These are thoughts,ruminations,musings or what have you that I have on getting closer to the half century mark.So here goes:
As I get older I find that:
1.I tend to get more liberal in my theology and politics.
2.It's easier for me to forget things.
3.I no longer look down and what I think are 'childish' things such as reading comic books,manga or watching 'toons and anime but on the other hand find that I enjoy them immensely.
4.It gets harder to concentrate and as a result any movie over 2 hours or any book over 300 pages becomes harder for me to enjoy.
5.I am hopefully mellowing out,however my Celtic temper is still too much present(those of who with Celtic ancestry know what I mean).
6.It becomes more likely that the woman I marry will be at least 20-25
years younger than me.
7.I am less likely to win the lottery.