonRyu17 06:33 - "ashes to ashes, dust to dust."

Orenji crushes vase

CrimsonRyu17 is still on the ground... as a pile of ashes... uncared for... at all..

Orenji sweeps up Crimson's ashes

Orenji 06:33 - Burnt flesh is terrible for mah allergies. ><

06:34 - IZampTrigun4life has entered the chat.

CrimsonRyu17 , at least, is noticed.

IZampTrigun4life 06:34 - moose

sldr4Christ1985 watches orenji snort the ashes o.o;;

Orenji throws the ashes into a WalMart bag and throws them away

sldr4Christ1985 06:35 - monkey

CrimsonRyu17 gasps.

CrimsonRyu17 06:35 - Was Orenji getting high off of my ashes? >.>

Orenji 06:35 - XD

sldr4Christ1985 06:35 - ya :O

CrimsonRyu17 06:35 - Bad Orenji. xD

Orenji 06:35 - Certainly not! *hides ashes*

IZampTrigun4life 06:35 - *wonders why it has to be a walmart bag....also wonders why she cares because she isnt particularly fond of walmart*

CrimsonRyu17 throws the frying pan at Orenji.
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CAA's Messed-Up Soap Opera. (Part I)

Postby CrimsonRyu17 » Tue Jul 18, 2006 5:36 pm

SigmaKnight 02:26 - crimmy.. I dont exactly no how to tell you this but...
ShadowCat 02:26 - passions and days >.>
02:26 - roadoffew has quit: You chat people are so CRAZAieeeeee
CrimsonRyu17 02:26 - o.o
SigmaKnight 02:26 - Im pregnant! T_T
Incognito 02:26 - you just said it too
Incognito 02:26 - SO THERE
SigmaKnight 02:26 - *sobs*
CrimsonRyu17 02:27 - :O
Incognito 02:27 - so am i
ShadowCat 02:27 - J00 pregnant D:
Incognito 02:27 - and i dont know who the mother is
IZampTrigun4life 02:27 - and...we have no idea who the daddy is
CrimsonRyu17 02:27 - But you're a dude!
IZampTrigun4life 02:27 - XD
ShadowCat 02:27 - D:
SigmaKnight 02:27 - XD
IZampTrigun4life 02:27 - there you go..drama!
Incognito 02:27 - no
SigmaKnight 02:27 - Only on the weekends crimmy T_T
Incognito 02:27 - i know whos the daddy..i am..but..i dont know who the mom is
IZampTrigun4life 02:27 - theres soemthing in the water sprouting male pregnancies all over the world
ShadowCat 02:27 - cats can have baby from more than one father at one time o.o
Incognito 02:27 - yeah..thats great
CrimsonRyu17 02:27 - Am I the.... mommy/daddy? o.o
IZampTrigun4life 02:27 - I knew that
Incognito 02:27 - ....*shivers with ickyness*
ShadowCat 02:28 - x.x
IZampTrigun4life 02:28 - your under age!
Incognito 02:28 - are you?....i dont remember
Incognito 02:28 - mom is...
CrimsonRyu17 02:28 - shush, it's a play not RL.
Incognito 02:28 - BUM BUM BUM *holds up coffee can* THIS!!!
IZampTrigun4life 02:28 - you layed eggs in his brain!
SigmaKnight 02:28 - XD
ShadowCat 02:28 - meow >:3
SigmaKnight 02:28 - no crimmy... the mommy is...
SigmaKnight 02:28 - NATE!
IZampTrigun4life 02:28 - XDDDDDDDDDD
SigmaKnight 02:28 - XD
CrimsonRyu17 02:28 - :O !!!
Incognito 02:28 - i love thii want her baby beans
IZampTrigun4life 02:28 - I knew ir!
ShadowCat attacks legs of randomness? >:3
CrimsonRyu17 02:29 - You CHEATED on me? ;O;
Incognito 02:29 - gasp
Incognito 02:29 - GUASP
SigmaKnight 02:29 - He gave me pocky crim... I couldnt help it
SigmaKnight 02:29 - I was weak
IZampTrigun4life 02:29 - double gasp
Incognito 02:29 - ...*changes channels*
SigmaKnight 02:29 - *sobs*
SigmaKnight 02:29 - *channel changed?*
CrimsonRyu17 02:29 - How COULD you? TOT
ShadowCat blow teh tv up D:
SigmaKnight 02:29 - Maria! esde libro estatarde!
CrimsonRyu17 02:29 - I...
CrimsonRyu17 02:29 - XD
SigmaKnight 02:29 - vodela biblioteca!
ShadowCat 02:30 - Du bist blod >.>
Incognito 02:30 - *runs away with shadow cat to play video games*
ShadowCat 02:30 - D:
ShadowCat 02:30 - :D
CrimsonRyu17 02:30 - Siggy...
CrimsonRyu17 02:30 - I have something to tell you, too. ;o;
SigmaKnight 02:30 - :O
ShadowCat 02:30 - o.o
SigmaKnight 02:30 - Youre not really a woman?
ShadowCat 02:30 - bum
ShadowCat 02:30 - bum
IZampTrigun4life 02:30 - XD
ShadowCat 02:30 - HOBO!
ShadowCat 02:30 - D:
Incognito 02:30 - your a goat??
IZampTrigun4life 02:30 - no no
CrimsonRyu17 02:30 - No, me and..
CrimsonRyu17 02:30 - um..
IZampTrigun4life 02:30 - she's got cancer of the enchalada
SigmaKnight 02:30 - <.< >.>
CrimsonRyu17 02:31 - IZZY are ENGAGED!
SigmaKnight 02:31 - (izzie?)
SigmaKnight 02:31 - XD
SigmaKnight 02:31 - I knew it!
IZampTrigun4life 02:31 - XDDDDDDDD
IZampTrigun4life 02:31 - GASP!
SigmaKnight 02:31 - T_T how could you do that to me?!
IZampTrigun4life 02:31 - I told you not to tell!
CrimsonRyu17 02:31 - And Dan is the father of my baby. ;o;
IZampTrigun4life 02:31 - gasp!
SigmaKnight 02:31 - :O
IZampTrigun4life 02:31 - you sheated on ME too...
ShadowCat 02:31 - ========O.o==============
Incognito 02:31 - congrats you guys
SigmaKnight 02:31 - But dan is my babies second cousin!
IZampTrigun4life 02:31 - sheated....cheated*
ShadowCat 02:32 - sheated D:
IZampTrigun4life 02:32 - thats it......were braking the engagement!
CrimsonRyu17 02:32 - Actually, we can't really tell, I think it's Nate but Dan was the biological father. ;o;
IZampTrigun4life 02:32 - *is confused*
CrimsonRyu17 02:32 - BUT I LOVE YOU IZZY! ;O;
ShadowCat 02:32 - me got something to tell j00! D:
CrimsonRyu17 clings to Izzy.
ShadowCat 02:32 - I a cat >.>
Incognito 02:32 - *hugs coffee can*
SigmaKnight 02:32 - :O
