Some of you might have already seen this.
It's a 30 minute flash movie that is... in my opinion, hilarious. It's just... weird and makes no sense but... is funny! Lots of stick figures loosing their heads and explosions. No blood, though... just lots of... the Earth blowing up.
I used to be obessed with this thing quite a while ago.. so much so that the main character of my webcomic... is sort of named after one of the stupid nonsense things in the movie. (My character is named "Quar" because I thought it would sound cool, but the sound is derived from "Qrrbribrilbel" from this stupid flash movie. I'm such a dork).
Movie comes with very minor language warning. Characters say "What the H?" alot.
The Demented Cartoon Movie!
Go ahead and watch it. Some of you may thank me later... some of you may hate me for linking you to something that wasted 30 minutes of your life.