Trigun and Trigun Maximum manga

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Trigun and Trigun Maximum manga

Postby MillyFan » Fri Jun 27, 2003 8:44 pm

Has anyone heard any more about these? I heard the first volume was coming in November, and I am debating whether to buy or not to buy. . .though heavily leaning toward buying.

Anyway, I heard that it differs from the anime series at many plot points so that's kind of drawing my interest too. . .

i.e. [spoiler=plot spoiler]Wolfwood does not die (yet) in the manga, and neither (yet) does Legato[/spoiler]

[spoiler=another Wolfwood spoiler] Wolfwood is younger in the manga and has a clearer past[/spoiler]

[spoiler=relationships spoiler] the relationships are not as implied between anyone yet[/spoiler]

[spoiler=sequence]the event sequence is much varied from the anime, as in volume one of the manga has events from episodes 5 and 18 of the anime[/spoiler]

Also, I heard that the Wolfwood/Midvalley the Hornfreak relationship was canon in the manga when it wasn't as much as mentioned in the anime, and that in the manga, Legato's devotion to Knives could possibly have an angle to it that could be interpreted as shounen ai (although that's more of a fanservice thing IIRC)

EDIT: I have moved my interest to a warning and am NOT planning to buy. Please do not take this post in any way but as information. Thank you, and please read my last post for better information.

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Postby Ashley » Fri Jun 27, 2003 9:07 pm

actually I have been eyeing it...especially Maximum. But man, why do they have to ruin these shows with that JUNK?! Arrgh! Makes me furious. I'll probably look into it a lot more before it comes out. But yes, I've been watching it.
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Postby MillyFan » Fri Jun 27, 2003 9:35 pm

Please don't get too mad at me for this, it's only my personal opinion.

I believe there's a difference between neutral mention of homosexuality and promotion of homosexuality-and I don't see this at the level of a Gravitation or Fake, although I might as I read it, if it is. From what I've heard about it, it doesn't reach that level.

To use a less controversial issue, broccoli ice cream.

Now, if I walk into the room and say "I absolutely hate this broccoli ice cream. What idiot ever thought selling this stuff would be a good idea?" I have made a negative mention of it, and cast it in a definitely *not* promotional light.

However, if I walk into the room carrying a carton of broccoli ice cream, but not saying anything one way or the other about it, it's there, but it is definitely not being promoted. It's an option, an open idea-but no one is being forced to like it, eat it, or do anything with it at all. It is free to be ignored, eaten, or thrown back at me with insults. That is a neutral mention.

Now let's say I come in, screaming about how good my broccoli ice cream is, offering everyone spoons and bowls, and force-feeding it to an unwilling eater-and throwing at him if he refuses. That is promotion.

Thanks to doukeshi03 from otakuboards for the banner!

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Postby andyroo » Fri Jun 27, 2003 10:29 pm

Broccoli ice cream? sounds more like torture instead of promotion. ick. I would take garlic ice cream over that any day. Hey, did you know that there is green tea ice cream? I wonder what that tastes like. It sounds pretty good to me.

Uh. Oh, yeah. Vash manga. Sounds cool. It would be nice if the explained the Plants a little bit more in depth (ok. alot more). Sort of like with the Macross sequals and how they explained protoculture.
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Postby MillyFan » Mon Jul 21, 2003 4:46 am

I decided to copy my last post made at as it might provide a little more information. Some of it will reiterate the OP, some is new.

I can't direct-link to OB posts, but here's the thread and I'm easy enough to find (LOL :grin: )

Metatron, Plant_Angel, Spinnelein, and Sunde, among others, know a ton about both of these manga.

LOL, I'm a HUGE fan of the anime but all I know about the manga is secondhand or rumors I've heard-so what I have to say probably is worth less than a doughnut crumb. . .but here goes.