IZampTrigun4life 02:32 - NO...if you loved wouldn;t have had a baby by Nate and Dan.....
CrimsonRyu17 02:33 - And Shadowcat, I have something to tell you..
ShadowCat 02:33 - o.o
SigmaKnight 02:33 - clings to izzie* you should marry me instead!
CrimsonRyu17 02:33 - You're my son. ;o;
IZampTrigun4life 02:33 - *sniffles*
Incognito 02:33 - crim.....
ShadowCat 02:33 - :O
Incognito 02:33 - ive got a secret for you
ShadowCat 02:33 - x.x
IZampTrigun4life 02:33 - I dont know If I can..........
CrimsonRyu17 02:33 - XD
Incognito 02:33 - .......your my great grandmother
IZampTrigun4life 02:33 - XD
CrimsonRyu17 02:33 - O.O
Incognito 02:34 - i just..never told you before because you were so happy
Incognito 02:34 - sorry
CrimsonRyu17 02:34 - I'm a granny. ;o;
Incognito 02:34 - i didnt want to invade on your life
ShadowCat 02:34 - I got another secret! D:
Incognito 02:34 - no no..great granny
IZampTrigun4life 02:34 - gasp!
IZampTrigun4life 02:34 - wow
ShadowCat 02:34 - and teh secret is...
SigmaKnight 02:34 - :O
CrimsonRyu17 02:34 - I'm a great granny. ;O;
ShadowCat 02:34 - meow D:
IZampTrigun4life 02:34 - wow
Incognito 02:34 - *eats shadowcat*
IZampTrigun4life 02:34 - I am shocked shadow
ShadowCat 02:34 - D:
CrimsonRyu17 02:34 - Siggy! I still love you!
IZampTrigun4life 02:35 - yeah..he likes to eat kittens shadow
CrimsonRyu17 02:35 - Man, I want to see the family tree of this family.
Incognito 02:35 - im addicted
SigmaKnight 02:35 - T_T you got engaged to izzie!
ShadowCat 02:35 - O.O
CrimsonRyu17 02:35 - I bet it doesn't even look like a tree.
IZampTrigun4life 02:35 - I broke it!!!!!
Incognito 02:35 - and you then tried marrying izzy
Incognito 02:35 - sad.....sooo sad
IZampTrigun4life 02:35 - WITH A COFFE CAN!
Incognito 02:35 - yeah
CrimsonRyu17 02:35 - Actually, Inco. ;o;
IZampTrigun4life 02:35 - what kinda relationship is that?
Incognito 02:35 - shes awesome
Incognito 02:35 - ...and she makes me coffee
ShadowCat 02:35 - :O
IZampTrigun4life 02:35 - >>
Incognito 02:36 - .....every 3 seconds
IZampTrigun4life 02:36 - <<
SigmaKnight 02:36 - >.> the coffee can is really cheating on him with a paint can
Incognito 02:36 - gasp
CrimsonRyu17 02:36 - You're my grand daddy!
IZampTrigun4life 02:36 - XD
Incognito 02:36 - STOP YOUR LIES
IZampTrigun4life 02:36 - HA!
ShadowCat 02:36 - It dark in here D: meow!
SigmaKnight 02:36 - XD
IZampTrigun4life 02:36 - was love juice!
SigmaKnight 02:36 - Its true! I saw them together!
IZampTrigun4life 02:36 - froma paint can
Incognito 02:36 - ....crim....ive got something else to tell you
CrimsonRyu17 02:36 - what?
Incognito 02:36 - ....were married...weve been married for the past 6 just forgot
CrimsonRyu17 02:37 - :O
IZampTrigun4life 02:37 - gasp!
Incognito 02:37 - you had an accident
Incognito 02:37 - then you were in a coma for 3 months
CrimsonRyu17 02:37 - NOOOOOooo!!!
Incognito 02:37 - ..when you woke just didnt remember
Incognito 02:37 - IM SORRY
Incognito 02:37 - ..but my heart couldnt take the lies any longer
ShadowCat 02:37 - *light goes out* D:........gunshots! :O
CrimsonRyu17 02:37 - And I'm oregnant with Dan's baby. ;o;
IZampTrigun4life 02:37 - gasp
Incognito 02:37 - someone shot mr boddy!!!!
CrimsonRyu17 02:37 - *pregant. >.>;;
CrimsonRyu17 02:37 - *pregnant!
Incognito 02:38 - we have 143 kids crim
IZampTrigun4life 02:38 - I say it was mr. peacot with the candle stick in the library!
Incognito 02:38 - dont forget that your memory is coming back
SigmaKnight 02:38 - Crimmy! I have to come clean with you :O
IZampTrigun4life 02:38 - peacock*
SigmaKnight 02:38 - Youre my babies daddy!
Incognito 02:38 - its ms peacock
IZampTrigun4life 02:38 - XD
IZampTrigun4life 02:38 - ms?
CrimsonRyu17 02:38 - :O
Incognito 02:38 - CRIM YOU HARLOT *starts crying*
IZampTrigun4life 02:38 - gasp!
Incognito 02:38 - yeah...the characters name is Mrs Peacock
Incognito 02:38 - not mr
CrimsonRyu17 02:38 - No!
IZampTrigun4life 02:38 - Ryan has a sensitve side
CrimsonRyu17 02:38 - NO!
ShadowCat 02:39 - IT'S VERY DARK IN HERE! ;o;
Incognito 02:39 - she had kids with ANOTHER GUY
CrimsonRyu17 02:39 - Man, this is on some serious crack.
IZampTrigun4life 02:39 - oh well....sorry lol
Incognito 02:39 - what about our kids
Incognito 02:39 - huh? HUH?
ShadowCat 02:39 - DARK
IZampTrigun4life 02:39 - true true
Incognito 02:39 - it is dark
CrimsonRyu17 02:39 - And Izzy....
Incognito 02:39 - ..*turns on the light
CrimsonRyu17 02:39 - I have something to tell you...
IZampTrigun4life 02:39 - how coudl you do that to him
IZampTrigun4life 02:39 - what!
ShadowCat got ate D:
CrimsonRyu17 02:39 - I've cheated on you with 30 other people. ;o;
SigmaKnight 02:39 - I cant tell if this is a soap opera... or jerry springer
Incognito 02:39 - and ive got a secret for both crim and izz..
ShadowCat 02:39 - i know >.>
CrimsonRyu17 02:39 - I'm so SORRY!
SigmaKnight 02:40 - well wait.. noones thrown a chair yet
Incognito 02:40 - i was all 30 of the people....i just...i had diffrent hats on each time
IZampTrigun4life 02:40 - gasp
SigmaKnight 02:40 - so it must be a soap opera XD
Incognito 02:40 - *throws a chair*
SigmaKnight 02:40 - oh never mind Xd
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CAA's Messed-Up Soap Opera. (Part II)

