First of all, while I will be mentioning Machiavelli, general political offices, and message board moderators and the like, I do NOT want this thread to degenerate into politics, nor do I necessarily want general mod worshipping/bashing in this thread. With that said, please read on. ^^
This has been something that I suppose has arisen in my mind after 2 recent experiences: 1) 2 hours today spent reading through Niccolo Machiavelli's The Prince 2) the behavior of some moderators and members at another message board I frequent.
For example, on the message board I previously mentioned, it struck me that suggestions about improving the board and/or disagreeing with the moderators seems to be a big "no no". People who do so seem to be quickly shot down, and are sometimes treated somewhat rudely. Why does this seem to happen when, at the same time, those same people so flippantly mock people in a position of greater power than a message board moderator - for example, Presidents, politicians, or even teachers?
What makes us so heavily fear/revere certain figures of power, and at the same time mock or criticise others? What is it about these two different groups of people (in my example, board moderators and politicians) that make them so different in people's minds? Both obviously posess a degree of power, yet they are treated very differently. Is it because we feel that people like board moderators have more pertinence over what we do in our daily lives? Is it because we don't interact with our representatives in the government as openly as we interact with other figures of power, and thus feel less of a need to respect them?
I'm curious to hear what people think. ^_^
EDIT: Again, I don't want this to degenerate into a source of bickering, so I think it may be a good idea to not explicitly mention any particular groups or individuals. ^^;;;;