Since we're back to our regularily scheduled mb, I feel like posting again!
...oy I can STILL hear the rain come down here! Some "great white north" this is (hence my location <-----). Seriously, this town's already broken the record for the longest rainfall recorded :/ Basically, ever since the thunder showers a week or so before Christmas, literally EVERY day (or at least night) had it rained! So much rain! Luckily, living in a valley we won't flood. But still I am SO sick of this rain! Rain! Rain! Rain! NO MORE RAIN! ...actually it tried to snow yesterday, but turned to rain again (and with all this wet weather, I really don't feel like snow either!)
*sigh* I'm sure there's others like me who have been in the similar situation this "winter". Funny thing with global warming this year: our summer wasn't as hot, but our winter's not even cold enough to snow really :/ At least in this climate. But when will it stop? Oy... I honestly can't wait for the summer and bright sunshine! Do I ever miss my sun! (nice Vitamin E making me happy^^).