Postby CrimsonRyu17 » Tue Jul 18, 2006 5:37 pm

02:40 - Whyte has entered the chat.
CrimsonRyu17 trows a table.
Incognito 02:40 - I ADMIT IT
CrimsonRyu17 02:40 - :O
Incognito 02:40 - im a master of disguise
Incognito 02:40 - ..with hats
Whyte 02:40 - o.o/
IZampTrigun4life 02:40 - I have a secret for you too
Incognito 02:40 - im sorry that i cheated on you with yourself 30 times
Incognito 02:40 - please forgive me
IZampTrigun4life 02:40 - >>
IZampTrigun4life 02:40 - <<
CrimsonRyu17 02:41 - I love you Izzy! ;o;
IZampTrigun4life 02:41 - I'm not reallay izzy!
SigmaKnight 02:41 - :O
Incognito has had my heart broken
CrimsonRyu17 02:41 - :O
Incognito 02:41 - or his..
Incognito 02:41 - whatever he paid someone
Whyte 02:41 - lol
CrimsonRyu17 02:41 - Who are YOU?
IZampTrigun4life 02:41 - I am her twin...sister foshizzy!
SigmaKnight 02:41 - XD
SigmaKnight 02:41 - ROFL
Incognito 02:41 - ..*shoots the dopleganger*
IZampTrigun4life 02:41 - XD
Whyte 02:41 - Ryan, dude, tell me, what is that site called where you can upload music
CrimsonRyu17 02:41 - TOT
IZampTrigun4life 02:41 - dopleganger?
Incognito 02:41 - yes
Incognito 02:41 - evil twin..and i shot you
CrimsonRyu17 02:41 - Well, I have something to tell you Foshizzy.
IZampTrigun4life 02:42 - ok?
IZampTrigun4life 02:42 - *coughs*
ShadowCat 02:42 - Still dark >.>
CrimsonRyu17 02:42 - I'm...
Incognito 02:42 - *throws up the cat*
CrimsonRyu17 02:42 - You're daddy. ;o;
ShadowCat 02:42 - D:
IZampTrigun4life 02:42 - XD
IZampTrigun4life 02:42 - INCEST!
Incognito 02:42 - SICK!
SigmaKnight 02:42 - Izzie D: I have something I need to tell you
IZampTrigun4life 02:42 - ok?
ShadowCat 02:42 - D:
SigmaKnight 02:42 - Im your aunt
Incognito 02:43 - i have something to tell whyte....whyte.....
Incognito 02:43 - ...whyte i....
IZampTrigun4life 02:43 - XD
Incognito 02:43 - i dont know how to tell you this..ive kept it a secret for so long..
SigmaKnight 02:43 - Crmmy and I were cheating on your mother D:
Incognito 02:43 - ...whyte....i...
Incognito 02:43 - I THINK YOUR A NUB
Whyte 02:43 - Uh oh
IZampTrigun4life 02:43 - nuuu
Whyte 02:43 - lol
CrimsonRyu17 02:43 - XD
IZampTrigun4life 02:43 - XDD
Whyte is shocked
ShadowCat 02:43 - Sigma never wake up from that coma D:
SigmaKnight 02:43 - And your mother...
SigmaKnight 02:43 - is whyte!
IZampTrigun4life 02:43 - I somehow knew he;d say that
Incognito 02:43 - oh and im your sister
ShadowCat 02:43 - :O
Whyte 02:43 - Ryan! What is that site called! Tell me!
Incognito 02:43 - GASP
Incognito 02:44 - so we are all related somehow
Incognito 02:44 - utterly shocked
CrimsonRyu17 02:44 - Man, I so want to see this family tree. SERIOUSLY.
IZampTrigun4life 02:44 - gasp!
ShadowCat 02:44 - I am j00 father!!!! D:
Incognito 02:44 - but youd think wed get the hint...123 our of my 142 kids have deformities
IZampTrigun4life 02:44 - So Ryan is my uncle cousin and brother
SigmaKnight 02:44 - XD its not a tree crimmy.. its the most twisted and gnarled family bush ever devised
CrimsonRyu17 02:44 - Siggy! ;o;
CrimsonRyu17 02:44 - I still love you Siggy.
Incognito 02:44 - its not even a bush
CrimsonRyu17 02:44 - XD
SigmaKnight 02:44 - I still love you crimmy! *clings*
CrimsonRyu17 02:44 - And to prove my love to you.
Incognito 02:44 - its like...a ball of utter thronyness
IZampTrigun4life 02:44 - it goes straight up
SigmaKnight 02:45 - *passionate scene*
CrimsonRyu17 02:45 - I'm going to jump shoot myself.
Incognito 02:45 - no..its like...a circle
CrimsonRyu17 02:45 - *shoot, only shoot
Whyte 02:45 - Ryan!!! Hello? What is that site, just tell me
CrimsonRyu17 wonders where the jump came from. o.O
IZampTrigun4life 02:45 - THERE!
IZampTrigun4life 02:45 - I
Incognito 02:45 - Guys...ive just got one more secret
Incognito 02:45 - not sure...that i should tell you
CrimsonRyu17 pulls out a gun.
IZampTrigun4life 02:45 - ok?
IZampTrigun4life 02:45 - ???
CrimsonRyu17 02:46 - Siggy!!
Whyte 02:46 - Uh oh
SigmaKnight 02:46 - :O crimmy!
CrimsonRyu17 02:46 - This is for you, my love! ;O;
CrimsonRyu17 shoots herself in the chest.
SigmaKnight 02:46 - NOOOO!
IZampTrigun4life 02:46 - NUU!
SigmaKnight 02:46 - *clings to crimmy*
CrimsonRyu17 02:46 - *BANG*
Whyte 02:46 - NOOOOOOOO!
SigmaKnight 02:47 - My darling! T_T
Whyte grabs Crimmy and runs her to the hospital
