Final Fantasy VIII (In comparison to other FFs)

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Postby kazekami » Mon Aug 29, 2005 10:01 am

Still terrorist. And I have a problem with that. A BIG problem with that.

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Postby Tommy » Mon Aug 29, 2005 10:17 am

Well, I don`t.

FFVIII you were military people.

The one thing I didn`t like about FFVIII is that they never showed Ultimecia really until you fought her. Well, other than that tiny glimpse of her in the flashback.
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Postby Stephen » Mon Aug 29, 2005 10:24 am

Avalanche was still a terrorist orginization.

Couldent you say the same thing about our founding forfathers? England were not too impressed with them thats for sure...
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Postby MasterDias » Mon Aug 29, 2005 10:29 am

True terrorists go around killing innocent people and trying to frighten the masses into agreeing with their ideals. Avalanche doesn't fit that definition at all. I would classify them as an underground resistance movement designed to oppose Shinra. Shinra were the murderers. Therefore, I agree with Tom and Shatterheart on this one.

Heh, I almost pointed out what Shatterheart did...

At any rate, I enjoyed Final Fantasy VIII quite a bit. But I'm not sure I would consider it the best in the series. I feel VII's story is superior on the whole. VIII does have one of the blandest villians in the series and one or two contrived plot points. VIII does have some cool music, spectacular summon sequences, and I did like the system even though I can see why some did not enjoy it.

But I greatly enjoy both VII and VIII...
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Mon Aug 29, 2005 10:49 am

Tom Dincht wrote:The trip to Honey Bee Inn was 100% optional. Which means, YOU were the one going to Honey Bee Inn.

ROFL!!!!!!!!! But it was also to try and save someone.... so it shows that cloud will go through all measures to save someone.... or it sorta did something... nevermind

why do I love FF6?

Music: I am SORRY But this DEFINATELY has the BEST Music Soundtrack out of ANY Final Fantasy. Terra's Theme OWNS you... as well as the The Battle Music.... The Decivise Battle (Boss Music) and The Fierce Battle (Atma Weapon's theme) Totally rock any other battle music....

Lots of characters! And one of the few FF's to start with a girl character. Had magitek armor with its own attacks. And also 14 characters to choose from.. with 4 in a party, the rest stayed in the airship. And the final battle you can have 12 people in your party... once 4 die, the other 4 come into play. And every character is different in his or her own way. Celes has runic, sabin has his blitzes, edgar has his tools with a chainsaw that can sometimes automatically dispatch enemies. Cyan and his 8 different sword techniques... and my personal favorite, Gogo, who can do any special ability than anyone has.....

The storyline was excellent: Starts with a small group called "The Returners" to go against the empire.... Then gradually opens the plot more... to defeating a tyrannical enemy bent on world destruction.

Oh yeah! That enemy, Kefka... BEST enemy ever... a totally hilarious loony, sometimes comical relief.... but you learn to hate him....

GOOD graphics for a snes game.... like they were super and awesome.... and had good detail for back then...

The esper/magicite system totally ROCKED the hizzle off the materia system in ff7... (although they are practically similar)and loads of cool summons as well

YOu can only hold 1 at a time (1 per character)

Pros about magicite:
Once you learn the spell equipped in the magicite, you never forget it. Even if the magicite is unequipped.

And loads of cool sidequests!
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Postby Tommy » Mon Aug 29, 2005 11:06 am

Sorry for the random question but would you aprove of an FF6 remake? I would go buy it and sell FF Anthology.

Also, how good is FF4? I bought it and never got into it.

I do not agree Kefka is THE best villian, but he certainly is the most manically insane. Thee was something about Sephiroth...Heck, after beating him on Kingdom Hearts HE was the sole purpose I bought FF7. Seph was the best if you ask me.

Ultimecia comes in last sadly.... no wait, Necron, definately Necron.
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Postby kazekami » Mon Aug 29, 2005 11:08 am

Shatterheart wrote:Couldent you say the same thing about our founding forfathers? England were not too impressed with them thats for sure...

I agree on that one too. Being a student of history.