As far as I've heard, the manga is much more focused on the Gung Ho Guns, Legato, and Knives than the anime is, which means that it is more senselessly violent than the anime, but also it means there's more plot/character development for the GHG, for Knives, and for Legato. The huge uptick in gratuitious violence from the anime is one of the few things that might make this a don't buy for me (because while I don't mind violence normally-LOL, Trigun and Cowboy Bebop are my favorite animes-,I do mind blood and gore every scene for no reason except to have blood and gore every scene because it's stylistically annoying to me as a writer.)

Nevertheless, the character development might convince me to overlook that if it's done well enough. I so wish my local library had manga like that of someone else I know-that way I could see if this manga is something I want. I've always been a bigger fan of anime than manga. . .

Its connection to the anime is tenuous to say the least. It's not even close to, say, an American movie and the book on which it was allegedly based.
It's more like the manga is one way the story could have gone, one way it could be told, while the anime is another entirely [SPOILER=MAJOR anime and manga spoilers-I warned you!] i.e. in the manga Vash begins to age after the Fifth Moon incident, Wolfwood lives, Legato lives, so far Wolfwood and Milly never fell in love, etc, while in the anime Vash is assumed to be immortal or near immortal and the Fifth Moon incident sends him into hiding for two years, Wolfwood and Milly fell in *love* (or at least lust, whichever you choose to believe LOL) and it is implied that Milly is pregnant with his child, Wolfwood dies, Legato dies. . . [/SPOILER]

If I had to pick something to compare it to, I'd compare to playing Chrono Trigger/Chrono Cross in two different ways. It's the same game, same characters, but different stories and different endings.

Now, some more rumorish things I've heard:

In the Trigun Maximum manga, Wolfwood and Midvalley have been lovers in the past, however the relationship ended badly. By the way, I don't see this as an endorsement of fanmade WxV or even WxL yaoi simply because for yaoi, both sides have to be interested (unless it's nonconsensual yaoi which is an even sicker thing) and in the manga, Legato is too focused on himself and Knives to care about anything else, and Vash is in a somewhat-relationship with Meryl.

I also heard that as fanservice to the female fans, the LegatoxKnives relationship may begin to develop such undertones in the manga. I hope not-not all of us like shonen ai/yaoi.

Thanks to doukeshi03 from otakuboards for the banner!

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Postby Retten » Mon Jul 21, 2003 11:58 am

:shady: I just hope it turns out clean and all of these are rumors i would hate for them to ruin such a good title

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Postby inkhana » Mon Jul 21, 2003 1:52 pm

Me too...that was one of the titles I was looking at buying, too...I really hope it turns out that these are all just rumors...:(

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Postby MillyFan » Mon Jul 21, 2003 2:38 pm

Oh, and one thing that isn't a rumor: in the anime, Wolfwood is a member of an unspecified "church" and simply a priest, while in the manga, he is a priest of a sect called Eye Of Michael that worships the plants and Knives. I've had this verified by someone who reads the manga in the originals.

Like I said, the manga and the anime are almost totally different universes.

Thanks to doukeshi03 from otakuboards for the banner!

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I hate to double post and I rarely do but. . .this is necessary

Postby MillyFan » Sun Aug 10, 2003 1:56 am

I'm moving my "caution" to a WARNING. :forehead:

The manga is very different from the anime in one other thing. According to some fans I know on otakuboards who have read both the original and Maximum, both are extremely violent, much more so than the anime. Basically, take what you saw in episodes 15 and 24, combine it, and multiply it by 10,000,000. That is the manga for you.

I will link you to the thread on otakuboards so that you can see for yourself why I've moved this manga from a caution to a *warning* and why I am probably not going to buy it myself. :eyebrow:

Be warned that this link does contain some things you may find objectionable ("Metatron's" signature, the language of two posters) but this is the best source of information I can provide. Pay special attention to the posts by "Metatron" as he has actually read the manga.

Thanks to doukeshi03 from otakuboards for the banner!

