They killed Bomberman

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Postby Myoti » Thu Mar 02, 2006 1:31 pm

Kind of like the Mario Bros. movie? *cough*

Mario never really went towards being "realistic". There have been some rather "dark" situations (mostly the final bosses on some RPGs), but it wasn't really that big of a change.
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Postby blkmage » Thu Mar 02, 2006 1:56 pm

Mario was still recognisably Mario. If you just had a picture of the new Bomberman with no context at all, well, no one would have been able to guess it was him.
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Postby uc pseudonym » Thu Mar 02, 2006 4:16 pm

Note also that because some aspects of the Mario genre changed only slowly, gamers were more likely to be accepting of them, or the developers could see those things that weren't liked and move away from them. Bomberman made a much more abrupt change.

But actually, I think the changes come from a very different starting point. The Mario series frequently changes mechanics for the purposes of different (or theoretically better) gameplay, but they keep the same general style. This, on the other hand is just a change to make an old character "cool" for a new generation.
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Postby Tommy » Thu Mar 02, 2006 4:42 pm

Myoti wrote:

I need to see some gameplay shots of this. Is it going to play the same as before, if so, it would seem rather... akward. The style looks more like an action/FPS kind, but Bomberman was never in that style. :/

From where I`m standing it`s just the same sort of gameplay with realistic graphics and an epic storyline. Epic? Did i say Epic? I mean more epic than past BomberMan games which, correct me if I`m wrong, should NOT be epic.

I bet this game is going to have the same villian BomberMan World for the PS1 did. And we`re going to see that giant tree with that beard again.
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Postby GrubbTheFragger » Thu Mar 02, 2006 6:13 pm

man if the game still plays out in the same cartoonish ways that would be soooooo freakiing funny. but I'll admit that it is probably still gonna be fun but in a different way then the orginals

tomdinct wrote: From where I`m standing it`s just the same sort of gameplay with realistic graphics and an epic storyline. Epic? Did i say Epic? I mean more epic than past BomberMan games which, correct me if I`m wrong, should NOT be epic.

the old bomber man games had a story whoa
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