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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Mon Aug 15, 2005 7:58 pm

AnimeHeretic wrote:Well, with GTA, it was a case of gross negligence on the part of the producer to have a sexually explicit element on the actual disc. The fact that a hack was necessary to access it is irrelevant... it should not have been there in the first place. This whole element has called the accuracy of the ERSB into question by parents, and serious steps need to be taken to restore trust... which the ERSB did by changing the rating to AO for those packages to have that program.

The problem is, as I see it, the game industry has been pushing the envelope and now comes the reaction.

Just a side note. But the ESRB works by the game company sending a video of the worst things shown in the video game. And thus have the ESRB judge the game. Now if rockstar put that sex part into the game. But kinda "locked" it and didn't put it on the video. Who was to know other than rockstar of course

so I find the ESRB not at fault
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Postby Azier the Swordsman » Mon Aug 15, 2005 11:13 pm

Conner999 wrote:
I was in EBGames recently, and this 13 year old kid was trying to buy GTA: SA by himself. The manager kept telling him that he would not sell the game to the kid, so the kid was like "Well what if she calls you on my cell phone?" and the manager said "If she doesn't want to come here personally, you need to find another game."

Later the mother came in, and the manager said "before I can sell this to you, I have to tell you about the game content." And went on about the Hot Coffee mod, and all of the stuff in the game (rampant killing, violence, prostitution, ect). The mother bought it for him anyway.

This is the kind of parental stupitity that gives nutcases like Mr. Thompson ammo in the first place.
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Postby Myoti » Tue Aug 16, 2005 4:03 pm

Later the mother came in, and the manager said "before I can sell this to you, I have to tell you about the game content." And went on about the Hot Coffee mod, and all of the stuff in the game (rampant killing, violence, prostitution, ect). The mother bought it for him anyway.

That woman doesn't even deserve to have children...
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Postby Arnobius » Tue Aug 16, 2005 5:02 pm

Mr. SmartyPants wrote:Just a side note. But the ESRB works by the game company sending a video of the worst things shown in the video game. And thus have the ESRB judge the game. Now if rockstar put that sex part into the game. But kinda "locked" it and didn't put it on the video. Who was to know other than rockstar of course

so I find the ESRB not at fault

I didn't mean to make it sound like the ESRB was at fault-- from what I understand they were deceived as to the content on the game. However, their credibility was at stake, since their M rating was on the box. I think they did the right thing by promptly changing the rating upon reciving the news.

Rockstar is to blame for not removing it. They claim it was locked, but in a gaming culture that thrives on finding "Easter Eggs" you know it was just a matter of time for it to be found.
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Postby Rocketshipper » Tue Aug 16, 2005 7:52 pm

This is the kind of parental stupitity that gives nutcases like Mr. Thompson ammo in the first place

Maybe it's possible that the mom trusts her child? She could have judged that her child was mature enough to play the game and not go immitating it's bad content. I don't think it's fair to conclude that she's stupid just because of that.
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Postby righteous_slave » Wed Aug 17, 2005 8:57 am

My two bits..
The heart of the matter is looking for bandaids to slap on gaping wounds. Politicians who can't see past the next election want to say they did something about these horrid video games that are causing all our social ills. It has been going on for decades. I'm a metalhead who lived through the Judas Priest trial and the PMRC in the 80's, a comic fan who has read about the Congressional hearings over EC's horror comics and how the Comic Code came into being back in the 50's (and seen how it has faded into obscurity), and now a video game fan seeing the attempts to blame Columbine and all our other ills on violent games in the 90's and this new millineum. It's all the same, only the names have changed.

Other stuff from the thread
How long until they start putting out "unrated" versions of M games like they do R rated movies. WalMart doesn't seem to have too much issue carrying those, who's to say that they wouldn't do the same with "unrated" games.

It is possible for a parent to have tought their child enough responsibility and have a close enough relationship with them that they believe the child is able to handle GTA. In what I know about psychology and development, however (which admitidly is not that much) it is not very likely.

Back to the original topic, gamers seem to be either so dedicated to their own hardcoreness that any slight variance from their individual creed is seen as reason for agressive attack, or they are sick and tired of the hardcore geeks and give up gaming or communicating with other gamers. The best way to band together is with our pocketbooks. You don't like what a company is putting out, don't buy it. Let people know that you are not buy those products and why (try not to be too nuts about it, that defeats the purpose). Let the company know why you aren't buying thier product. It doesn't seem like much, but the journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step.
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Postby Rocketshipper » Thu Aug 18, 2005 7:18 pm

"Glued to the Screen ... to the Extreme

A South Korean man's addiction to the sci-fi game Starcraft has proven lethal. After nearly 50 hours of play, the 28-year-old died, apparently from exhaustion-induced heart failure. The man sat down at a cyber-café Aug. 3, and over the next three days only left his post to take bathroom breaks and brief naps on a makeshift bed"

I found this on Plugged In's website. Jay Leno's made a few jokes about it recently as well. I wonder how long it will be before the people campaigning against video games spin this to their advantage >_<.
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Postby Myoti » Thu Aug 18, 2005 8:29 pm

Oi, Rocketshiper!

Hide that post, quick!



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Postby Sonic_13 » Fri Aug 19, 2005 11:31 am

Azier the Swordsman wrote:This is the kind of parental stupitity that gives nutcases like Mr. Thompson ammo in the first place.

I wouldnt say that, some parents really do trust their kids. My parents let me get the things I want, and I think I've turned out pretty decent, and so do they =) Its the parents who let their kids walk around the place with no supervision, getting games like GTA SA and then complaining when they realize theres bad content in it.

ARGH I know what I'm trying to say but I'm having trouble arranging my words =P
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Postby Rocketshipper » Mon Aug 22, 2005 1:28 pm

Another article from Plugged In.

Virtual Violent Offenders Go Unpunished 73% of the Time

The American Psychological Association has once again gone on record regarding the negative effects of video game violence on children's health. On Aug. 17, the APA released a statement calling on the industry to reduce violent depictions in video games, citing research that correlates virtual violence with increased aggressiveness in thinking and behavior. The statement also noted that perpetrators of violence in video games go unpunished 73% of the time. Psychologist Elizabeth Carll, co-chair of the APA Committee on Violence in Video Games and Interactive Media, said, "Showing violent acts without consequences teaches youth that violence is an effective means of resolving conflict. Whereas, seeing pain and suffering as a consequence can inhibit aggressive behavior." Douglas Lowenstein, president of the Entertainment Software Assocation, predictably dismissed the APA statement as an attack on freedom of speech. "This resolution is hardly surprising since the APA has made it clear over a long period of time that it believes violent video games are harmful and thus justify enactment of unconstitutional restrictions on First Amendment freedoms."

*long sigh* I'd like to know what video games these people are playing for their research. "perpetrators of violence in video games go unpunished 73% of the time." What definition of violence did they use for this? Do they include cartoonish slapstick violence, do they include shooting evil alien invaders or monsters? What if the person that commits the violence is obviously evil and the villian, even if they arent defeated? Maybe I'm playing all the "wrong" games but I don't see this 73% non punishment trend.
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Postby Azier the Swordsman » Mon Aug 22, 2005 4:11 pm

(Have I posted this already? I can't remember.)

Why the belief that video games are linked to youth violence are false - the proof is in the (REAL) statistics:
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Postby righteous_slave » Tue Aug 23, 2005 6:25 am

Funny thing about statistics is they can be easily manipulated. What exactly does "adjusted victimization rate" mean (on the violent crime rate graph)? Is that like the figures that say we are paying less for gas now then we were years ago when inflation and the value of the dollar are adjusted?
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