Incognito 02:47 - *eats chicken flavored jello and wonders why everyone is yelling*
IZampTrigun4life 02:47 - no more secrets?
SigmaKnight 02:47 - I cant live with out you!
SigmaKnight 02:47 - *grabs the gun and shoots himself*
CrimsonRyu17 coughs blood.
IZampTrigun4life 02:47 - buggs ryan for some of his jello*
ShadowCat 02:47 - MEOW! >:3 ba ba bum!
Incognito 02:47 - ...*pushes you away*
CrimsonRyu17 02:47 - I'm not dead yet you dummy!
Incognito 02:47 - mein
IZampTrigun4life 02:47 - meh! *whines*
CrimsonRyu17 02:48 - Siggy...
IZampTrigun4life 02:48 - *sits and watches you eat it instead*
SigmaKnight 02:48 - >.> oh
Incognito 02:48 - i know i forgot
SigmaKnight 02:48 - *coughs up blood too since he already shot himself*
SigmaKnight 02:48 - crimmy...
Incognito 02:48 - *drinks a glass of fruit punch*
CrimsonRyu17 02:48 - *coughs*
CrimsonRyu17 02:48 - I forgot to tell you that...
IZampTrigun4life 02:48 - *sighs*
Incognito 02:49 - *changes the channel* OHH RUGRATS IS ON
IZampTrigun4life 02:49 - XDDDDDDDD
ShadowCat 02:49 - Allister Crane has gone mad! D: He have teh Chalic :O
CrimsonRyu17 reaches out her hand.
CrimsonRyu17 02:49 - The day I met you..
CrimsonRyu17 coughs.
ShadowCat 02:49 - D:
Yahshua 02:49 - Ah I am here.
SigmaKnight 02:49 - *reaches out and holds crimmys hand* yes my darling...?
CrimsonRyu17 02:49 - Was the.... best day of my..... life.
IZampTrigun4life 02:49 - GASP!
ShadowCat 02:50 - save j00 energy till paramedics arrive D:
CrimsonRyu17 's hand falls, slowly.
ShadowCat 02:50 - j00 no have insurance! :O
Incognito 02:50 - *sad music plays*
Incognito 02:50 - *tear*
02:50 - Whyte has left the chat.
Incognito 02:50 - *stands up and applaudes* BRAVO BRAVO *gives crimmy and sig an oscar*
ShadowCat 02:50 - D,:
IZampTrigun4life 02:50 - YAY!
SigmaKnight 02:50 - *coughs up blood and lurches over to crimmy and rests his head on her shoulder*
CrimsonRyu17 02:50 - its not over you dumby * throws a brick*
IZampTrigun4life 02:50 - horrary for the love scene of ...LOVE!
SigmaKnight 02:50 - Same for me.... *cough cough*
Yahshua 02:51 - Look out Morgan some angry clowns is chase after you.
Incognito 02:51 - sigh....:\ holds onto oscar
SigmaKnight 02:51 - Ive... always loved you crimmy
Incognito 02:51 - *eats popcorn*
IZampTrigun4life 02:51 - *scowels*
IZampTrigun4life 02:51 - *shoots crimmy and siggy*
Incognito 02:51 - .....*leaves quietly*
IZampTrigun4life 02:52 - DIE ALREADY DARN YOU
Incognito 02:52 - *is frightened that everyone just got shot*
ShadowCat 02:52 - Ew D:
SigmaKnight 02:52 - *dies*
IZampTrigun4life 02:52 - yay!
CrimsonRyu17 02:52 - *dies, too*
ShadowCat 02:52 - *shoots oscar D:<*
Incognito 02:52 - *dies just for drama*
SigmaKnight 02:53 - XD hehehe
CrimsonRyu17 02:53 - Man, that was on some serious crack.
Incognito 02:53 - twas fun though
IZampTrigun4life 02:53 - sure was
Incognito 02:53 - who knew we were all related
ShadowCat 02:53 - lets not do it again >.>
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Postby SigmaKnight » Thu Jul 20, 2006 11:23 am

SunIce 11:15 - What's a MMRPG?
ShadowCat 11:15 - rpg
ShadowCat 11:15 - mmorpg >.>
SunIce 11:15 - Yes
SunIce 11:15 - Sorry my bad
Mithrandir 11:16 - Massively Mulitiplayer Online Role Playing Game.
ShadowCat be back in like a hour? o.o
meg 11:17 - ok, bye!
SigmaKnight 11:17 - Its a game where you play online and harras other players by going "BUFFS PLZ!" or "KTHXBYE!"
Mithrandir 11:17 - LOL
meg 11:17 - lol
Mithrandir 11:18 - (Thanks, man. That was great.)
SigmaKnight 11:18 - ^.^
SunIce 11:18 - lol
SunIce 11:18 - Just like WOW?
Mithrandir 11:18 - Exactly.
SunIce 11:18 - Sweet....
SunIce 11:18 - You play it or something else?
ShadowCat 11:18 - free items plz! D:
SigmaKnight 11:18 - no no SC its Itamz
SigmaKnight 11:18 - XD
ShadowCat 11:19 - need free stuff! D:
SunIce 11:19 - Need a licences!
ShadowCat 11:19 - i got haxxored need free stuff plz! D:
CapnNick 11:19 - I was playing that Flyff thing the other day and ended up having a semi-respectable conversation. It blew my mind.
Mithrandir 11:19 -
Person 1: rul334?
Person 2: 'course
Person 1: where can I get teh gold stachew?
Person 2: g2g
System: User Person 2 is off-line.
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Postby SigmaKnight » Sat Jul 22, 2006 8:13 pm

