Postby Bobtheduck » Thu Jun 08, 2006 1:04 pm
The term Art doesn't seem to have a standardized definition... It has sort of become this term people use to differentiate between things they like and things they don't like, or between things that are entertaining and things that are merely status-raising... I hate that term, now... It's so divisive and abused and completely drained of all meaning... It is a term used either arrogantly or dirisively to raise or lower the status of something (IE "This movie is definately art" or "Yeah, it's one of those 'art' movies")
And to answer your question, I think I like all media (sculpture, modeling, painting, drawing, music, film, television, radio, puppets, felt boards, slide shows, photographs, cell based animation, digital cell animation, 3d CG animation, clay animation, other creative forms of animation such as the sand art in Miracle Maker, video novels, video games, interactive movies, digital paint, etc) the same... Or, at least, think they all have equal potential, albeit some are better used for some purposes and others for others, but these differences are small. I am removing the term art from my normal conversation and reserve it in that section of words that I only refer to to say I hate them, and say you can get great and wonderfull things out of all of those media, as well as horrible things, as well as mediocre things... Whether it's made for one person or mass produced primarily to make hundreds of millions of dollars, neither one inherently stops it from being good. So, that's my view. Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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