bible study

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bible study

Postby pillar_anime7 » Wed Dec 14, 2005 2:17 am

I was talking to a couple of guys last night and we had talked about starting Bible studies in the chat room. I was wondering if you guys would let us start having them in there. It would be a great way for people that don't have an opportunity to do this sort of thing at their church or for somebody that visits this site regularly anyway to sit down and focus on God's Word. I know the idea sounds like a longshot, but I would like to know what you guys think of it.
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Postby Mithrandir » Wed Dec 14, 2005 9:45 am

We've had many bible studies in the forums in the past, as can be observed from the "similar threads" area below. Our chat area doesn't have any kind of "rooms" feature to let us do multiple instances, so this kind of study would detract from the normal fellowship. We're looking at re-designing our current chat feature to allow for multiple rooms, so I'll add "bible study area" to the room list. In the mean time, you can either use the forums as they exist, or look for a free chat server elsewhere you can use.

If you chose to use CAA's forums... Though we encourage bible study among our members, we do ask that studies of this kind be kept away from contriversial topics and/or ultra-liberal exegesis. No, we aren't trying to promote some hidden agenda or anything. We're just tired of closing down good threads where people can't keep from yelling at each other.
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