Good manga artist magazine?

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Good manga artist magazine?

Postby Esoteric » Fri Dec 09, 2005 6:16 pm

I suppose this is the best forum to ask this question in...

I'm wondering if there is a US equivalent to the Japanese "Comickers" magazine. I'm not talking about the two books published, but about the magazine itself. This quarterly magazine features stunning work from various upcoming manga artists and discusses their techniques. Is there anything like this printed in English?
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Postby uc pseudonym » Sat Dec 10, 2005 6:47 pm

While I am admittedly not an expert on this subject, only one comes to mind and you may not be able to find others. The one that occurs to me is Tokyopop's "Manga" which is a quarterly free magazine. You can sign up here (you'll have to create an account and then give them shipping information):

The downsides are that each is fairly small and that in all honesty many of the series involved are not really that good. Art-wise, perhaps some, but I am primarily concerned with writing. Still, it does discuss techniques and has occasional useful information.
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