First and formost, spot training doesn't work. Doing crunches will not help shedding the pounds off the abdomen. Everyone has a six pack, it's just the fat over it.
Diet wise (some of this I may have said before): Eat a good health breakfeast, with fruit or something. Get the metabolism started. You don't necessarily have to cut your food intake right away, just eat healthier. But eventually you will have to cut food down a bit. If you want to change your diet make sure you give it a few weeks for your body and metabolism to adjust to the food intake. Most people gain weight on diets because they don't give it time. Say your used to taking in 2500 calories a day and you want to cut it down to 1900 cal/day. Well the body will continue to think it's in the same state for a few weeks. So you may be eating 1900 cal/day and still not loss weight. But after a few weeks your metablolism will eventually stabilize and things start to progress.
Eat a lot of protein, veggies and drink a lot of water. It's okay to eat snakes every now and then, but make sure most of what you eat is easy to digest and healthy.
Also, do both aerobic and Resistance training (weight lifting). It doesn't have to be hard core or anything. Running will only do so much. Doing both will have the most benefit.
For you lower/upper/middle abdomen and obliques... When I goto Gold's Gym I get one of those air balls
Similar to this
They look dumb, but it's kind of like pilates. When you're on it you have to use all your ab and lower back muscles to stabalize yourself and stuff (the "core"). Plus, I see most people use this for their abs at the gym. Maybe not everyday, but I see them use it a lot. It really does work. I do other things, but I really like that the most because you can do so much on it.