What I've realized about modern gaming...

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Postby blkmage » Mon Sep 19, 2005 4:26 pm

Graphics and hardware may be very important, but when the selling point of a console or a game becomes 'it has more megahurtz' then it is not a good day for gaming. The problem is so many games being sold on the basis that it has really pretty graphics.

Look at Everquest 2 vs. World of Warcraft. WoW clearly has crappier graphics than EQ2. But, as a result it can run on less powerful computers. Also, the gameplay was a lot more fun and interesting. In addition, Blizzard's art direction turned inferior graphics into something amazingly breathtaking.

Controllers are important too. That's why Nintendo's taking a risk by shaking things up a bit. Do we really think that gaming can progress if we're stuck with the same old controllers? If Nintendo wants to make better games, they'll eventually have to make a better controller, won't they?
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Postby Fsiphskilm » Mon Sep 19, 2005 7:26 pm

What I me
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Postby Myoti » Tue Sep 20, 2005 2:21 pm

I really don't know what to say, or how to analyse the madness. With this eveidence, it seems Modern Gaming is NOT about graphics, Game qualty, or Price. But about a "Marketable Image". That's that. Life sucks and nothing's fair.

That pretty much seems to sum it up.

As more and more enter the gaming industry, we get bombarded by more and more people who care more about the graphics, not realizing that many of the people who makes these games don't care about whether you have fun or not. They care about making as much as they can from them.

Proof of that would be just about any game Disney makes. They make a movie, people like it, so they go overboard in marketing as they know that people will buy it.

There are too many average or casual ones that could play the worst game ever and think it's great. Doing so means the company's make more money and we, the few "serious" gamers realize we're being given crap because these companies want to appeal to the masses... in the most horrible way imaginable.

I believe Nintendo is trying to appeal to the masses like everyone else, but they've finally realized that it doesn't always take a hundred buttons, multiple features, and supposedly "superior" hardware to do so. It just takes a way to show everyone they can be involved in gaming without truly having to think about it, which is something the casual gamer doesn't want to do. To be able to just pick up something, and almost literally "touch" what you're seeing shows them how simple gaming can be, and puts people back to what gaming is about... having fun.

I'm not bashing anyone, and I'm not trying to change anyone's opinions. It was about time someone brought this topic up (and Shia beat me to it ^_^ ). You can go ahead and grab this post and torture it however you want. This is just my opinion, and I don't care whether it needs to be heard or not as I've learned that pretty much everyone else is as stubborn as I am.

I'm just a kid. A big one that's never grown up, and all I wanna do is have fun.
As quoted by Shigeru Miyamoto:

"An adult is a child who has more ethics and morals. That's all."
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Postby truthgone12 » Sat Sep 24, 2005 1:17 pm


Ok I think we see which graphics are inferior.
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Postby Fsiphskilm » Sun Sep 25, 2005 12:41 pm

Want t
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Postby Tommy » Mon Sep 26, 2005 12:46 pm

Well, Look who decided to bring out the best MGS3 picture and the worst Splinter Cell picture. As a matter of fact, it looks like Sam Fisher is holding a zombie in which......HE NEVER DID!

I have a dvd player and a stereo in my room. I use my PS2 for DVDS which is a GREAT added feature. CDs I don`t care about. All, I`m saying is if you buy a PS2, you`re saving money.
The original poster said:
PS2 is PS1 with better graphics while GameCube runs smoother or something.

N64 is a crappy version of the PS2 with catridges and not as many good games. I`m not saying they had few good games, just not as many. You couldn`t play games from NES or SNES.

GameCube is N64 with better graphics, box-shaped with small discs. I like PS2 because of how basic it is.

I`m sorry most of the good games IMO on Gamecube other than Zelda and Metroid and some Marios are on PS2 as well.

You know what I`ve noticed about modern gaming? That most games with few exceptions based on movies suck badly.
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Postby Nate » Mon Sep 26, 2005 12:50 pm

Tom Dincht wrote:You know what I`ve noticed about modern gaming? That most games with few exceptions based on movies suck badly.

That's not a problem of modern gaming, Tom.

Horribly bad video games based on TV shows and movies existed even back in the days of NES.

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Postby Tommy » Mon Sep 26, 2005 1:14 pm

How? Back in NES movie games were all sidescrollers. Sidescrollers are sidescrollers. I find them all the same. It`s a problum OF Gaming.
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Postby Nate » Mon Sep 26, 2005 1:20 pm

Yeah, and lots of bad sidescrollers were released from TV shows and movies. Trust me. I was alive. You weren't. I would know.

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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Mon Sep 26, 2005 1:29 pm

Tom Dincht wrote:How? Back in NES movie games were all sidescrollers. Sidescrollers are sidescrollers. I find them all the same. It`s a problum OF Gaming.

E.T. For the Atari.....

and tom, if you like the ps2 cause it's so basic... yet it has the harddrive capability, and a dvd player... yeah very basic...
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Postby The Last Bard » Mon Sep 26, 2005 1:43 pm

Yeah, I'm with you on saying I'm getting tired of them making games just for graphics now days. I enjoy my DS more than our GC, because the games are simple and not about graphics!
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