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Postby deleria » Tue Aug 12, 2003 1:10 pm

MillyFan wrote:The manga is very different from the anime in one other thing. According to some fans I know on otakuboards who have read both the original and Maximum, both are extremely violent, much more so than the anime. Basically, take what you saw in episodes 15 and 24, combine it, and multiply it by 10,000,000. That is the manga for you.

I own Trigun Vols. 2, 3 and Maximum 1-8. The Trigun manga is as violent as the Rurouni Kenshin manga. I'd rate it at a PG-13 to an R in some scenes... but mostly PG-13. If you're comparing it to the level of violence in the anime then yes, the manga is more violent, then again, there are a lot more confrontations in the manga and a far deeper storyline. The "extra" violence goes with the territory of more confrontations, etc.

[spoiler=gratuitious violence - mild spoiler]The only "gratuitious" violence I can think of in the manga is when Knives is "recruiting" the Gung-ho Guns. Then again, during that time, Knives WAS looking for the worst element humanity had to offer, so it should be expected that the people he found who fit the bill would all be totally psychotic.[/spoiler]

Furthermore, this rumor that Wolfwood and Midvalley are lovers?? I admit, it's been awhile since I've read through the manga translations, etc. so I could be mistaken here, but I've never gotten the impression that Wolfwood and Midvalley were lovers. Is there a chapter or volume or something like that to back up that claim by chance??

[spoiler=homosexual theme]The only CERTIAN homosexual theme going in Trigun is with Eleandra. The dude dresses as a woman. That s it.[/spoiler]

I guess I should re-read the manga now...

By the way, you know you can read most of the Trigun manga online, right? I haven't seen anyone link to this site in this thread so here it is:
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Postby MillyFan » Thu Aug 14, 2003 2:24 am

Thanks for the link. . .I guess. -^.^-

Thanks to doukeshi03 from otakuboards for the banner!

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Postby Haibane Shadsie » Thu Oct 09, 2003 12:27 am

I plan on buying it. I've read some of it, fantranslated and non. I don't know Japanese, so I guess I couldn't really "read" what I've seen not-fantranslated.

I don't mind gore. In fact... most of the time, I rather like it. Seriously... you should be in a dramatic-style roleplay with me sometime... gah! I love writing creepy things. I'm also a fan of such titles as "Petshop of Horrors" (both the anime and the manga, in which I found the most disturbing thing - in both... the thing with the rabbit/babies. I won't tell you what the thing with the rabbits is, to avoid spoiling), and "Blade of the Immortal". (Blade of the Immortal is terribly, terribly gorey. It's a great story, but it is filled with vengence and blood). I also watched the anime Hellsing and enjoyed it. In fact, during the first episode I was all ecstatic: "BLOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!" If you are squeamish about gore... I say to definitely stay away from Hellsing. Nearly every scene is bloody.

Because of some of the stuff I've written in roleplays... I was dubbed by one of my friends "the master of gross". :) I plan to put warnings when I post a link to my webcomic. I have... a weird, post-apocalyptic webcomic. It has heavy Christian themes in it (NO, IT'S NOT ABOUT THE BOOK OF REVELATION AT ALL!), but... major themes in it are war and death, and I do put a lot of blood in it. I've told my roleplay friends, in a disscussion of things like Porn without Plot in writing (which is something that I WILL NOT read)... that if I were to write something pointless and "all bad"... it would probably be splatterpunk. :wow!:

Really, I am a gentle soul. I have a high respect for life in all its forms. I frequently get Rem Saverem on "What Trigun Character Are You?" quizzes. (Like the one MillyFan has in her sig... I got the same result)... but, in fiction, I rather like blood. I am a strange, morbid individual.

A friend downloaded and burned to CD for me (because my internet is fricking slow) all of the first Trigun manga with fantranslation in the actual panels. I greatly enjoyed reading it. I found things I like better about the anime, and things I like better about the manga. For instance, I like the manga Plants better. They seem to be a little more elaborated on and I love the way they are drawn. (I'm a freak for well-drawn feathers). I like Vash's personality a bit better in the anime, though. He's a little... gentler and goofier. Manga Vash still fights for Love and Peace, though! I like his scars better in the manga, though, because there seem to be more of them. This is understandable - that's an animation thing. The fewer details you have in someting, the easier it is to keep consistant with the mulitiple drawings it takes to do animation. (I'm still flabbergasted by the level of detail in the Petshop of Horrors anime... Count D's robes... those animators must have had nearly the paiteince of God!)

