Rocketshipper wrote:How many topics like this have there been? It seems like a lot. anyway, my order of prefrence for the games goes 7, 8, 9, 10-2, 5, 10, 1, 4, 6, 2 (I think. something like that). I've neverplayed 11 or 3. 7 is definitly the best ^^.
kaemmerite wrote:*boycotts poll for not having Tactics as an option*
Tom Dincht wrote:Zell DINCHT is the sickest character ever. An idiotic character is what the series needed. Up until VII everyone was wicked serious the whole time. The series needed a jester to keep the feeling alive. Without Zell there would be no FFVIII.
You see as we all know FFVIII has a cast of "Dawson`s Creek"-like characters. Everyone has a different personality. We`ve got Squall.
Zell: Check out my T.Board, dude! SHWAW!
Rinoa: I love everything. I love my life. I love beetles. Life is good.
Selphie: I LIKE TRAINS!!!!!!!
Quistis: I like Squall and I memorized his peronality.......and I`m serious.
Irvin: I love dee ladies. I`m also a selfish romantic jerk.
There you go. Without joker there would be no FFVIII cast.
Tom Dincht wrote:I don`t care what order they were made. V is more old fashioned. VI issued the turning point of the series, but I`m sorry Ryan. FFX-2 IMO was better than 6. However, the new GBA version, may change my mind.
Tom Dincht wrote:I`m sorry Ryan. FFX-2 IMO was better than 6. However, the new GBA version, may change my mind.
Up until VII everyone was wicked serious the whole time.
Radical Dreamer wrote:Whatever, Tom. Like I said, it's MY OWN OPINION. It's your own imagination that thinks I don't like Zell because he's in your username. Geez. I played and beat FF8 long before I even KNEW about you, so whatever. I like Final Fantasy VIII, so what? It's not your place to come along and tell me I'm wrong, simply because YOU have a different opinion. That's right, OPINION. It's based on your own PERSONAL likes and dislikes. I think FF8 would be fine withOUT Zell, you think he's one of the better characters. Hence, OPINION. Don't even try to chew me out just because I have different tastes.
Now, this ends here. Feel free if you want to continue this with a PM. I'm not about to get this thread closed on account of someone else's opinion.
Mithrandir wrote:Hmm. No one looking at 10-2, I see.
rocklobster wrote:My only gripe at Square is why did they have to put that Sphere Grid in FFX? I can barely understand it! Can anyone explain it to me in layman's terms?
Tom Dincht wrote:VI issued the turning point of the series, but I`m sorry Ryan. FFX-2 IMO was better than 6.
CookinLikeSanji wrote:Then I got the information I needed to know.
Mr. SmartyPants wrote:I will argue with you that SEPHIROTH is wicked serious the whole time. He's all "Oh im sephiroth! I'm evil! Pity me because I was just some experiment! oh la la! I am so serious, feel sorry for me!" While kefka was just.... himself, nobody felt sorry for him, everybody laughed at him. He was insane
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