Rachel 08:09 - I wish dirty old men would stop hitting on me
roadoffew 08:09 - Clears chat**
kaemmerite 08:10 - Oh, sorry.
kaemmerite stops hitting on Rachel
SigmaKnight scrubs nate down with industrial strenght cleaner and then puts him near rachel
Rachel 08:10 - just for once i would like a nice attractive young guy to like me
kaemmerite 08:10 - Me too.
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Postby Nate » Sat Jul 22, 2006 8:13 pm

Just for that, Siggy...

SigmaKnight 11:59 - Crimmy and I have a relationship <3
SigmaKnight 11:59 - its just a friend ship
Yahshua 12:00 - Hm I see I wonder what course is the ship is taking now.

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Postby SigmaKnight » Sun Jul 23, 2006 1:48 pm

01:45 - PrincessZelda has entered the chat.
PrincessZelda 01:45 - Sorry about that. Firefox preformed an illegal opporation.
SigmaKnight 01:45 - aww
SigmaKnight 01:46 - Stop looking up illicit pictures of shirtless guys
SigmaKnight 01:46 - and that wont happen
PrincessZelda 01:46 - Oh man... you just reminded me of something...
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Postby SigmaKnight » Mon Jul 24, 2006 5:53 pm


Mithrandir 05:51 - Yeah, basically.
Mithrandir 's hot.
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Postby Icarus » Wed Jul 26, 2006 12:46 am

Orenji 12:40 - Hey, look over there!
Orenji 12:40 - o.o
Orenji 12:40 - Oh. Never mind.
SigmaKnight looks
SigmaKnight neverminds
JesusFreak84 watches siggy nevermind.
Orenji 12:41 - o.o
JesusFreak84 tries icarus's idea and fires siggy from the kitty cannon
sldr4Christ1985 12:41 - hey, that's not allowed in here :O
JesusFreak84 12:42 - what?
Orenji 12:42 - ._.
Icarus 12:42 - What? neverminding?
kaemmerite 12:42 - Back.
JesusFreak84 12:42 - mith has no problem with neverminding
sldr4Christ1985 12:42 - ahhh ><
sldr4Christ1985 12:42 - dont say ut
Orenji neverminds a random member
Orenji 12:42 - :3
Icarus 12:42 - I'll have you know i've neverminded with the best of them.
JesusFreak84 12:42 - w/b nate-san
JesusFreak84 12:42 - ut?
SigmaKnight 12:43 - *is nevermind;d*

edit: more zaniness:

JesusFreak84 sprays "No-Angst" on the chatroom walls
Orenji angsts >.>
Icarus arrests Janet for tagging.
JesusFreak84 12:53 - i didnt spray spray paint!
Icarus then sprays "No Graffitti!" on the walls.
JesusFreak84 12:53 - it's a spray that makes the chat angst-proof!!!
sldr4Christ1985 12:53 - too late for that
sldr4Christ1985 12:53 - it's off to the slammer
Orenji 12:53 - \o.o/
JesusFreak84 commits seppuku
Orenji 12:54 - Ya~ay.
kaemmerite 12:54 - Why did you commit him?
JesusFreak84 12:54 - ?!?!??!?!!?
Orenji 12:54 - XD
Icarus 12:54 - Shhhh!
kaemmerite 12:54 - Sure, he thought Mana was cute...but he wasn't insane.
Orenji 12:54 - Mana's hot. :p
Orenji 12:54 - And so is Miyavi.
JesusFreak84 12:54 - who???
Icarus 12:54 - you aren't supposed to cheer when she dies! You have to wait for the funeral first.
sldr4Christ1985 12:54 - mana's scary...there's no way around it
kaemmerite 12:54 - I thought Miyavi was cute before I found out he was a dude. >.>;;
Orenji 12:54 - Darn. *waits*
JesusFreak84 12:55 - meanie!!!!!!!!!
JesusFreak84 12:55 - second time i commit seppuku in a day and she cheers!
JesusFreak84 12:55 - ;_;
Orenji 12:55 - Yeah. But I was happier the first time.
kaemmerite 12:55 - Okay, Janet.
sldr4Christ1985 12:55 - i thought like three singers were cute, but they were all guys
Orenji 12:55 - 'cause I caused it. XD
sldr4Christ1985 12:55 - you know how traumatizing that is?
JesusFreak84 12:55 - no sldr
kaemmerite 12:56 - Seppuku is a member on CAA. "To commit" someone is to send them to a mental institution for being insane. You said you "committed Seppuku."
kaemmerite 12:56 - I was making a joke that you had sent him to an insane asylum.
kaemmerite makes dumb jokes. ._.
JesusFreak84 12:56 - i meant the term not the person =-p
JesusFreak84 wacks nate for bad jokes.
Orenji 12:56 - I got it, nate! o.o/
JesusFreak84 12:56 - orenji already forced me to sucidie once today!
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Postby Seppuku » Wed Jul 26, 2006 12:56 am

[22:31] M4573R N1NJ4: tim, confort me everyone else is sleeping
[22:31] *** Auto-response from anglvash: tired. I'm going to bed
[22:31] M4573R N1NJ4: O LORD, NOT U 2!!


"Theres no such thing as trolls!"
Then how do you explain the dead unicorns?
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Postby SigmaKnight » Wed Jul 26, 2006 8:17 pm

SigmaKnight 08:12 - Hey lara... your a person of some sophistication..
SigmaKnight 08:12 - do you know what a "girl" is?
Rachel 08:12 - oooh
SigmaKnight 08:13 - Kura said I would marry one >_> but i dont know what one is
Rachel 08:13 - *snorts*
SigmaKnight 08:14 - o.o
Rachel 08:14 - forizzle, is your name lara?
Yahshua 08:14 - Siggy is a totally idiot.

