help me, please

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help me, please

Postby soul alive » Wed Sep 07, 2005 12:50 pm

i'm trying to get started on a webmanga, and i had a few questions for webmanga-ka and webmanga fans. (since this is not an actual project yet, i posted here) any and all responses would be very much appreciated as they might affect how my project will go, and if i do go through will it at all.

a quick summary, it will be set in ancient roman times, a few centuries after Christ, during the persecution of Christians. the title i have sort of settled on is 'A Cruce Salus,' which means 'from the cross comes salvation' in Latin. right now beyond that is still in the development stage, i do have the prologue rough-draft scripted. and i have done some quick sketches of some characters here, and here, and here, and here, and here, and here

on with the questions:

1) What works best for you for update times? -once a week, multiple times a week, whenever it happens to get done, etc.? and how many pages in an update do you prefer, in relation to update times?

2) What artwork method(s) do you use/recommend? -doing all by hand, doing some (ie. line art) by hand and the rest by computer, all by computer, etc.?

any general advise/comments/critiques/etc. would also be very much appreciated as well. thanks :)


A Cruce Salus, a webmanga. --- Status: Undergoing rewrites, currently offline

"People say I'm strange, does it make me a stranger / That my best friend was born in a manger?" 'Jesus Freak' - dc Talk
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Postby inkhana » Wed Sep 07, 2005 4:15 pm

1) What works best for you for update times? -once a week, multiple times a week, whenever it happens to get done, etc.? and how many pages in an update do you prefer, in relation to update times?

I like a few pages or a chapter at a time. None of that one-page-an-update like someone I know ;)

2) What artwork method(s) do you use/recommend? -doing all by hand, doing some (ie. line art) by hand and the rest by computer, all by computer, etc.?

I usually penciled mine in my sketchbook and did the rest in the computer, but on my newer projects, everything except tone and text (maybe bubbles) will be done in traditional media (too expensive to tone with real tones XD) It depends on how much you want it to look like "real" manga. If you want it to look like something out of a professional manga, I'd do it the way I suggested above, pencil, ink, then scan and apply tones and text digitally.

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Postby TheMelodyMaker » Wed Sep 07, 2005 4:27 pm

soul alive wrote:1) What works best for you for update times? -once a week, multiple times a week, whenever it happens to get done, etc.? and how many pages in an update do you prefer, in relation to update times?

*shrug* I'd be okay with you showing off whatever you get done in about a chapter at a time. :) (Sorry I can't help you with the other question; I'm no manga artist myself. :sweat: )

By the way, I meant to say this and forgot until now... ^_^; I really liked your comic contest entry -- it was really good! :thumb:
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Postby mechana2015 » Wed Sep 07, 2005 4:44 pm

soul alive wrote: 1) What works best for you for update times? -once a week, multiple times a week, whenever it happens to get done, etc.? and how many pages in an update do you prefer, in relation to update times?

2) What artwork method(s) do you use/recommend? -doing all by hand, doing some (ie. line art) by hand and the rest by computer, all by computer, etc.?

1. I just started on a comic and my plan is to release it in parts...3-4 pages or so so I can have lulls in the action.
Other than comes out when I'm done. I currently have finished 1.4 pages approximately that could be subject to change.

2. I personally use the computer to plan pages, then draw the whole comic, except for text and probably word bubbles in pencil. If you can I suggest inking... I dont ink though. I use the pencil to shade and have nixed tones for the time being. I then scan the drawing and place it under the frame lines, clean and letter it. Short version...I do a hybrid of hand and digital techniques.

