My Life as New Creation

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My Life as New Creation

Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Fri May 19, 2006 1:28 am

The purpose of this testimony is to encourage others. It was written as preperation for the Japan Mission Trip I'm going on in early July. It's not easy to write about yourself and your faith and especially share it, but God works through that and makes all things good!
Here it is. God Bless guys!
(clue me in if I need to change anything/add anything)

My name is Christian and so it only makes sense with that name that I was born into a Christian family. I did all the churchy things: Sunday mornings I went to Sunday School. Later to Youth group and Bible Study group.

But when I was about 18, as I grew and matured I started to over analyse everything about the Christian faith. Life was hard. I was given new experiences and responsibilities. I discovered the world for what it was. And I didn't like it. The very idea of 'having faith like a child' was obliterated all together. I couldn't accept things at face value.
Why wasn't God acting?

After completing my schooling I did a Graphic Design course at TAFE. To say I found TAFE hellish would be the understatement of the year. I was thrust into a world where I had no Christian friends and the majority of people in class bullied me. I found the class very challenging due to both the subject matter and the bullying. I drew away from God for a time.

I became cynical, exhausted, severely anxious and depressed and as a result my TAFE work suffered even more. From there I went downhill. But amongst the darkness there was hope: I prayed constantly for help and guidance. I became complacent about everything. I knew all the major Bible stories, but I couldn't relate them to everyday living as a Christian. It just wasn't working. I'd heard them so often they had become monotonous and even boring. I was at the point where I didn't give God room to speak to me.

It was during this time that someone from church recommended a camp called Chrysalis. A camp to grow in your faith, find your self-worth in Christ and get to know other Christians.
I had been on such camps before but this one was a little different. For a start it was a guys only camp. We learnt about Agape love, unconditional love. This was practised throughout the camp. Each of us were given little gifts made by other Christians as an expression of God's Agape love for us. I'd heard about God's Grace many times but to see it in practise was Wow, amazing! This touched my heart, it really did. The very idea that these people who didn't know me would love me, as Jesus loved me astounded me.

That night we had time set aside to spend quietly with God. The room was dark except for some lit candles towards the front. We were asked to sit alone and in silence. Reflect on God's glory his love, just talk to Him. An awesome experience.

I realised at that moment that being a Christian wasn't all about fancy prayers and stained glass windows, but having an open and honest relationship with my Creator and Saviour. To accept all he had gone through for my sake – accused unfairly of blasphemy, dying on the cross and taking my sin and shame to mend the relationship between God and Man, broken at the Fall when Sin entered the world.

He offered me grace – his unconditional love. I didn't deserve it but he gave it to me all the same. And I believed that I was a new creation in Jesus. I didn't just accept Christ out of fear to escape the fires of Hell. I realised His power in my life and accepted His love and turned from my old sinful ways out of my love for Him.
His love hit me so hard. So divine and so eternal, yet so personal. I felt humbled in his presence and the tears came. Heavy. It was both a terrifying and relieving experience. I could be who I was in Christ.

I know that when I die I'm going to see Jesus and live with Him in Heaven. So if you die in your sleep, or of illness or otherwise do you know where you will go? Your eternal destination?

Being a Christian isn't easy. There are still really tough times and tough people. But God is bigger than all that. If you ask Him for help, He will offer it as He promised in the Bible.
You don't have to live your life being terrified of death. Cry out to Jesus, turn away from your sin and be saved. Knowing you're loved is an amazing thing. Knowing the Creator and Saviour of the universe loves you no matter what is even more amazing. Start your journey with Him... Now.
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Postby Syreth » Fri May 19, 2006 9:26 am

That is really awesome. Thanks for sharing. God really sticks with us, even when we're going through a rough time doesn't He? God is so amazing to love us so much in spite of ourselves. I love those times where you have the opportunity to just sit and reflect on God and His love, like you were talking about.
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Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Sat May 20, 2006 10:10 pm

Thanks Syreth! God Bless you in your walk, mate!
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