Rachel 08:14 - oh snap
Rachel 08:15 - hey siggy,
sldr4Christ1985 08:15 - a
FadedOne 08:15 - sorry i was away.
FadedOne 08:15 -, sorry, no idea what a girl is
SigmaKnight 08:15 - yes rachel?
SigmaKnight 08:15 - aww
Rachel 08:15 - your mom is a girl
FadedOne 08:15 - i want to say it's a small grill
FadedOne 08:15 - but i could be wrong
SigmaKnight 08:15 - :o
SigmaKnight 08:15 - But I cant marry my mom
Rachel 08:16 - but a very mature girl
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Postby Mithrandir » Thu Jul 27, 2006 6:12 pm

SigmaKnight wrote:>_>

Mithrandir 05:51 - Yeah, basically.
Mithrandir 's hot.

"Context is important."

Mathematical Proof by intimidation using Biblical Quotes:
"Judas hung himself."
"Go and do likewise."

Findings and Conclusion:
"Context is important."
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Postby Angel37 » Thu Jul 27, 2006 6:16 pm

Mithrandir wrote:Lemma:
"Context is important."

Mathematical Proof by intimidation using Biblical Quotes:
"Judas hung himself."
"Go and do likewise."

Findings and Conclusion:
"Context is important."

But it does makes things funny! ^_^
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Postby CrimsonRyu17 » Sat Jul 29, 2006 3:24 pm

CrimsonRyu17 03:17 - im fat pig

Nami 03:17 - Siggy!

JesusFreak84 03:17 - thou art not fat

kaemmerite 03:17 - >:\

RadicalDreamer 03:17 - ?

Nami 03:17 - Your not fat Crimmy!

kaemmerite smacks Crimmy

kaemmerite 03:17 - YOU ARE NOT FAT.

CrimsonRyu17 03:17 - Dang it, that was my dad. xD

Nami kicks Crimmy

RadicalDreamer is suddenly confused....

Nami 03:18 - lol

kaemmerite 03:18 - XD

CrimsonRyu17 03:18 - I leave for a second and he types that.

RadicalDreamer 03:18 - LOL!

SigmaKnight 03:18 - XD

Nami 03:18 - geez.. thats mean

kaemmerite 03:18 - That's messed up. XD

Nami 03:18 - *huggles Crimmy*

SigmaKnight 03:18 - he is mean

CrimsonRyu17 03:18 - I know. XD

JesusFreak84 03:18 - your dad is an odd fellow =-p

kaemmerite 03:19 - Crimmy's dad is totally not divisible by two without a remainder.

JesusFreak84 03:19 - @_@

kaemmerite 03:19 - Math humor. >.>;;
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Postby Icarus » Sat Jul 29, 2006 8:40 pm

You see? This is why more people need to devote a large portion of their lives to math.

And before anyone asks. I'm kidding. A little.
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Postby PrincessZelda » Sun Jul 30, 2006 10:11 pm

At least... I thought it was funny...

PrincessZelda 10:03 - You know, I really should be going too...
SigmaKnight 10:03 - Aww
AziertheSwordsman 10:03 - Aww.
PrincessZelda 10:03 - Aww.
AziertheSwordsman 10:03 - o_O
SigmaKnight 10:03 - Gotta see an emo guy about some girl pants?
PrincessZelda 10:03 - Lol
QtheQreater 10:03 - Bo.o
PrincessZelda 10:03 - sfeigdskfgdskfgdksgksf
SigmaKnight 10:03 - XD
PrincessZelda 10:04 - Yeah, he stole my pants! >:O
QtheQreater 10:04 - wegrhthscvcbsdjh
SigmaKnight 10:04 - XD
SigmaKnight 10:04 - does he wear maaaaakeup?
QtheQreater 10:04 - O.O
PrincessZelda 10:04 - Yeah, he stole my makeup toooo
10:04 - Icarus has left the chat.
SigmaKnight 10:04 - :o
PrincessZelda 10:04 - COME BACK HERE, EMO BOOOOOOY!
AziertheSwordsman 10:04 - Do I get a discount for your hitman services, Zelly?
SigmaKnight 10:04 - XD Go catch him zelly!
PrincessZelda runs off while holding spork in a threatening way
SigmaKnight 10:05 - XD
AziertheSwordsman 10:05 - Cause, I need some dude with the initials SK taken out by dawn...
QtheQreater falls asleep
SigmaKnight 10:05 - o.o
PrincessZelda 10:05 - Well, if he puts on some girls pants, and makeup... I'll think about it
SigmaKnight 10:05 - :3 you wanna take me out azie?
Yahshua poke Q awake.
PrincessZelda 10:05 - XD
SigmaKnight 10:05 - I'll have you know I dont kiss on the first date
SigmaKnight 10:05 - but.. I guess in your case azie
SigmaKnight 10:06 - I'll make an exception
SigmaKnight 10:06 - !_^
QtheQreater is angry...launches herself at Dan and bites his arm...
SigmaKnight 10:06 - *~_^
AziertheSwordsman 10:06 - I'm gonna go out in the hall and upchuck about something unrelated, Siggy.
mechana2015 10:06 - I already have someone to take out
SigmaKnight 10:06 - XD
Yahshua 10:06 - Owwie.
QtheQreater growls
PrincessZelda 10:06 - Someone quote this conversation, and put it in the chat thread, to freak people out. YAY!
"If you are allergic to a thing, it is best not to put that thing in your mouth, particularly if the thing is cats."

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Postby Nate » Wed Aug 02, 2006 11:41 am

PrincessZelda 11:39 - Anyways, I'm going to go
PrincessZelda 11:39 - Bye, everyone!
SigmaKnight 11:39 - aww
SigmaKnight 11:39 - bawi zelly :/
Tigerchu 11:39 - Bye?
PrincessZelda almost typed "og" again...
SigmaKnight 11:40 - hey tiger
PrincessZelda 11:40 - Byeee!
Tigerchu 11:40 - Hi!
kaemmerite 11:40 - og. XD
PrincessZelda 11:40 - Lol
PrincessZelda waves
Tigerchu 11:40 - What's going on?
PrincessZelda 11:40 - Farwell, my firends!
PrincessZelda 11:40 - Friends...
PrincessZelda 11:40 - Farewell...
PrincessZelda 11:40 - ARGH!
kaemmerite 11:40 - XD
Tigerchu 11:40 - Farewell
kaemmerite 11:40 - Bye
11:40 - ShadowCat has left the chat.
PrincessZelda 11:40 - I need to learn how to ype
Kkun 11:41 - I'm gonna go get crunk.
PrincessZelda 11:41 - TYPE!

