Me need help badly

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Me need help badly

Postby Bigben » Mon Jun 02, 2003 1:58 pm

I need help controlling urges to masterbate pray please
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Postby Gypsy » Mon Jun 02, 2003 2:26 pm

Hey Ben, although we're going to have one of the guys post on this later on, I figured that I'd offer my thoughts. Obviously, you're mature enough to realize there's a problem. God created us as sexual people, that's no secret. It's only natural that the older you get, the sexual impulses get stronger. And believe it or not, this is one of the reasons why the Bible tells us over and over to guard our thoughts. "Whatsoever things are pure and holy ... think on these things." Although I'm not a guy, I realize that for the most part, having a pure mind is much more challenging for a guy, but when you find yourself having impure thoughts that lead to sexual desire, you've got to take discipline over your flesh. And be so very careful to guard your eyes. I know this may seem impossible sometimes, but the Bible says that there is NO temptation that God has not provided an escape from. It's not wrong to have the desire, but it is wrong to act upon it. I personally have younger brothers, and I've been praying for them for a long time to guard their eyes and hearts. I will be glad to pray for you as well.
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Postby Stephen » Mon Jun 02, 2003 9:41 pm

Hi Ben, Gypsy pretty much said everything I could say...I will say though that lust is an issue we all must deal with. I will be praying for you though, if I can give you any advise it would be to be sure and pray yourself....the Lord knows your heart. He will give you the strength to overcome this. God bless and I will be praying for ya Ben.
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Postby Rashiir » Sun Jun 08, 2003 10:35 pm

I would wary of the temptation to rationalize. You would be best off not looking at anything that might cause you to lust, lest you start convincing yourself that you are just "enjoying the beauty of the female body" or some weak excuse like that...It's tough for sure, but just fight on, brother...
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