There is more blood shown in the manga. In first run Trigun,


Vash finds Monev crucified out in the desert. One of his legs is cut off... trailing blood. Rather gorey.

I own a copy of Trigun Maxium 3, without translation. My boyfriend got it for me when he went to Otakon and had it signed by Nightow. ^_^. It deals with the events that were, in the anime, the battle in Sky City, with some diffrences.


I liked many aspects of it. In the manga, Hoppered isn't in the Sky City... instead, Vash fights Leonof. There are the vast armies of evil puppets. Vash finds out that there are real people mixed in with the puppets who try to kill him. He accidently shoots a girl in the shoulder, and he winds up carrying her around, trying to protect her. Aww.... I also loved the scene where Vash was trying to save Leonof's life in the end...

Wolfwood's battle with Grey the Ninelives... was A LOT gorier. I mean A LOT! In the anime, Grey is a robot. In the manga... he's some sort of flesh-puppet controled by nine dwarves that are inside him. Wolfwood blasts away at Grey, but the surviving members just keep coming for him... there are scenes where blown apart Grey is walking towards him... ribs all stuck out and trailing massive entrails. There is also this scene where Wolfwood, trying to escape Grey, seals a big door on the ship while Grey is coming for him. This cuts off one of Grey's hands... WHICH CONTINUES TO COME FOR HIM! Ooooh, that sent delicious chills up my spine!

I plan on buying and reading the translated Trigun manga myself... all of it I can get my hands on. From what I read, I do think I like the anime better (and probably I like it better mainly because it has a conclusion... where as the manga just seems to be going on forever... I always have the fear that if a story goes on for too long, that it will get ruined, like "The X-Files"... I like open endings, but after a while, things just must end). I am interested in the alternate storyline, and I'm interested in learning deeper stuff about Vash, the Plants, the Gung Ho Guns, and the world in general. I have undying respect for Nightow for creating the world that he created, and the character of Vash, and I love his cute little humor autobiographical comics at the end of the volumes. ^_^. I hope I'll like the manga, I really hope I do. I believe I can stomach it, certainly. I don't mind gore.
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Postby ShiroiHikari » Thu Oct 09, 2003 4:47 pm

I saw the Trigun manga translated at the comic store today O_O Must...have...
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Postby otaku » Thu Oct 09, 2003 6:27 pm

more than likely buy so many who are into it say the first one is 11 volumes i believe and has volume one in stock now! maximum has yet to be finished in japan even
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Postby Lady Kara » Wed Nov 12, 2003 6:57 pm

Um, hi. I just heh....
I bought the first Trigun manga several weeks ago. I've only had it in my possession for 4 days though; all my friends keep taking it from me to read it...(they're also fighting over who gets to read it next ><)*sigh* I want my manga back.... The manga annoys me a bit because all the sound FX are still in Japanese. I'm taking Japanese so I can read them, but having to translate their meaning is a bit of a pain (EX: apparently the sound a whole bunch of guns cocking make. I can see it I it ^^). I didn't think it was that bad, but that was just the first manga...its rated 12 and up...I guess that's pg-13? The plant angels scare me really bad though!! They have a whole bunch of little arms, legs and chubby bodies growing out of them! ICKY!!! The blood doesn't really bother me, but then again I'm kind of slow and half of the time I'm like, 'When did they get mud on...oh...wait..." ^^. on a tangent, my friend's little brother is scared of bloody things (he was about 4 at the time) and one day her Mom and her were watching Escaflone and he walked in just as Van killed a dragon and it was bleeding everywhere and he freaked out, but their mom told him it was just mud and he was like, "Oh, Ok!" and walked off.
Anyway, back to Trigun....Yeah I think that was all I was going to say ^_^!!
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Postby Kisa » Thu Nov 13, 2003 4:11 pm