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Postby CrimsonRyu17 » Thu Aug 03, 2006 3:59 pm

CrimsonRyu17 spontaneously combusts. -o-

ShadowCat 03:54 - :O

SigmaKnight 03:54 - o.o

CrimsonRyu17 03:54 - XD

SigmaKnight revives crimmy

ShadowCat 03:54 - *prays crimson stops burning*

Yahshua 03:54 - Woah look at how hot Crimmy is burning.

ShadowCat 03:54 - ;o;

CrimsonRyu17 dies laughing.

SigmaKnight 03:55 - :O crimmy is hot?

ShadowCat 03:56 - you laugh at mah prayers? ;o;
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Postby Icarus » Fri Aug 04, 2006 10:17 pm

KhakiBlueSocks thwaps Janet upside the head with Tai's socks as he is burned
SigmaKnight 10:10 - Actually.. i meant "oh?" to zelly
Undertaker64 burns so JF doesn't feel bad about the lag
JesusFreak84 ducks and avoids it
JesusFreak84 burninates siggy
SigmaKnight burns
10:11 - Orenji has left the chat.
Wingzero22 10:11 - I think Janet needs be one of those person that makes people turn into ashes
PrincessZelda 10:11 - I was straightening my brother's hair earlier... Well, he asked me to! But, at one point, he was complaining about me pulling his hair out, or that it felt like I was pulling his hair out. And then, he was like "You pulled brains out that time!"
JesusFreak84 decapitates wing
Wingzero22 10:11 - heh
Undertaker64 hits JF in the head with a steel chair
SigmaKnight 10:11 - heh heh
Undertaker64 10:11 - to stop the madness
Icarus 10:11 - on the plus side, she isn't mad yet.
JesusFreak84 doesn't feel a thing.
SigmaKnight 10:12 - I dont feel a thing
SigmaKnight 10:12 - and i stopped remembering
SigmaKnight hums
Undertaker64 Tombstone piledrivers JF
Yahshua 10:12 - Yo Janet.
JesusFreak84 is still unaffected
JesusFreak84 burninates dan
Undertaker64 chokeslams JF
Wingzero22 10:12 - brb
JesusFreak84 kills undertaker
SigmaKnight 10:12 - mother used tosay~ if youwant youll find a way~ but mother never danced through fire shower...
KhakiBlueSocks 10:12 - Anyone in here likes DNAngel>
Undertaker64 is already undead
SigmaKnight 10:13 - waaaaalk.. in the rain...
SigmaKnight 10:13 - in the rain...
SigmaKnight 10:13 - in the rain...
Icarus 10:13 - I do.
SigmaKnight 10:13 - I walk in the raaaaaain..
Undertaker64 is getting tired of the madness and just blows JF in a massive, firery explosion
SigmaKnight 10:13 - in the raaaain... in the raaaain
KhakiBlueSocks 10:13 - I downloaded the opening theme song last night...I LOVE IT!
SigmaKnight spins around continues singing
KhakiBlueSocks 10:13 - Siggy, is that the song from Cowboy Bebop: "Ballad of Fallen Angels" episode?
JesusFreak84 has seen DNAngel, but didnt like it
Icarus 10:14 - but I prefer the manga, as in almost all things.
SigmaKnight 10:14 - I think so
JesusFreak84 10:14 - well, didnt like the first DVD (5 eps)
RadicalDreamer 10:14 - Yesss
RadicalDreamer 10:14 - It is
RadicalDreamer likes that song. XD
KhakiBlueSocks 10:14 - It makes great driving tunage!
RadicalDreamer actually likes most of the Bebop music. XD
SigmaKnight 10:14 - I dont remember the episode, but if corrie says so
SigmaKnight 10:14 - then it is
RadicalDreamer 10:14 - Anyways, I've gotta get going, so I'll talk to you guys later! Ta~ta!
Wingzero22 10:14 - yea, it is
Undertaker64 likes the ending theme of .hack Sign
Wingzero22 10:14 - its called Rain
PrincessZelda 10:14 - Who
Icarus 10:14 - See yah.
KhakiBlueSocks 10:14 - Siggy, the name of the song is "Rain".
SigmaKnight 10:14 - bawi corrie
Undertaker64 10:14 - later Dreamer
JesusFreak84 starts to get violent
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Postby QtheQreater » Sun Aug 06, 2006 4:54 pm

