shatterheart wrote:Another thing to take in mind, somtimes you gotta take a crappy job while looking for a better one. (If you have car payments or somthing)
TRUE. You can't be too picky. You are the one in need of a job, you are not graceing employers with your presence. Make a list of all the places you are instrested in working, and then go get the applications. Fill them out ASAP and when you return them, try to call ahead and find out when the MANAGER will be there, and give them DIRECTLY to the MANAGER. They can very easily get lost in the shuffle otherwise, belive me.
After about a week, if you have not heard back, CALL and FOLLOW UP. Again, talk directly to the MANAGER and tell them your name, that you turned in an application, you are very excited about possibly working (whever it is) and that you are following up.
If things don't go well, and you don't get your first, seccond, or even twenty fifth pick, its time to get more drastic. Go ANYWHERE you would REMOTELY consider working. If you have payments to be made, all that really matters is the money, not if you like the job. Obviously that is ideal, but ideal doesn't always happen. I had a job for over a year that I didn't like, but I needed it and it taught me
very much. In fact, I probalby would not have learned as much if I had gotten a job I wanted right off the bat.
shatterheart wrote:And talk to your friends, see if any can help you get a job where they work.
That is how I got one of my jobs now. Connections are priceless. Talk to any and everyone and let them know you are terrific worker and would absoutly LOVE to work at ________.
Good luck! Prayer is always a good thing, but don't be lazy either!