Oooooo I hope the manga is a good as the show! I love Trigun and Vash and Milly. I thought it was a great story.
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Postby inkhana » Thu Nov 13, 2003 4:17 pm

I have the manga, and it's very true that the stories bear little resemblance to each other after a certain point (I couldn't tell you how deep the differences run since my copies are in Japanese and I can only look at the pictures...:stressed: ). So it may be just as -good-, but very different. Just so you aren't disappointed...:sweat:

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Postby Lochaber Axe » Fri Nov 14, 2003 10:18 pm

Volume 1 just got in tonight and I find it good. There is blood but not body parts flying all over the place. Also the plant angel is nude but in a undetailed way, that might be like that in the Anime but I only got to see to the duel contest. :shady: Anyway I don't remember the plant angel in the sand steamer episode of the anime but I can see why. I would say it is worth buying.

Its good for someone that is getting into manga such as I and either doesn't want too much cutsy stuff or wading in blood or intestinal fluids. I do like to watch war movies so gore isn't that big a deal.

[EDIT] it might for my parents though. :brow:
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Postby senjutsu » Fri Nov 14, 2003 10:34 pm

well,i guess i can back up everything millyfan said about T:MaX . i own the japanese manga issues. i was quite suprised to find all those...shall we say "shady" undertones. but the original 24 issue (now dark horse graphic novels) trigun serial is pretty good in my view. although there were a few times when i was easily sidetracked...oh well. i wonder what the sales for trigun maximum will look like here in the states.
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Postby MillyFan » Sat Nov 15, 2003 2:48 am

senjutsu wrote:well,i guess i can back up everything millyfan said about T:MaX . i own the japanese manga issues. i was quite suprised to find all those...shall we say "shady" undertones. but the original 24 issue (now dark horse graphic novels) trigun serial is pretty good in my view. although there were a few times when i was easily sidetracked...oh well. i wonder what the sales for trigun maximum will look like here in the states.

Oh! So Legato/Knives is canon after all? And past Wolfwood/Midvalley? Come on, tell me! :jump:

No, I do NOT have a split personality LOL ~.^ My attitudes have simply changed. . .I think I'd better be running along before someone comes along and thinks I should be :banned: heheheheh *looks around nervously*. . .

Thanks to doukeshi03 from otakuboards for the banner!

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Postby Lady Kara » Wed Nov 19, 2003 6:30 pm

*cries* I just got my manga back and now another person wants to read it and its getting to the point were people I don't know are fixing to ask me to barrow it!! I feel like a drug dealer!!! I should start charging people to read it!!

I don't really think that there is a Legato/Knives relationship in the manga, but I have yet to get that far! ^_^ From what I understand, Legato seems to think that Knives hung the sun and moon and Knives just gives him attention to get him to go do what he wants. Knives sees all humans as his play things (not ~that~ kind of play thing...*sigh*...) and besides if you really think about his character, WHY would he ever like a human in that way?? He hates them all! He use to love all humans in a innocent and cute sort of way (You gotta love that kid!! *squeezes chibi Knives in a super big hug*), even more than Vash, until he found out about Tessla....Now he thinks humans are the scum of the universe...I don't know if it fits his over all personality to feel anything for humans other than hate (at this point in time). As for Legato, I think he's suppose to more or less have the mindset of a child (like Knives does)...argh, its hard to explain.... You know how sometimes little kids will just stick to you and be like, "Wow! Your bigger than me and can do neat grown up things; your cool!" I think that’s sorta how Legato is with Knives. He just hangs around Knives because he things Knives is all that and a bowl of cornflakes, at least that’s the impression I get from the interviews with Nightow where he talks about Legato.
This is from an interview with Nightow.....

