Postby Tenshi no Ai » Mon Mar 13, 2006 1:23 pm
...what would you do?
Not exactly the most optimistic topic^^, but I just thought of this because of a dream I had the other night...
In the dream, I caught some type of disease from a dog biting me and doctor basically said I wouldn't have long (so I assumed basically it would be that day). Some of my family was over and because I didn't want them or my parents to be upset, I didn't even mention that I had a problem :/ Yet, a friend called my cell and I answered it saying "Looks like you're the last one I'll ever talk to on my cell!" And then I thought of something... the guy I like in reality, I wanted to call him. I wanted him to be the last person I talked to. So I called him up and told him I loved him (in reality, he likes me only as a friend, but well, in the dream I just thought "well, I've got nothing to loose by doing it!") Can't remember what he told me, but that was around the time the dream cut off... (yeah, it felt like somethign out of a movie or something!)
So yeah it got me thinking what I would really do in that sort of situation. Coincidently enough, I watched an ep of this newish anime called "Hantsuki" the day after the dream, and without knowing what it was even about, it's a sort of Walk to Rememberish series where the girl could die at well, any time.
So if you knew that in specific, you would hardly even have a day left, maybe a few hours, what would you do?