2006-08-06 16:32:02 - QtheQreater has entered the chat.
04:32 - ShadowCat has left the chat.
QtheQreater 04:32 - I'm all aloooooooooone
QtheQreater 04:32 - there's nobody here beside me
QtheQreater laughs
QtheQreater should me sent to the funny farm
QtheQreater 04:32 - *be
QtheQreater 04:33 - can't even spell
QtheQreater 04:33 - sheesh
QtheQreater 04:33 - golly
QtheQreater 04:33 - wolly
chatbot 04:33 - QtheQreater asks, Do you have any dirt on Temulin?
My answer: Hmm...
chatbot 04:34 - QtheQreater asks, Come on, any? My viewers would love to hear it!
My answer: I might get in trouble if I tell you that.
chatbot 04:34 - QtheQreater asks, I don't reveal my sources, come on, please?
My answer: I don't know
04:34 - Seleana has entered the chat.
chatbot 04:35 - QtheQreater asks, Your lying to me aren't you?
My answer: Hmm...
chatbot 04:35 - QtheQreater asks, Well?
My answer: I don't know
QtheQreater 04:35 - o.o
QtheQreater 04:35 - anyone out there?
QtheQreater waves
QtheQreater jumps up and down
QtheQreater 04:35 - o.o
QtheQreater 04:36 - guess I'm still alone
chatbot 04:36 - QtheQreater asks, You know something, don't you?
My answer: No
04:36 - Seleana has left the chat.
04:36 - SigmaKnight has entered the chat.
QtheQreater 04:36 - o.o
QtheQreater 04:36 - nya?
QtheQreater NYAS!
SigmaKnight blinks.
QtheQreater blinks back
QtheQreater waits
SigmaKnight 04:37 - Nyaing in here to your self?
QtheQreater 04:37 - mostly
SigmaKnight 04:37 - I see..
QtheQreater 04:37 - actually I was asking the chatbot for dirt about Temulin...
QtheQreater 04:37 - it won't give me any
QtheQreater 04:37 - it's afraid
chatbot 04:38 - SigmaKnight asks, does temmy eat babies?
My answer: Tuna Fish
QtheQreater 04:38 - she eats tuna? we've got her!
chatbot 04:38 - SigmaKnight asks, temmy eats babies, does she not?
My answer: Tuna Fish
SigmaKnight 04:38 - >_>
SigmaKnight 04:38 - Smart chatbot
QtheQreater 04:38 - It's truth! Tuna! Ahaha!
chatbot 04:39 - QtheQreater asks, Does Temmy eat tuna with crackers?
My answer: Don't count on it.
QtheQreater 04:39 - phooey...I thought I was on to something...
chatbot 04:39 - SigmaKnight asks, does she eat tuna on white bread?
My answer: Yes
QtheQreater 04:39 - o.o
QtheQreater 04:39 - YES!
QtheQreater 04:39 - MORE DIRT!
chatbot 04:40 - QtheQreater asks, Does Temmy really like Termyt?
My answer: o.O
SigmaKnight 04:40 - hmm
chatbot 04:40 - QtheQreater asks, I repeat the question!
My answer: 42
04:40 - Shao_Zeng has entered the chat.
Shao_Zeng 04:40 - hi two ppl
QtheQreater 04:40 - It's avoiding the answer!
chatbot 04:41 - SigmaKnight asks, temmy and termyt have several letters the same, is there a connection?
My answer: 42
QtheQreater 04:41 - it knows something!
QtheQreater 04:41 - Hi Shao
chatbot 04:41 - SigmaKnight asks, does temmy lover termyt?
My answer: Maybe
QtheQreater 04:41 - O.O
QtheQreater writes this down
chatbot 04:41 - SigmaKnight asks, are they to be married?
My answer: Yes
QtheQreater 04:41 - whohooo!
QtheQreater makes a report
SigmaKnight 04:42 - hmm
QtheQreater 04:42 - the continuum news network has the story of the century!!
QtheQreater 04:42 - Termyt and Temmy. BWAHAHAHA!
chatbot 04:42 - SigmaKnight asks, is temmy have a steamy affair with the leader of another politcal faction, inspite of her pending marriage?
My answer: It's pretty doubtful.
chatbot 04:43 - QtheQreater asks, Did temmy betray Reno?
My answer: Yes
chatbot 04:43 - SigmaKnight asks, is temmy having a steamy affair with anyone inspite of her pending marriage?
My answer: It's pretty doubtful.
QtheQreater 04:43 - O.O
QtheQreater 04:43 - WOW!
chatbot 04:44 - SigmaKnight asks, did Reno betray temmy?
My answer: It's hard to say, really.
QtheQreater 04:44 - the chatbot is the best informer I've ever had!
Shao_Zeng 04:44 - ...................
chatbot 04:44 - SigmaKnight asks, is it possible that they betrayed each other and are both having a pending marriage?
My answer: Tuna Fish
chatbot 04:44 - QtheQreater asks, Is temmy planning to have me assasinated?
My answer: Maybe
QtheQreater 04:44 - o.o
chatbot 04:44 - QtheQreater asks, Has Temmy hired a hitman?
My answer: I think it's possible.
SigmaKnight 04:45 - :O
chatbot 04:45 - QtheQreater asks, Is it Rude?
My answer: I don't know
chatbot 04:45 - SigmaKnight asks, will Q survive?
My answer: I might get in trouble if I tell you that.
chatbot 04:45 - QtheQreater asks, Should I hire a bodyguard?
My answer: Yes
QtheQreater 04:45 - O.O
SigmaKnight 04:45 - :O
SigmaKnight 04:46 - >_>
SigmaKnight 04:46 - <_<
chatbot 04:46 - QtheQreater asks, Do you think Reno would take the job?
My answer: No
chatbot 04:46 - SigmaKnight asks, will Q and her bodygaurd fall inlove?
My answer: Tuna Fish
QtheQreater 04:46 - darn...
chatbot 04:46 - SigmaKnight asks, they will fall in tunafish?
My answer: It's pretty doubtful.
chatbot 04:46 - SigmaKnight asks, they will fall inlove, in tunafish?
My answer: Yes
chatbot 04:46 - QtheQreater asks, Should I kill Siggy?
My answer: It's pretty doubtful.
SigmaKnight 04:46 - XD
The sometime President of the Goof Off!

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Postby SigmaKnight » Mon Aug 07, 2006 11:52 am

*hopes boo wont kill him* >.> <.<

SigmaKnight 11:44 - huy boo boo
Yahshua 11:44 - Yeah.
bigsleepj 11:44 - Hi, Chibi!
chibiphonebooth walks in and waves.
SigmaKnight 11:44 - How's scott?
chibiphonebooth 11:44 - XD
chibiphonebooth 11:44 - good
chibiphonebooth 11:44 - hes coming down on wed. :3
SigmaKnight 11:45 - :3 yay
chibiphonebooth 11:45 - yooop
SigmaKnight teases boo about making out type activties
chibiphonebooth 11:45 - shut up. XD
SigmaKnight 11:45 - XD

11:45 - Orenji has entered the chat.

chibiphonebooth announces that there will be no making out.
SigmaKnight 11:45 - huy orenji
chibiphonebooth puts her hands on her hips.
SigmaKnight 11:46 - XD not even a little?
Orenji 11:46 - Um....>>;; I think I'll go now.
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Postby JesusFreak84 » Mon Aug 14, 2006 10:14 pm

JesusFreak84 10:08 - mithbusters: when i realize mith is listening in in ninja-mode and blow his cover to the rest of chat =-p
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"MOES. I can has Sane Sig now?" (Plagiarized from Mithradir.)
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