[on Legato]
HEIGHT: "Undecided. He might be a little shorter than Vash."
NAME ORIGINS: "He just seemed like a Legato."
DRESSING TIME: "I'm telling you, I don't know! (cries) It's just the coat, so it should be faster than you're expecting."
FAMILY: "He seems like he'd have a younger sister. I don't know if she's alive or dead, though."
FAVORITE FOOD: "I liked that they gave him a sweet tooth in the animated version, but in the comics, he's just a glutton. (laughs) He seems as though he'd like [spaghetti with] meat sauce and **curry rice and hamburgers--childish, easy-to-understand stuff like that."

The only thing he says about Knives and Legato is
"I think he [Knives] just picked up Legato on a whim."

I kind of feel sorry for those two (Knives and Legato)! They seem like overgrown kindergarteners!....Psycho....maniac kindergarteners, but, you get what I mean ^^! Knives means well, but his methods need a bit of work!!

Here's something else I found. It seems that Nightow did not intend for yaoi to be in Trigun....

Q: "Is it true that you answered, "I'm prepared" when you were told that 'questionable' fanzines might start to appear if Trigun was animated?"

A: "Did I say that? Well, I draw my comics, and what readers imagine from them is their own business. So if they want to express that, no one can tell them to stop. To say "I'm prepared" is a bit too straightforward, but it's like, I don't have the right to stop them from expressing themselves. But there is a certain shock reading them--how come these two guys just naturally progress to a bed scene? (laughs)"

Not sure which guys he's talking about though. ‘Prolly means all the guys in general.
Nightow really cracks me up! He's such a goofball! He is DEFFENTLY Vash's dad! ^^ In one interview he tells what the "D" in Wolfwood’s name stands for *shakes head* (check out my the links at the bottom to see what it is...this post is getting long enough without me posting that whole thing ^^.) but then again what do you expect from a man who thinks nori is the best food in the world *gags* ><.
(nori is seaweed, or as my Japanese Sensei makes us call it, seaVEGETABLE...-_-''')

*note*Ask any kid in Japan what their favorite foods are and curry rice will more than likely be on the list somewhere. Its sorta like American kids and pizza (not really, but you get it). I think its sort of considered childish to have that as one of your favorite foods.

got all my info from here
(I think Wolfwood's name is on this one.)
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Postby MillyFan » Wed Nov 19, 2003 6:34 pm

"and what readers imagine from them is their own business."

Hehehe :red: :jump: *squeals*

Thanks to doukeshi03 from otakuboards for the banner!

First, Ban all the Trolls. . . :bootout:

Hey, whatever happened to "thou shalt not steal" anyway?

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Postby Haibane Shadsie » Wed Nov 19, 2003 10:56 pm

I believe he was talking about Vash and Wolfwood in that interview. And, yep, there are a lot of questionable fanzines. A friend of mine who occasionally does buy hentai doujinshi (but who likes heterosexual stuff)... I don't think she likes it so much for the smut as for the romance - she's a romance fanfic writer - says that it's next to impossible to find Vash x Meryl doujinshi, but incredibly easy to find Vash x Wolfwood doujinshi (which she does not get because she does not like the yaoi paring).

Just to clarify, this is not me talking of hentai. I do not like hentai in any form. I am merely speaking of a friend who says that the "questionable fanzines" are rampant.
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Postby MillyFan » Thu Nov 20, 2003 4:01 am

Anyway, so like this is really off topic but I just had to say it.

I noticed something downright *strange* when I read the top profile link (the interview with Nightow). . .because I like to write with the TV on in the background (and always have). LOL, I usually have it on the weather channel, the news, or during the season a baseball game, even though I may not be listening at all. . .and I never really thought about it until now, LOL. I wonder how many writers do that, especially since the general stereotype of a writer is someone who has to have absolute silence?

Thanks to doukeshi03 from otakuboards for the banner!

First, Ban all the Trolls. . . :bootout:

Hey, whatever happened to "thou shalt not steal" anyway?

