Ragnarok Online 2

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Ragnarok Online 2

Postby Shia Kyosuka » Tue Apr 04, 2006 11:35 am

This is something I TOTALLY missed during TGS of 2005.

RO2? Freaking super kick boredom in the face ultra awesome fun!

This game is also going to be avatar based! Meaning, Your armor that you buy and wear will be visible to you and other people who play the game. No more lining up 5 people that look exactly the same (with or without color change)!

The gameplay looks the same, though. Hopefully, there will be at least a little more to it.

Your character looks like he'll be be able to hold two weapons at a time! (from the viewing of a certain trailer anyway).

The animations and graphics are great. This sequel is going to be in full 3d, instead of 2d sprites in a 3d environment.

Hopefully, rare items will be easier to get. I just don't have time to play the game for at least half a year to get a kitty band. >_<

I just read that RO2 will be using the unreal 2.x engine.

Here are some trailers:


I know I've seen more before... I'll post more as I find 'em.

Your thoughts?
had enough.
Shia Kyosuka
Posts: 604
Joined: Mon Dec 06, 2004 11:23 pm

Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Wed Apr 05, 2006 1:15 pm

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