What do people think of Baulder's Gate?

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What do people think of Baulder's Gate

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What do people think of Baulder's Gate?

Postby webranger7 » Thu Jun 26, 2003 7:24 pm

What do you think of Baulder's Gate? Is it a good game to you? Just asking!:cool:
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Postby Lightbringer » Thu Jun 26, 2003 7:54 pm

I got baulders gate 2, really the best thing about the games in my opinion is makeing up charicters. other then that, it starts to bore me. Its fine for D&D fanatics i guess, but really it pales in comparison to most turn based rpgs

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Sorry, the Gamecube Baulder's Gate

Postby webranger7 » Thu Jun 26, 2003 8:14 pm

Actually I'm talking about the Baulder's Gate: Dark Alliance for Gamecube. Yes it's also for computer and it's a little more creative in the way that you can create your own character, like D&D. You can also look at Everwinter. I've heard it's better.
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Postby HeavensTek » Thu Jun 26, 2003 8:33 pm

i totally loved this series of games......i haven't played the Gamecube version....

but i had so much fun with Baldur's Gate and Baldur's Gate 2 for the PC.......some of the best RPGs i ever played....

i'm actually playing Icewind Dale 2 right now when i find the spare time......

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Postby madphilb » Fri Jun 27, 2003 3:07 pm

I haven't gotten BG yet for the PC, but I have Icewind Dale. Having not been into D&D for years, I needed a lot of refreshing (thank you gameFAQs!) on the play mechanics.

The trick to playing any of the series is learning to pause the game often while in battles, issue commands while paused, then un-pause to carry out your instructions.

Since it is D&D rules and such, much of what's in it is pretty run of the mill (as apposed to something like Morrowind which uses a different world background for it's play).

The only real downside, to Icewind Dale at least, is that unlike most RPGs (i.e. FF) there is very little in the way of random battles... the down side is that you can't just roam around killing things to level up (though with ID you can export your characters and then load them in at the start of the game).

Just a side note.... don't be fooled into thinking that Dark Alliance is typical for Baulders Gate. While it uses the BG location for the story, it's more of a Diablo type game than the PC games which are a more traditional party-type RPG.

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Postby Rashiir » Fri Jun 27, 2003 3:13 pm

I have Dark Alliance for Xbox, and while it is just a beat em up, it is fun, because my friend and I play it together and we're really bad, so we have to find ways to beat it like jumping up on crates where the enemies can't get us, or making barricades, or running around in circles around something and whacking the enemy in the back and then running...So I enjoy it, but I don't think it would be much fun without a friend.
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Postby Mithrandir » Fri Jun 27, 2003 4:31 pm

I have played BG TOSC, BGII and BG SOA. I have to say I like BGSOA best, but TOSC has been the most fun to hack. I'm thinking of writing a web based char mod tool. Do you think anyone would be interested in it?
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Postby HeavensTek » Sat Jun 28, 2003 7:41 am

i might be....

i was thinking of reinstalling the BG series after i finish wiping the floor with ID2....

i hacked the crap out of BG/BG2 as well....hehe.....

honestly i think that there's a lot more color and story to the original BG/BG2 than in ID/ID2....

i'm a little bored with the whole ...find a cave....kill/loot the lizardmen/orcs....put the spirits to rest crap......

(on the upside though, it don't get much better than watching your 20th level Paladin shove a holy avenger sideways into pit fiend's...er ear) :rock:

BG2 had an incredible amount of weird optional quests and free reign to go where you pleased......plus some of the NPCs were really cool....

anyone play Neverwinter nights yet? i'm scared pick it up.....i'd probably dissapear for a few months.....
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Postby Straylight » Tue Jul 01, 2003 6:05 pm

Played Dark Alliance for the PS2 (worthy of about 1/2 an hours non-stop drooling) but that's about it.
And yes, I agree about that whole neverwinter nights thing. That game looks so awesome!
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Postby HeavensTek » Mon Jul 21, 2003 7:53 pm

I bought Neverwinter Nights ....

props to Bioware/Black Isle....

its even better than i thought it would be. I'm so screwed.

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Postby Technomancer » Mon Jul 21, 2003 8:07 pm

Have it on order. Should arrive later in the week. Lightbringer's right about turn based RPGs, a pity there don't seem to be any good ones out right now
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Postby madphilb » Tue Jul 22, 2003 4:13 pm

Technomancer wrote:Have it on order. Should arrive later in the week. Lightbringer's right about turn based RPGs, a pity there don't seem to be any good ones out right now

Sadly, aside from places like the GBA or PC stuff written by fans and such, I don't think you'll see any turn-based RPGs made anytime soon (if ever again).

That isn't too bad a thing in some ways, I found that in Icewind Dale that the game was best played by keeping a finger on the space-bar so you can stop to issue commands to people. Fallout which is supposed to be a great RPG I found a bit fustrating at times because it is turn based (I had been used to playing ID at that time).

In fact, FF7 wasn't turn based either, rather it used a timer thing (I think with an option to pause while you select commands). Anachronox is almost a clone of the FF7 battle system (to a point) but takes it up a notch with a better 3D battle system (using node points for battle positions).

The down side to this whole thing is that there is the risk of everything becomming Diablo (such as with BG: DA) where it's mostly just hack-n-slash with a story trying to hold it all together.

Kinda off-topic but related to Bioware.... one of the guys at EB has been raving about KotOR (Knights of the Old Republic). Said it's the first game he's bought in a while that he feels is worth the $50 he spent for it.

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Postby Mithrandir » Mon Jul 28, 2003 8:35 am

BG2 had an incredible amount of weird optional quests and free reign to go where you pleased......plus some of the NPCs were really cool....

Yeah. At least you could get TOSC, though (Tales of the Sword Coast) for BG-I. That made it a much more enjoyable game. Especially if you have 255 exploding arrows in every slot. ;)
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Postby webranger7 » Tue Jul 29, 2003 11:30 am

OK guys, I'm going out to buy Baulder's Gate 2 today. So, tell me soon if you think the game is lousy, ok. Please, cause I'm going to rip it out of the box when I get home.
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Postby madphilb » Tue Jul 29, 2003 6:08 pm

webranger7 wrote:OK guys, I'm going out to buy Baulder's Gate 2 today. So, tell me soon if you think the game is lousy, ok. Please, cause I'm going to rip it out of the box when I get home.

One word (or is it two) GameFAQS....

Hit the review board, read the reviews... read the 1/10's and read the 10/10's and read the ones in the middle.... gives you a pretty good cross-section of what you're up against.

Oh... something I think I forgot to metion before, but if you're not up on the AD&D ruleset, you'll want to dive into GameFAQS and find the FAQ on AD&D, it'll help quite a bit.

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Postby HeavensTek » Tue Jul 29, 2003 6:11 pm

BG2 rocked.....make sure you get the expansion set too.....very very cool extra quests....

but yeah....check GameFAQS
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