Marvel vs Capcom 2 for PS2

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Marvel vs Capcom 2 for PS2

Postby Kkun » Tue Aug 09, 2005 8:56 am

A few weeks ago, I lucked into a copy of this game (it's pretty rare, I do believe) at GameStop and I'm really enjoying it but I just had a few questions. I've unlocked all of the characters except the 8 question mark characters. How do I get to those guys? They don't come up in the shop. If anyone can tell me, I'd appreciate it. I'm going on vacation this week, so I'll have quite a bit of time to play it.

Also, anyone have any recommendations for fun teams to play with? I've been using Cable-War Machine-Iron Man a lot just because you can fight most of the battle with Cable and then when they get down to their last character, let loose with the 3-Man Hyper Combo for like 117 hits, which usually nukes them. I also like Psylocke-Sakura-Ken. It's a fun close-range party and Psylocke and Sakura can air combo like nobody's business. So, if anyone has any recommendations there, that'd be cool, too.
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Postby SnoringFrog » Tue Aug 09, 2005 9:10 am

This game rules! As for the 8 queston marks, I'm not sure. I thought everyone appeared in the shop. I like Cable, Akuma, Gambit, Hayato, Jill, Captain America, and probably a few others. I haven't played in awhile. I don't use Cable much anymore when I play, I feel like I'm cheating when I do. Oh, a fun team is Wolverine, the oher wolverine, and Cable. Just keep doing berserker claw and Cables gun followed by Viper overand over, nothing can touch you!
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Postby desperado » Tue Aug 09, 2005 9:20 am

i think i used to use ryu morigan and the hulk for some insane hits ( i think i killed a person in one normal ryukan then pulled this off for the win) ryu is ballanced, morigan is insanely fast (ill sometimes put in cammy for her but morigans special is better) and the hulk is the heavy hitter
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Postby Htom Sirveaux » Tue Aug 09, 2005 11:46 am

I saw that game in Gamestop once. But I didn't buy it because it was fifty-something dollars. I've been kicking myself over it ever since. :bang:
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Postby cbwing0 » Tue Aug 09, 2005 3:25 pm

I scored a copy of the game for a fairly good price on Ebay, and I enjoyed it quite a lot until my friend showed me the cheap way that some people use to win battles.

In the course of playing the game you may noticed that the computer is fond of getting in your face and doing melee combos on you ad nauseum. Those familar with Street Fighter probably wouldn't know how to do these, but all that is required is pressing a single button in rapid succession. This makes fast-hitting melee characters like Spider-Man and Wolverine (as opposed to guys like Cable and Iron Man/War Machine) the strongest characters in the game when playing against human opponents who are familiar with the mechanies of cheapness. All that you have to do is use that little bit of wiggle time before the match starts to get in your opponents' face and start hammering away on that one button.

In my opinion this takes all of the fun out of the game, because instead of actually doing special moves and such the battles come down to hit priority and one's ability to press one button faster than an opponent.

Before I figured this out, I loved the game. My favorite team was Cable-Mega Man-War Machine. Cable and Mega Man were the anchors (since I rarely needed to bring in the third character), so I would often swap out War Machine for Doctor Doom, Ice Man, Sentinel, Iron Man, Ryu, Akuma, Gambit, Morrigan, or Anarkis.

As for the last 8 characters, I am pretty sure that you can buy them in the shop. Just keep playing the game and visiting the shop at lot and they will eventually appear.
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Postby Ninja Rob » Tue Aug 09, 2005 5:02 pm

I can't find that game no matter how hard I try. I drooled over it when I saw it in Gamestop when I didn't have a PS2. As soon as I got a PS2, no more MvC2. I still can't find it. I love the game, though. My favorite (only?) team is Hayato, B. B. Hood, and Gambit (in that order).
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Postby Debitt » Tue Aug 09, 2005 5:09 pm

well...I've only played it on the Dreamcast...but I assume you can get all characters through the shop - I managed to do it before my memory card whacked out on me and erased all my data. T_T

MvC2 - my favorite fighting game ever. x3 I still play it pretty often. My usual team is Sakura, Jin, and Strider Hiryu, though sometimes I switch Jin out for Megaman, Ryu, or Servbot. X3

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