Postby Yumie » Wed Jul 06, 2005 9:04 pm
OK, over the past month I've been working at a summer camp, and I've worked there for three years now, so I know some of the people pretty darn well. Anyways, for the last week, Osaka came up too, and we were both jr. councelors (it's pretty much like this: if you're somewhat mature, you get put on jr. councelor. If you're not, you get stuck cleaning toilets and dishes on jr. staff. Sometimes there are other reasons, but that's basically it.) Anyways, basically all the jr. staff girls and even some of the jr. councelors are absolutely boy-insane, to the point where they go through like three different staff boys a week. Now, Osaka and I aren't like that-- we don't date, but I never really thought anybody would ever know the actual reason why unless they asked us (that we do not, in fact, dislike boys. We're just waiting for the right one, one we would basically be willing to consider marrying.) Anyways, we were riding home with one of my good camp friends, Colt, and his little brother (Colt is driving.) So, we're talking about how obnoxious all the flirting and backstabbing among the jr. staff is, and Colt pipes up and says, "You know, I was talking to Meagan *a sr. councelor* the other day, and I was saying, 'I just love those *herd of cattle rush past as Osaka and Yumie's last name is revealed* girls.' And then Meagan asked why, and I was like, 'Because they don't settle. They're thinking about their future husband, and they know exactly what they're looking for and they're waiting until just that guy comes along. They're not willing to just settle for anybody. That's so cool!'" I was like, "Wow, somebody actually noticed that we're not just weird girls who have no hormones! That rocks!!" Lol, I don't know if that will really seem cool to anybody else, but I had been having a bit of a hard time that week thinking that nobody would ever appreciate what we are doing, because there are a lot of times when it really is hard for me (I don't know if there are any other girls, or guys for that matter, out there who may read this and feel the same way.) And then he just pegs us exactly right without us saying a word to him about it-- it just shows that it's not only something we're trying to do, but it's something that's evident our lifestyles. That was a super encouraging compliment to both of us!