I also Agee with Mr. Smartypants. FFVI is awsome. I think Kefka is the most evil FF villian. Not only is he an evil clown. But he posions villiages.

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Postby MasterDias » Mon Aug 29, 2005 11:26 am

Tom Dincht wrote:Ultimecia comes in last sadly.... no wait, Necron, definately Necron.

Well, for all intents and purposes, Kuja was the main villian of Final Fantasy IX.

Necron was a victim of the "lets pull a last boss out of a hat and not tie him coherently into the game's storyline" syndrome.
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Postby Myoti » Mon Aug 29, 2005 1:14 pm

Kazekami, I agree with Tom, SH, and MasterDias. AVALANCHE was a rebellion against a tyrannical company, not a terrorist faction.

I do not agree Kefka is THE best villian, but he certainly is the most manically insane. Thee was something about Sephiroth...Heck, after beating him on Kingdom Hearts HE was the sole purpose I bought FF7. Seph was the best if you ask me.

Who the "Best" is depends on your own matter of opinion (though my opinion goes for Sephy.

Oh, and am I still the only one who actually liked Necron (despite the fact that his attacks were freakin' annoying)?
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Postby kazekami » Mon Aug 29, 2005 1:17 pm

well everyone is intitled to there opinion.

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Postby Tommy » Mon Aug 29, 2005 2:15 pm

Yes, and mine is....

dum dum dum dum


dumdedumdedumdeumdedum de....



Sephiroth! Pwns all villians in RPGs.

yeah MasterDias.......coughcoughSPOILERcoughcough

[SPOILER] Even so, kuja was what appeared to be a "crossdresser" which I do not support. If Kuja had longer hair, clothing that covered his ENTIRE body neck down, then maybe, just mabey he`d be cool. [/SPOILER]
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Postby Myoti » Mon Aug 29, 2005 2:29 pm

Yeah, I kinda agrees with you on both points, Tom. Though I don't thing Kuja was really a crossdresser (save for the *cough*thong*cough*) but he was basically like the Michael Jackson of Final Fantasy.
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Postby Tommy » Mon Aug 29, 2005 2:54 pm

Oh My Gosh you have to read a chapter in my 3-time comedy awarding fanfiction "The Cid highwind Show". i orginally had Kuja refered to "An MJ" but I got that line deleted sinced I used a real persons name. Oh and this was my first fanfiction and I was really bad at it then and I never got to editing it.

It`s "Episode 2". Ok, back on topic.

Let`s discuss the whole romance scenario of FFVIII.


Ok, I honestly think the love story in FFVIII is the best love story I`ve seen in a videogame. I`m going to assume Romancing SaGa has a stronger one lol. For all I know it might not. But I don`t like theo ne in FF9 nearly as much. Squall wasn`t going to let Rinoa be taken, she told him to let her go and rescue later so he wouldn`t be the Goverment`s prime enemy. garnet and Zidane just ended up randomly loving each other. You Can`t beat the Ragnarok scene...ever! or the scene when Squall saves her in space.
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Postby yukinon » Mon Aug 29, 2005 5:24 pm

Myoti wrote:he was basically like the Michael Jackson of Final Fantasy.

ROFL. That totally made my day. I was never a big fan of 9, from my experience with it. It just never caught my attention.

And what's wrong with 'just randomly loving each other'? Though I do think Squall and Rinoa had a very good love story. Their moments were sweet and uncontrived, and their personalities just fit. Anybody ever read FF8 fanfiction by PhoenixCadet? She writes them beautifully.

By the way, Tom, Zell is cooler than your Mom. ^^
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Postby Debitt » Mon Aug 29, 2005 6:09 pm

Myoti wrote:Oh, and am I still the only one who actually liked Necron (despite the fact that his attacks were freakin' annoying)?

Although slightly random in relation to the story line, I actually preferred Necron to Sorceress and the many repeated appearances made by Seymour. Blame the hardcore FFIX fangirl in me, I suppose. *shrugs* And the "Kuja's a crossdresser" thing kinda saddens me, because no one bothers to look past his eccentric outfit and see his ingeniously complex character.

