Why are we repressing our childrens sexuality?

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Why are we repressing our childrens sexuality?

Postby Kura Ookami » Thu Jan 26, 2006 4:04 am

I came accross this article on child sexuality.
<inappropriate URL>
The author of the article lays the blame on the door of the church, which i find disturbing, but i admit it does ring true.

EDIT: As Mt. Smartypants said the article does contain some profanity.
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Thu Jan 26, 2006 4:15 am

1. That link is quite profane. You might want to put up a warning or copy whats said in there.

2. Yeah most people blame the church (always putting the blame on the church)

A secular society does not lead to "neutrality". The Bible stands for the truth for a reason. We repress our children sexually because once you dwell inside any sexual habits, youre stuck there for good.
When you are stuck with a sexual habit, your tolerance for it rises, as you desensitize your sexuality. An example would be "what turned you on first, now only turns you on less". What do you think of prostitues, or all those people now who live merely for pleasure? They are either at a top point, or nearing it. Once you read that top point, no sexual act with anybody will satisfy your hunger. It looks satisfying but it certaintly isn't. Once you read that top, you can't ever return. Your sexuality has grown so desensitized, sex has lost its worth, value, and meaning.

Another great example would be drugs. Now I have never taken drugs, but I am positive when you first start, a little 3 mg dose of heroin would surely give you a high. Eventually that 3 mg starts to not do anything. So you bump it up to 5 mg, then that laters gives no satisfaction, then 7 mg, then 10 mg, then 13 mg, then 15 mg, then you end up killing yourself.

That is exactally how sin traps people. Sin always starts out "small and harmless"

So why do we repress our children sexually? It's quite simple, if we didn't repress our children sexually, It would be just like the 50's and 60's. Everybody would be living a life of pleasure, and have the humanist philosophy of "if it feels good, do it." Fredrich Neitzche himself blamed the Christian Church for so many things, especially morality. Ironically he later contracted Syphillis and died. Oscar Wilde lived a life for pleasure, and his life came to an utter collapse. Following that, will lead to the decline of society, as society will become more focused on sex and thus collapse. (along with other stuff, ie drugs, crime, etc) I believe something like the domino affect can occur. When something is devalued for the individual, that leads to the devaluation of many things by society, and more are bound to follow. When a person or generations develop that slowly has less sense of morality. The country will die. It's not outside terrorists or anything that are a threat to the US (or any country for that matter) It's the morals of the individual.

And as a final statement: It simply goes against the word of God. If it is against the Bible, it is not wholesome, and it is not truth. We ought to live a life proclaiming the truth, not defiling it.

Note: As a side note, that writer himself is very biased about any sense of morality. Read the following

The picture that accompanies this article is deliberately provocative in the hope that it will encourage the open-minded and intelligent reader to think for themselves rather than swallow the misinformation and media-fuelled hysteria that surrounds this thorny topic!

I am not some close-minded, right-wing "ANTI-SEX" person who puts a ban on every single provocative picture I come across. I am not swallowing misinformation and media-fuelled hysteria. I am against such photos because of how I feel and how I chose to live my moral lifestyle. The "media" infact fuels sexualityYou cant watch FOX, WB, or ABC. Even a yogurt commercial. They have yogurt commercials promoting sexuality. The idea of "the media promoting sexual-repression" is a total lie.

This guy is simply wanting to live a life of pleasure, and want to find a scape goat for our "unneutral close-minded" society. This woman herself is biased and closeminded. She has no credit whatsoever. Heck the entire website has no credit. It's a website that promotes sexuality and such, of course they will have some representative write some article promoting fornication.
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Postby FadedOne » Thu Jan 26, 2006 5:42 am

lol....my internet filter blocks that site, so i cant figure out what this thread is about. well, i have a general idea. anyways yea...
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Postby shooraijin » Thu Jan 26, 2006 6:17 am

This article is *definitely* not appropriate, so I don't think the thread is either. Link edited, thread closed.

Kura, I have great difficulty understanding how you would think an article with that title (and the photograph displayed) would be at all appropriate for this forum, no matter how valuable the subject matter. For that reason, a strike has been assigned. Exercise better judgment in the future.
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