The Lara Croft: Tomb Raider Game Thread

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The Lara Croft: Tomb Raider Game Thread

Postby Fsiphskilm » Wed Dec 10, 2003 5:15 pm

Well, I
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Postby cbwing0 » Thu Dec 11, 2003 7:10 am

The only Tomb Raider game I've ever played is TR 1 for the PS 1. I remember that it was a decent game, but I had no desire to try the rest.

I have nothing against the series in particular, I just don't like platformers in general. I am more of a fighting game fan. :thumb:

I can't help you out with any of the tricks you mentioned, although I'm sure you could do them with gameshark/xploder/codebreaker. I used to play with a gameshark all the time on PS1 games, and I bought an xploder for the dreamcast, but I rarely used it. I don't own one for my PS2...I guess I'm just too good to need it. :cool:
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Postby MasterDias » Thu Dec 11, 2003 8:41 pm

Meh, I played a few of the games. Didn't like them that much.

Controls were too sluggish... and it was too easy to get killed.
I'll always be more of an RPG and action game fan than of those Tomb-Raiderish puzzle/adventure games.

I did somewhat enjoy what I played of that one Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine game that was similiar to Tomb Raider though.
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Postby madphilb » Fri Dec 12, 2003 8:10 am

MasterDias wrote:I did somewhat enjoy what I played of that one Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine game that was similiar to Tomb Raider though.

It was a fairly neat game, but (on the N64 anyway) terriblly buggy.... I imagine that the PC version can be patched for problems though.

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Postby MasterDias » Fri Dec 12, 2003 12:07 pm

I don't know. I played the PC version and it kept hanging up every five minutes.

It was my friend's game and he didn't have any problems with it so I imagine it was a problem with my computer.
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Postby Bobtheduck » Sat Dec 13, 2003 3:02 am

I hate the controls... I could NOT get used to them... It's basically FPS controls with a 3rd person view, and it is very out of date... I dont' know if the controls were fixed in recent games, but I don't care... The games were always about two things... A couple of letters that I won't spell out Specifically... I also hate the controls in Resident evil... Thankfully, Silent Hill 2 (not sure about 1) had an option to change the controls... That control is not useful in a 3rd person view... Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby Fsiphskilm » Sat Dec 13, 2003 1:13 pm

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Postby madphilb » Sat Dec 13, 2003 3:06 pm

Bobtheduck wrote:I hate the controls... I could NOT get used to them... It's basically FPS controls with a 3rd person view, and it is very out of date...

Actually , they're not even real FPS controls.... maybe if you where to compare them to game like the original Doom or Duke Nukem 3D, but modern FPS controls they are not (as in games like Splinter Cell, Alice, etc.)

What makes them really bad is that they're laggy. Once the Dual Shock controllers became standard they should have switched over to the new FPS/TPS controls (left stick=forward/backward and step left/right, right stick=look up/down and turn left/right).... while her "sideways shuffle" is a somewhat accurate depiction of how people move, it's not a norm for that type of thing... most games (when you're not on a thing ledge or something, "wall hugging") will turn the lower body to the side when running side-to-side (straffing).

The reason I gave up on TR3 was on the final boss battle I kept falling off the small walkway and into the lava... trying to run from the spider guy thingie...

Was my only real complaint about the game.... (then again, I didn't care for MSG2's controls, yet I know you like that game). The control style just doesn't lend itself to complicated running-around battles, and there where quite a few in that game.

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Postby Fsiphskilm » Sat Dec 13, 2003 5:09 pm

I feal your pain.
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Postby madphilb » Sat Dec 13, 2003 7:58 pm

Might have to load it and give it another go... I think I kept the saved games.

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Postby Fsiphskilm » Tue Dec 23, 2003 3:59 pm

If not you can
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