XD; Anyways, back on topic. The junction/draw thing in FFVIII was a serious turnoff for me, so I never really played very far into it. Though I give the game props for having Laguna, who is awesome in my opinion.

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Postby TheMelodyMaker » Mon Aug 29, 2005 7:16 pm

From a techincal standpoint alone, I'll certainly say that FF8 (PC) outdid FF7 (PC) big time. I don't recall having a game crash on me more than FF7 did, even after all the bugfix downloads that I installed for it. As for FF8, on the other hand -- after the one bugfix download I installed for it, I don't recall ever having a single problem with it at all.

...And that's all I have to say about that at the moment. ^_^; *runs away*
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Postby MasterDias » Mon Aug 29, 2005 8:23 pm

[quote="TheMelodyMaker"]From a techincal standpoint alone, I'll certainly say that FF8 (PC) outdid FF7 (PC) big time. I don't recall having a game crash on me more than FF7 did, even after all the bugfix downloads that I installed for it. As for FF8, on the other hand -- after the one bugfix download I installed for it, I don't recall ever having a single problem with it at all.

...And that's all I have to say about that at the moment. ^_^]
That's funny.
I'm one of those who also has the PC version of FFVII. I don't ever recall it crashing on me. Must be a hardware difference, I guess.
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Mon Aug 29, 2005 8:27 pm

bah sephiroth was just a pansy who was a good guy at first and was all "oh boo hoo who Am I??? Bwahah I know i shall fly away and have jenovah attack j00"

he was very boring... but he looked very snazzy.... kefka looked.... like a clown...

and I really loved FF4.... it had the whole "you fighting against the kingdom" kinda thing... like the people you originally fought for turns out to be bad etc that sorta thing... its my second favorite FF... and the first RPG ive ever played
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Postby blkmage » Tue Aug 30, 2005 5:59 am

Sephiroth left his mother to fight for him. Yeah.

I liked Kefka because he was insane. And yes, I do cast FFVI as my favourite FF. The music, characters, story, and battle system were like a blend of creamy goodness. And moogles! Moogles! Tons of moogles fighting a battle for you!
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Postby Tommy » Tue Aug 30, 2005 8:01 am

Darn, nobody made any comments about my fanfiction....:(

Sephiroth is awesome! Don`t make fun of me..I mean him.

Of Course Zell is cooler than my mom. That`s why she married him and I have this last name....Just Kidding obviously. Dincht isn`t my last name, and if it was I`d be embarrassed to tears.

Anyways, does FF4 have some memorable villian in a cape or do they have a giant, ugly creature that takes over a tree. oooh, do I know to much? Can someone pull up a picture of ExDeath from FF5 when you`re not fighting and just talking? Thank you. I also noticed most last bosses in old school FFs look the same with an exeption to Kefka. And then FF6 and up every FF last boss has had the structure of an angel- like bieng. For Example:

Seymour Omnis (He is a lost boss)
Ultimecia- Last Form

You get it.

Well, what I like about FF8, I`m not sure if I mentioned before is that the storyline starts out so.....average and then it becomes my favorite storyline ever. I don`t know.

The music for towns like Balamb and Fisherman`s Horizon....I guess Chrono Cross did a good job at peaceful town music but I do believe ff8 takes the cake. And the music when you`re in battle against Galabia, sooo awesome! And Garden....that music rocks too. The Boss music is ok but nothing compared to FF6 and FF7. The Battle music can get a little annoying. The World Map music was so moving so insprinig so....o wait, that`s FF7, even though it fits the game, the FF8 world map music sucks if you`re not riding a ragnarok.

The characters....are Dawson`s Creekish.

The Gunblade....why couldn`t have Civil War veteren`s come up with that idea?!

Anyway, I`m expecting wither an FFVIII-2 or a prequel in the next Five years.
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Postby Myoti » Tue Aug 30, 2005 1:37 pm

Although slightly random in relation to the story line, I actually preferred Necron to Sorceress and the many repeated appearances made by Seymour. Blame the hardcore FFIX fangirl in me, I suppose. *shrugs* And the "Kuja's a crossdresser" thing kinda saddens me, because no one bothers to look past his eccentric outfit and see his ingeniously complex character.

