Dark Cloud

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Dark Cloud

Postby Tommy » Sat Aug 13, 2005 9:53 am

When I first saw this game on the shelf, I thought to myself "Zelda Clone." I would certainly recommend it for Zelda fand who have a PS2. the storyline isn`t that broad and the dungeons are a little repeadative, but there are six playable characters including one whom bears an odd resembles to Yajarobi in DBZ. My friend is a Zelda fan and he stated: "The Georama system saved this game." I agree. Without georama this game would`ve been a crappy Zelda imatation. Overall, I love it. Norune Village was the most fun village to could for me but whatever, you gyus could have second opinions.

Now for the sequel. Before you guys ask me: (actually, in this thread, I believe I`ll be doing the most asking) "Is this a direct sequel?" or "Is it even connected at all with the first?" I have to answer the first question as "No" and the second question as "I`m not sure." Basically this game is Dark Cloud 1 with better characters (although less playable ones) better voice effects, (if you like Robin`s voice from Teen Titans, you`ll like the main character`s) more
addicting gameplay and is basically enhanced in everyway. Although I have to admit the Georama System in Dark Cloud 1 was more enjoyable IMO. This game will not remind you of Zelda at all. Anyways, to close, does this game have anything to do with the first? I will put the following questions in spoiler brackets about these two games being connected:

[SPOILER] 1. Monica travels to the past due to the power of her blue Atamallia braclet or whatever it`s called that looks just like the one Toan had. I`m aware the last dungeon you go back in time to defeat the Dark Genie in Dark Coud 1.
2. Master Utan is still there and it apeares he lifted the same boulder and he has the same personlaity. It could be another Utan, it`s just my observation.
3. I remember on the back of the box of Dark Cloud 1 about one ocntinent of nature and one of technology. Could Max`s world be the technology filled continent.
4. Let me know in spoiler brackets if the connection is explained as the game progresses, if there is one.

To sum things up, I haven`t beaten either one. My current positions are:

Dark CLoud 1: The Town of Queens
Dark Cloud 2: About to fight Rainbow Butterfly or whatever the boss is in Chapter 2.

Stupid Questions: Any word on a Dark CLoud 3?
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Postby gameoverblue » Mon Aug 22, 2005 6:21 am

The funnest thing about the second one is the photography. There are hundreds of thing to take pictures of in the town. Then you can put three things together and make loads of different stuff. some worthless, some good things, and some just for fun.

however, the major flaw is the dungeon battles. after to find the girl in chapter 2, the gameplay will never change again. so for the next 6 or so stages, you will be doing the same thing over and over again. I think that's the first time a game was so tedious that I actually stopped to do my homework because of boredom.

My advice, you can get the game for the fun parts, but get something to preoccupy your mind(like TV or the phone) while you play the other 60% of the game.
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Postby Tommy » Mon Aug 22, 2005 10:47 am

Last boss on Dark Cloud 1 and it`s hard. The Second Form has me using all my items and there is a move it does that is unblockable that it does multipley so by the time I get to Form 3 all my good items are gone and all I have are stand-in powders.

There is one thing I`m confused about other than if the games are connected, it`s about the Dark Genie:

[SPOILER] Ok, so the huge genie that looked like Majin Buu isn`t the dark genie, so what was it? [/SPOILER]
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Postby Azier the Swordsman » Mon Aug 22, 2005 3:57 pm

This series looks interesting and is definately on my to buy list.

On the subject of DC2's connectibilty to DC1:

I noticed while browsing my favorite import site before that DC2 isn't called Dark Cloud 2 in Japan.... it has a completely different name. (Can't remember it off the top of my head)

This could explain better why DC1 and 2 don't seem to have any connection.
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Postby MasterDias » Mon Aug 22, 2005 5:51 pm

Azier the Swordsman wrote:On the subject of DC2's connectibilty to DC1:

I noticed while browsing my favorite import site before that DC2 isn't called Dark Cloud 2 in Japan.... it has a completely different name. (Can't remember it off the top of my head)

The original name of Dark Cloud 2 is Dark Chronicle.
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Postby Tommy » Tue Aug 23, 2005 4:45 pm

They have a connection. Same items, same gameplay, and Master Utan is in it. I`m now positive Dark Cloud 2 and 1 are connected. I found out an Atamilla is made every eon and Monioca got the Atamillia the following eon. Also, it appers to me Rainbow Butterfly Wood is Wild Owl Forest just in different time preiods. If you noticed, Master Utan is the forest guardian of Rainbow Butterfly Forest and he was the guardian of Wild Owl Forest. Over the eons, the place just got a new name. Also this game has the same spieces. Dark Cloud and Dark Cloud 2 are connecyed, but it`s not a continuation direct sequel. You have to think about the connections.
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Postby desperado » Tue Aug 23, 2005 8:24 pm

[spoiler] the majin buu looking guy in DC1 is a rat that fell into the real dark genies home the white haired guy that seems possesed is part of the dark genie [/spoiler]
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Postby Tommy » Wed Aug 24, 2005 11:19 am

Oh, I beat Dark Cloud 1 the same day I made that post. I`m not oging to bother on the long dungeon. In fact, I let my friend borrow it.
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