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Postby Tenshi no Ai » Tue Jan 10, 2006 8:32 pm

kaemmerite wrote:Yeah, the Super Mario World in 10:36 is the same way. I mean, tool-assisted is one thing, but that was just...I dunno. Bleh.

That one was glitched too? Heh kinda funny how I just found out that game had keys and stuff in there until somewhat recently^^ Then again, never actually OWNED a SNES.
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Postby uc pseudonym » Wed Jan 11, 2006 8:19 am

On the subject of time trials in general, I was surprised to see some lasting over two hours. I can justify spending 15 minutes watching a quick run, but something would have to be incredible for me to want to spend that much time watching it. It seems as though we're reaching the depths I've stated elsewhere: someone will eventually make a FFX speed run... and people will watch it.

kaemmerite wrote:Yeah, the Super Mario World in 10:36 is the same way. I mean, tool-assisted is one thing, but that was just...I dunno. Bleh.

That's too bad; I liked that game quite a bit and was vaguely interested in seeing how they beat it. It had a great deal more depth than the average platformer of the day (and, frankly, more than some modern games).

But more on topic: I think exploiting glitches really takes the fun out of speed runs. If I am actually going to watch one, I'd like to see skill (even if simulated) and intelligent gaming, not just spastic screen wrapping. The Mario 64 run used some glitches, of course, but those were vaguely interesting.
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Postby Bobtheduck » Fri Jan 13, 2006 6:34 am

I can justify spending 15 minutes watching a quick run, but something would have to be incredible for me to want to spend that much time watching it. It seems as though we're reaching the depths I've stated elsewhere: someone will eventually make a FFX speed run... and people will watch it.

Final Fantasy Tactics speed run...

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Postby uc pseudonym » Fri Jan 13, 2006 8:00 am

I also wonder when people will begin speed runs for 100% completion of a game. To relate to this thread, instead of exploiting glitches and getting the minimal number of stars, a person sees how quickly they can get all 120...
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