I thought Kuja was a good character, but still... kinda wierd.

XD; Anyways, back on topic. The junction/draw thing in FFVIII was a serious turnoff for me, so I never really played very far into it. Though I give the game props for having Laguna, who is awesome in my opinion.[/QUOET]
I liked junction/draw, and yes, Laguna was teh aweshome! ^_^

Anyways, does FF4 have some memorable villian in a cape or do they have a giant, ugly creature that takes over a tree. oooh, do I know to much? Can someone pull up a picture of ExDeath from FF5 when you`re not fighting and just talking? Thank you. I also noticed most last bosses in old school FFs look the same with an exeption to Kefka. And then FF6 and up every FF last boss has had the structure of an angel- like bieng. For Example:

Seymour Omnis (He is a lost boss)
Ultimecia- Last Form

FF4 had Zeromus, the battle of which was quite impressive at the time, at Golbez. Golbez was awesome and it was even more awesome when he...
[SPOILER]...turned out to be Cecil's brother. "Ya" is such a kewl name...[/SPOILER]
-Seymour Omnis looked like a giant crystal creature to me, not an angel.
-Necron could be a taken as an angel, I suppose, but he really didn't look much like one.
-I wouldn't call Ultimecia's last monstrosity an "angel".
-You put Necron twice.

the FF8 world map music sucks if you`re not riding a ragnarok.

I liked the normal world music (with the bells) better than the Ragnarok one.

The Gunblade....why couldn`t have Civil War veteren`s come up with that idea?!

They did.


What's wrong with the Keyblade?

Anyhoo, back on topic.
I guess one really memorable thing for me would be the very last area of FFVIII, Ultimecia's Castle. It was just so... different and unique, yet very cool at the same time. Blocking off your abilities and making you fight all the bosses to get them back? I'd call that pretty cool (though a teensy bit irritating at times). And the music was... it just was! :lol:
And the Ultimecia battle was great (though I had to have three of my characters killed off before it started). "Legendary Beast", "Maybe I'm a Lion", and "The Extreme"? "One Winged Angel" still stands as my favorite boss theme, but these three are right up there.
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Tue Aug 30, 2005 1:39 pm

ff4 boss spoiler

[spoiler]well in ff4... the big boss you you expect (Golbez) isn't really... he's just a pawn of this bigger badder guy..... named Zemus... and his true form is Zeromus... which is some big weird ugly monster thing thats really strong and had a cool boss theme.Golbez is really cecil's brother[/spoiler]

and the keyblade....

first was the gunblade, which is tolerable... but a KEYBLADE??? MY MAGICAL KEY CAN KILL ENEMIES AND OPEN DOORS


Or maybe like an umbrella blade! IT CAN PROTECT ME FROM THE WEATHER AND KILL DEMONS!
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Postby Tommy » Tue Aug 30, 2005 2:13 pm

Mr. SmartyPants wrote:
Or maybe like an umbrella blade! IT CAN PROTECT ME FROM THE WEATHER AND KILL DEMONS!

ROFL! That`s funny because I`ve played Wild Arms 2.
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Postby Tommy » Tue Aug 30, 2005 2:22 pm

Myoti wrote:I thought Kuja was a good character, but still... kinda wierd.

I liked junction/draw, and yes, Laguna was teh aweshome! ^_^

FF4 had Zeromus, the battle of which was quite impressive at the time, at Golbez. Golbez was awesome and it was even more awesome when he...
[SPOILER]...turned out to be Cecil's brother. "Ya" is such a kewl name...[/SPOILER]
-Seymour Omnis looked like a giant crystal creature to me, not an angel.
-Necron could be a taken as an angel, I suppose, but he really didn't look much like one.
-I wouldn't call Ultimecia's last monstrosity an "angel".
-You put Necron twice.

I liked the normal world music (with the bells) better than the Ragnarok one.

They did.

What's wrong with the Keyblade?

