GhostPoet wrote:So, i'm wondering...are YOU involved in a clique? Do you know? Have you seen people who don't seem to have a group...people who sit alone? Ever tried to talk to them? If you are on the otherside of the problem...How do you deal with a room for of cliques? How do you make friends?
Yes, I've seen those people. The ones who just quietly slip in and sit at the back of the Church. I agree with what EireWolf has said - it can definitely help to reach out to others and go the extra effort, though it can be hard and take some time. I'm sorry that you haven't been able to fit in.
Something I haven't been involved in (I go to youth group), but that I've heard about are small groups - where Christians from Churches get together and do Bible studies, have fellowship, etc. and get to know each other. It's just an idea: I don't know if all Churches have them, but if it's available, it could help in getting to spend time with and know people.
Your post does bring up something that has been bothering me for a little while, now. First of all - I don't expect Christians to be perfect, or unable to trip, stumble and fall. (I just need to look at my own self and think of God's amazing grace when it comes to loving, forgiving, and helping me to get back on my feet again to know that we're all under Grace and that we need to be gracious toward others, too). But I have noticed so, so many hurting people in Churches, who for some reason or another aren't getting help.
When I was a lot younger, and my Mother first came down very seriously with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS/ME), I felt almost betrayed by my Church. Looking back now, I've come to a couple of conclusions why I felt so abandoned. There were that I didn't reach out to others, they didn't know how to reach out to me, they weren't really aware of/didn't understand the problem and they were busy (not that I put this forward as absolute truth, but it's what I've come to believe). I've come to an understanding, and forgiveness, though I still feel hurt sometimes God has helped me a lot. But it has been since then that I have noticed that there are a lot of people who are hurting but seem alone in the Church (at least that I've noticed here in NZ).
Don't get me wrong - there are a lot of people who are very helped by Christians in Churches. This most definitely isn't an invitation to beat up Churches/Christians because we didn't feel helped. As I said before, we all miss stuff and fall at times, so it's a good thing to recognise that others do, too, and have grace toward them like Christ had (so much) for us. I guess I'm mostly looking for things that we can personally do in Church to alleviate it. If there's a problem in the body, shouldn't we see what we can do to help?
This is a bit of a venture post - I don't know what everyone will think of this - but how about disussing ways to show love and fellowship toward those who might feel left out in Church? Couldn't giving a quick chat to someone, shouting them a coffee, introducing them to other people, sitting beside those who are sitting off on their own.. and more, go a little way towards helping?