Kura Ookami wrote:I am thankful to everyone for praying for me and to those who answered my friends questions. Those questions really did confuse me and I've decided to take eirewolf's advice and live in Christ and love my friends instead of trying to make them find the truth. I dont know if it's working, but i have faith in the lord. Plutogirl I will certainly pray for you. It's not a nice feeling when you lose faith in Christ and im glad that my struggles have helped you out and made you stronger.
That is definately true.]God moves in our lives without us even realising it sometimes.
Kura Ookami wrote:They do not believe in Satan as how can there be any absolute evil? Wiccans believe that everything you do to others is brought back to you threefold so if you do something bad to someone you will be punished for it and if you do something good you will be blessed.
Corkyspaniel wrote:I will, too. ^_^
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