Anyhoo, back on topic.
I guess one really memorable thing for me would be the very last area of FFVIII, Ultimecia's Castle. It was just so... different and unique, yet very cool at the same time. Blocking off your abilities and making you fight all the bosses to get them back? I'd call that pretty cool (though a teensy bit irritating at times). And the music was... it just was! :lol:
And the Ultimecia battle was great (though I had to have three of my characters killed off before it started). "Legendary Beast", "Maybe I'm a Lion", and "The Extreme"? "One Winged Angel" still stands as my favorite boss theme, but these three are right up there.

1. The World Map music had bells?
2. What are you talking about? Bayonets and Gunblades are completely different things.
3. I can`t remember the music to the last form of Ultimecia. I was concentrated on killing her. That whole Triplecasting Meteor helped me.
4. I meant angel-like structure, not that they specifically looked like angels. I couldn`t describe it better than angel like. If you can come up with a better name, let me know. Can you agree they all have a similar structure though?
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Postby Myoti » Tue Aug 30, 2005 2:30 pm

1. The World Map music had bells?

"Bells" as in chimes and xylophone bells, not "ding-a-ling" bells.

[quote2. What are you talking about? Bayonets and Gunblades are completely different things. [/QUOTE]
I know what bayonets are, and yes, there really were gunblades in the Civil War times. It looked like a revolved with a sword for a barrel, but it was rarely, if ever, used in battle.

3. I can`t remember the music to the last form of Ultimecia. I was concentrated on killing her. That whole Triplecasting Meteor helped me.

Really? I heard it pretty well (though I also have the OST), and I killed Ultimecia by mostly using Squall's Renzokuken (and I didn't even have the Lionheart sword).
Also, I was dissapointed to find that the "Legendary Beast" theme was only played halfway through your battel with Griever. I loved that theme! :(

4. I meant angel-like structure, not that they specifically looked like angels. I couldn`t describe it better than angel like. If you can come up with a better name, let me know. Can you agree they all have a similar structure though?

Kinda, but I just refer to more as their "climactic" form. You know, it's one that's made to not always be hard but to be a satisfying ending to your battles.
Or you could call them the "Ultimate Floater" bosses, since 99% of these kind will be floating, generally with now apparent platform for your characters to be standing on.
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Postby Tommy » Tue Aug 30, 2005 3:02 pm

I remember bein on the ground against Seymour and Sephiroth.....wait, no I don`t. You`re right. Other than Omnis. If you`ve played Grandia II , you probably wish that game went with that lass boss style. The last boss was the most poorly designed final battle I`ve ever seen.
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Postby Radical Dreamer » Tue Aug 30, 2005 3:41 pm

Dude..."The Extreme," aka the Ultimecia battle music, rocks HARD. I LOVE it. It's got that crazy piano stuff in it...Man, it's one of my favorites! Alongside of "Eyes on Me" and the music from the entire ending as a whole...That ending...Is SO SO SO fantastic!!! Serioulsy, I liked it better than FF7's. Not only because I adore the Squall/Rinoa love story, but also...[SPOILER=FF7's end] It practically killed off all the characters besides Red...I mean, only he could still be alive 500 years later. I mean, there's AC, sure, but still. And FF7 totally didn't have that FANTASTIC scene that comes after the credits in FF8...Eeeek!!! X3 [/SPOILER]

I love it!
FF8 has fantastic memories for me...XD I lurf it~!
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Postby Myoti » Tue Aug 30, 2005 4:21 pm

Dude..."The Extreme," aka the Ultimecia battle music, rocks HARD. I LOVE it. It's got that crazy piano stuff in it...Man, it's one of my favorites!

Woot! ^_^

*goes of to play "The Extreme" again*
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Postby Tommy » Tue Aug 30, 2005 4:27 pm

Which song is "The Extreme". Is it the one when you fight Edea as well?
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Postby Myoti » Tue Aug 30, 2005 4:31 pm

No, that's "Premonition", which also plays during the first fight with Ultimecia. "The Extreme" is Ultimecia's final form theme.

"Only a Plank Between One and Perdition" is also cool, but it wasn't really a battle theme...
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