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Recently on the journals and daily life I occassionally come across the sin of man. Some have bitterness against their fathers, I know that a lot of people have that kind of bitterness. It happens everywhere in the world.. it is the source of sin.. It's the first sin of humanity. And yes, if a male person is reading this: you should continue. No, you MUST continue!! =P But it's actually very important to us all.
Testimony: I learned about this sin for the first time at the "Encounter with God" retreat, a month ago. Yesterday I wanted to say something about that in this community.. but I didn't know how to word it exactly.. I didn't write down a lot, so I was a little bit lost.. and my Encounter study papers didn't help a lot on this subject, so I sighed that evening and went to bed. Onto Sunday, and God was very good to me again.. He gave me exactly the same words just as in the retreat. Now I know how to say it, isn't that amazing? ^_^ He can surprise us in many ways.
We all know that God created us in His own image. (Genesis 1:26-27). And he made man the head of the family. The leading one, the one who takes responsibility for his family... but:
[indent]Romans 5:12
12 Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one
man, and death through sin, and in this way death came
to all men, because all sinned--[/indent]
The first sinner... no it wasn't Eve, but Adam.
Yes, Eve did eat the fruit! But that wasn't the FIRST sin, which many think it is.
Before I thought like this: Eve was far, far away from Adam... Adam who is gardening two kilometres away, somewhere else! Then came the snake and so forth.. and then Eve goes to Adam, who eats the fruit. It's NOT in the bible!!
[indent]Genesis 3:6
6 When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was
good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also
desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it.
She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it.[/indent]
Adam was with her from the beginning! He was there when the snake talked to Eve. Did he shoo the snake away? No! Did he take responsibily for his wife or at least warned her? Not at all! He did absolutely nothing! The sin of man is not what he had done, but what he did not do. The passivity is the curse of man. God searched for the head of the family. Adam didn't ask for forgiveness, but gave Eve the fault.. and then Eve points at the snake..
If the leader like that, then his family will be like that too! (Eve who blames the serpent) It passes on to father to son. I see it happen to my own brother and what has become of my father.. and so many more males. The father who doesn't take time for his children, the man who leaves his pregnant wife and all those the fatherless children. The people who never knew their father personally.. he just sits in front of tv, is at work most of the day and rarely talks to the kids, in order to express their love to them? Isn't it weird at all that the sons follow their father's example?
Do you also happen to have a better relationship with your mother than your father?
Do you know the statistics of quality time a father spends time with his kids? A few years ago it was 3 minutes!!
And now? Now it's only 35 seconds!! This is why there are so much bad things in this worlds.
The leader has to serve his family, not to be served.
[indent]God tells you not to be like that! Do not be like Adam! This is not in His image!
and He said in the very last words of the Old Testament:
Malachi 4:5-6
5 "See, I will send you the prophet Elijah before that
great and dreadful day of the LORD comes. 6 He will
turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the
hearts of the children to their fathers; or else I will come
and strike the land with a curse."[/indent]
He asked us [women] to forgive the men in the church.. for every sin they commited to their families.
This was so touching, when he asked the women to pray for the men.. all the men had kneeled down..
At one point, a young woman came to the front, and prayed:
"Thank you Lord for dying on the cross for us,
please forgive these men for their sins. Forgive the fathers
who had done wrong to their children, who abused their wives
and who did not follow your Word. Help them to stay on your path.. and
please forgive me for never praying for my father...."
I was assured how our church worked, it's a family.