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Postby Lady Kara » Thu Nov 20, 2003 5:59 pm

*Tangents are fun, aren't they??^^*

Hum, I should try that. I usually have something calm playing in the background when I write, unless I'm writing something up beat and then switch my music accordingly...Usually I just like having something droning in the background. I just might have try the TV now and see if it works for me!! ^^
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Postby Haibane Shadsie » Thu Nov 20, 2003 7:25 pm

Go to the Writing forum and see "Favorite or Odd Writing Situations", inspired by the tangent this got off on!
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Postby Lady Kara » Sat Nov 22, 2003 5:44 pm

*whines* I want it to be January so I can buy the next Trigun manga! Argh! I can't wait for it to come out! *dances around impatently*

I adopted a Legato Kitty the other day (If your wondering what I'm talking about check out my sig. ^^).......*sigh* He nearly took out my eyes this morning when I tired to pick him up... of all the Kittys, why did I choose a Legato Kitty??? I should have stuck to the Tohru Kittys but noooooo, I had to get something exotic and dangerous.....Oh well, I think he needs the most love anyway...*rebandages hands*...maybe I could get him declawed...or I could just
[spoiler="Legato"]break him in half and stick him in a coffin......[/spoiler]
No! I wouldn't do either of those to my Kitty! *sigh* when I showed my friend my Legato Kitty, my friend's response was "You adopted a pantsless catboy?"
-_-''' He just doesn't understand...
I need to update my Kitty Log....

Is it next year yet? I was thinking about pre-ordering a copy at, but I'm too lazy. I like the cover art for the next one! Looks weird (weird is fun! ^^). I realy like the way the manga is drawn! Vash has a pretty face in the manga (not that he doesn't in the anime). I just love the pic of him on the cover of the first manga!! :hug:
It's Akamaru!! He says, WOOF!! WOOF!! ^_^

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Postby Haibane Shadsie » Sat Nov 22, 2003 6:43 pm


Don't you realize the danger of adopting exotic and dangerous pets?

Heh... don't mind me... I was re-reading one of the stories in one of my Petshop of Horrors manga volumes last night. Maybe you should read that... before adopting homicidal kitties! Are you sure you got the Legato-kitty from Ghost? You didn't get him from a tall, effeminate Chinese guy?

I got a Vash-kitty, I just haven't uploaded him to any of my sites yet. He's pretty happy sitting on my hard drive. Of course, he's pretty happy all around, as long as I give him salmom-flavored donuts.
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Postby Lady Kara » Sat Nov 22, 2003 7:42 pm

Salmon flavored donuts?? ewwwwwwwww!!!...Which reminds me, I once tried cat treats to see why cats liked them so much...Um, I wouldn't recommend ever doing that...unless you like spitting bits of half chewed cat 'treats' all over the place and scaring your cat with your wails of sorrow... (there needs to be a grossing out smilie. I guess that this will have to do) :drool:
Um...that might need to go into a fanfic *scribbles idea into Journal*...

I actually want to read Petshop of Horrors, but I just found out about it not to long ago so I haven't gotten around to looking into it...and NONE of this has anything to do with the Trigun Manga! Blaech! My hot tea is cold.....

*sniff* This makes me sad...My Immortal by Evanescence... It makes me think of Vash and Knives. Manga Vash and Knives. They don't really get into their relationship as much in the anime as they do in the manga. :sniffle:
It's Akamaru!! He says, WOOF!! WOOF!! ^_^

There's nothing so tragic as seeing a family pulled apart by something as simple as a pack of wolves.
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Postby MillyFan » Sat Nov 22, 2003 8:16 pm

Hey, someone once wrote a fanfic with that song ("My Immortal"), two writers have actually. The first was a fine example of bad spelling and formatting. The second was yaoi. . .and of the type that even I find vomit-inducing.

Thanks to doukeshi03 from otakuboards for the banner!

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Hey, whatever happened to "thou shalt not steal" anyway?

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