P.S. Is there anything me and/or my parents can do to motivate myself (other than wanting to go to college)
1BalloonPopper wrote:It seems that eveyone else here has given you a decent response to your question, but may I suggest at least a 15 minute break inbetween subjects? This will give your brain some time to soak in all of the info. I believe that this will also prepare your mind for the transition to a completely different topic that the pervious one. May things go well with you!
Anyways, I went to ask some of my friends that have 4.0s and things along that nature, and asked them if and how they study. 99% of them don't study at all, they do their homework and somehow excel in their quizzes and tests (WHY GOD WHY CAN'T I BE LIKE THAT!!!) the other 1% works their butt of so hard, I literally can not concieve as to how they can still have a social life.
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