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Postby soul alive » Thu Sep 08, 2005 1:41 pm

thanks for your replies inkhana, MelMak, and mechana. appreciate it.
[quote="MelMak"]By the way, I meant to say this and forgot until now... ^_^] why thank you very much. *stuffs hand in mouth before she complains about being a lazy bum and not finishing the artwork*

i'm not really sure about how i would work updating... at least right now while school is as crazy as it is, i would probably have to do big chunks or chapters at a time, whenever i get them done. i know i like being able to check a webmanga and find pages done regularly, but it's also nice to have an entire package done at a time.

artwork is where it gets fuzzy for me... i am a traditional media junkie, and will probably do at least inking and nice pencil or pen shading/tones by hand. but i would really love to do watercolors for some pages... it just takes so long... :P. once i get training on using photoshop (which i will get starting next semester in school... i think...) i might transition to doing tones on computer if i like that; but for now i would probably stick with only lines, text, and bubbles on the computer. since i'm still experimenting with my style, i'm not really sure how professional or casual i would like my stuff to look, but i do know how sloppy/disorganized/etc. i would like it not to look ^^;;

not to impose and be a whiner ( :evil: ) but does my concept interest anyone enough that you would check it out? just wondering...

thankies again.


A Cruce Salus, a webmanga. --- Status: Undergoing rewrites, currently offline

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Postby Ashley » Thu Sep 08, 2005 2:44 pm

Oh man, your idea sounds identical to one I had bouncing around for a while. *cries* Curse you, seminary, and curse you, clumsy hands, for not being able to churn out work faster! =___= But anyway, I suppose this answers the question of interest--and BTW, I've taken 4 years of classical latin, so I'll be happy to help you translate or any cultural references you might need.

1) What works best for you for update times? -once a week, multiple times a week, whenever it happens to get done, etc.? and how many pages in an update do you prefer, in relation to update times?

2) What artwork method(s) do you use/recommend? -doing all by hand, doing some (ie. line art) by hand and the rest by computer, all by computer, etc.?

1. I don't mind once a week, as long as there is enough meat to it to keep me interested. Even multiple updates a week that do not give more than a page or two are simply time consuming, because I have to go back and re-read the last chapter anyway; thus, I read them only on the basis of my extreme like for story or art. I'd go with at least a chapter an update, even if it means updating once a month. Perhaps the way around this would be to let yourself get significantly ahead before releasing (that's what I'm planning on doing ^^;; )

2. Art is honestly subservient to story for me. Perhaps it's because I'm more of a writer than an artist, or because I enjoy several different styles of art, but I'm just frankly not that picky. I've known sprite comics that have entertained me more than very finely inked pieces. I can't stand Natsuki Takaya (Furuba)'s style, but I love the story, so I get used to it. I think as long as you can work out a system that's feasible and easily managed, you'll be fine. Even sucky comics get fans. XD
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Postby soul alive » Thu Sep 08, 2005 3:48 pm

Ashley wrote:Oh man, your idea sounds identical to one I had bouncing around for a while. *cries* Curse you, seminary, and curse you, clumsy hands, for not being able to churn out work faster! =___=

whoa. that's the basic idea... i have a serious twist that i'm attempting to make sense of (ideas pop into my head and it takes a while to figure out how to make them work)... involving a steampunk-like plot twist among other things (what would you call steampunk for the roman era... chariotpunk... gladiatorpunk... empirepunk?? XD lol)
Ashley wrote:and BTW, I've taken 4 years of classical latin, so I'll be happy to help you translate or any cultural references you might need.
*gasps* *eyes glow* oooh... that would be very much helpful. so very much. *chants* i shall not abuse this opportunity. i shall not abuse this opportunity. i shall not abuse this opportunity.


like i said, really the only feasible option for updates right now for me is a chapter at a time, which might work out to once a month or every other month. getting ahead before updating is probably a very good idea, especially since my free-time aka manga-ka-ing time tends to be sporatic. *nods*

i think i shall get started on the prologue... editing the script, and start drawing... possibly this weekend or next week. must not procrastinate... :eyeroll:


A Cruce Salus, a webmanga. --- Status: Undergoing rewrites, currently offline

"People say I'm strange, does it make me a stranger / That my best friend was born in a manger?" 'Jesus Freak' - dc Talk
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